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 Good chance to refute Cullen if anybody's interested

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Good chance to refute Cullen if anybody's interested Empty
PostSubject: Good chance to refute Cullen if anybody's interested   Good chance to refute Cullen if anybody's interested Icon_minitime17/2/2016, 07:08

There is a lot of Cullen love and spouting of his bs  in the comments here by lots of people who don't seem to know any better and don't know of the controversy about him.
Good chance to refute him if anyone is interested:

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Good chance to refute Cullen if anybody's interested Empty
PostSubject: Re: Good chance to refute Cullen if anybody's interested   Good chance to refute Cullen if anybody's interested Icon_minitime12/8/2020, 03:36

Depends on what you want to refute. Some stuff, I dont actually think he said, ither stuff he backed out on.

And some stuff are Just plain wrong
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Good chance to refute Cullen if anybody's interested
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