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 FBI "transcript" of Library Call

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FBI "transcript" of Library Call Empty
PostSubject: FBI "transcript" of Library Call   FBI "transcript" of Library Call Icon_minitimeThu May 02, 2019 8:47 am

Transcript is in quotes because it specifically says "911 tape for sequencing purposes only  *Not a transcript*"

I was reviewing this and there are 2 things that stand out to me.
First, people always talk about how Eric was telling Dylan what to do but in this "transcript" this isn't documented. Dylan seems to talk more to Eric and in a few instances seems to direct him:

Time 7:44      Dylan says, "Reb" to which Eric replies, "Yeah"
Time 10:44    Dylan says, "Reb, come here"
Time 10:55    Dylan says, "Reb" and something inaudible. At 10:56, "yeah" is heard but not attributed to who. At 10:57 and 10:58, "Go" is heard, also not attributed. These
                    statements are made after Depooter, who was the last shot in the library, was killed.
Time 11:32    Dylan says, "Reb, ya ready"  (this statement was after his altercation with Evan Todd, which makes it sound like Dylan is the one asking to go to the Commons)

Also, the altercation with Evan Todd-
This, in my mind, dispels Evan Todd's current version of confronting Dylan, AND that Dylan said, "You used to call me a fag, who's a fag now."

11:04  (inaudible) Dylan says, "fucking trouble"
11:05  Evan Todd says, "I don't want"
11:06  Todd says, "I don't want trouble"
11:110  Dylan says, "you little fat fucking piece of shit"

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FBI "transcript" of Library Call Empty
PostSubject: Re: FBI "transcript" of Library Call   FBI "transcript" of Library Call Icon_minitimeThu May 02, 2019 10:42 am

Where did you find this transcript my friend? I didn't think there was one in the Police report?
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FBI "transcript" of Library Call Empty
PostSubject: Re: FBI "transcript" of Library Call   FBI "transcript" of Library Call Icon_minitimeThu May 02, 2019 11:58 am

Quote :

04:58 11:30:00

05:03 11:30:05 Shot (distant)
05:07 11:30:09 Phone Dropped
05:09 11:30:11 Shot (close)
05:14 11:30:16 Shot
05:27 11:30:29 Shot
05:28 11:30:30 Shot
05:29 11:30:31 Shot
05:33 11:30:35 Shot
05:42 11:30:44 Yelling "Yeah!" (unknown)
05:49 11:30:51 Shot (Eric's Shotgun @ Steven Curnow)
05:51 11:30:53 Shot (Eric's Shotgun @ Kacey Ruegsegger)

05:58 11:31:00

06:14 11:31:20 Shot (Eric's Shotgun @ Cassie Bernall)
06:22 11:31:28 Shot (Dylan's Shotgun @ Table 15)
06:23 11:31:29 Yelling "Yahoo!" (unknown)

06:58 11:32:00

07:09 11:32:11 Dispatch advises they lost RP (Reporting Party - Patricia Nielson)
07:16 11:32:18 Shot
07:22 11:32:24 Unknown Noise
07:25 11:32:27 Shot
07:37 11:32:39 Shot
07:39 11:32:41 Shot "Oh" (Dylan's Shotgun @ Mark Kintgen?)
07:41 11:32:43 Shot (Dylan's Shotgun @ Valeen Schnurr)
07:43 11:32:45 "Reb" (Dylan's voice)
07:44 11:32:46 "Yeah" (Eric's voice)
07:46 11:32:48 "Shit Yeah" (Dylan's voice)
07:49 11:32:51 Continuous Shots (8 + Shot (Dylan's TEC @ Lauren Townsend)
07:52 11:32:54 "Whoo"
07:54 11:32:56 Shot (Scream) (Shot Fired @ Table 2)
07:55 11:32:57 Shots (2) (Shots Fired @ Table 2)
07:57 11:32:59 Shot (Shot Fired @ Table 2)

07:58 11:33:00

08:00 11:33:02 Shot
08:02 11:33:04 Screams
08:06 11:33:08 "Oh my God help me" (similar phrases repeated for several seconds)
08:40 11:33:42 Shot (Eric's Shotgun @ Nicole Nowlen)
08:42 11:33:44 Shot (Eric's Shotgun @ John Tomlin)
08:44 11:33:46 Shots (3) (Dylan's TEC @ John Tomlin)
08:47 11:33:49 Shot (Eric's Hi Point Carbine or Dylan's TEC @ John Tomlin)
08:53 11:33:55 Shot (Shot Fired @ Table 2)
08:54 11:33:56 Shots (2) (Scream) (Shots Fired @ Table 2)
08:55 11:33:57 Shot (Shot Fired @ Table 2)
08:56 11:33:58 Female Screams

08:58 11:34:00

08:59 11:34:01 Shot
09:01 11:34:03 "Oh God" (female)
09:03 11:34:05 "No" (female)
09:52 11:34:54 Shot (Eric's Hi Point Carbine @ Daniel Mauser)
09:53 11:34:55 "No"
09:54 11:34:56 Shot (Eric's Hi Point Carbine @ Daniel Mauser)

09:58 11:35:00

10:13 11:35:15 Shots (3) (Eric’s Hi Point Carbine @ Corey DePooter)
10:14 11:35:16 Shot (Dylan's TEC @ Corey DePooter)
10:15 11:35:17 Scream
10:43 11:35:45 "Reb come here" (Dylan's voice)
10:54 11:35:56 "Reb" (inaudible) (Dylan's voice)
10:55 11:35:57 "Yeah" (unknown)
10:56 11:35:58 "Go" (unknown)
10:57 11:35:59 "Go" (unknown)

10:58 11:36:00 (inaudible)
11:03 11:36:05 (inaudible) "Fucking trouble" (Dylan's voice)
11:04 11:36:06 "I don't want" (Evan Todd’s voice)
11:05 11:36:07 "I don't want trouble" (Evan Todd’s voice)
11:06 11:36:08 (inaudible)
11:10 11:36:12 "You little fucking fat piece of shit" (Dylan's voice)
11:13 11:36:15 "Hey, hey" (unknown)
11:19 11:36:21 Shot
11:24 11:36:26 "Let's do it then" (unknown)
11:31 11:36:33 "Reb ya ready?" (Dylan's voice)
11:38 11:36:40 Smashing sound (Dylan throwing chair on top of library main counter/desk)

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FBI "transcript" of Library Call Empty
PostSubject: Re: FBI "transcript" of Library Call   FBI "transcript" of Library Call Icon_minitimeThu May 02, 2019 9:57 pm

I had mentioned in a previous thread that I wondered if they ever used any of those hand signals they made up, but seeing how much they talked I doubt it.
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FBI "transcript" of Library Call Empty
PostSubject: Re: FBI "transcript" of Library Call   FBI "transcript" of Library Call Icon_minitimeThu May 02, 2019 10:24 pm

Tesla101 wrote:
Where did you find this transcript my friend? I didn't think there was one in the Police report?
Szabo wrote:
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That's where!
Thanks, [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]!
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PostSubject: Re: FBI "transcript" of Library Call   FBI "transcript" of Library Call Icon_minitime

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FBI "transcript" of Library Call
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