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 thoughts on an accurate columbine movie

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PostSubject: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeWed Apr 06, 2016 11:46 am

Can we discuss feelings/thoughts about an accurate cinematic columbine movie? I feel like a lot of incorrect info is out there (*cough*I'm not ashamed) and an accurate and well researched movie put out to the mainstream would be beneficial, mostly detailing lives of the shooters and victims alike..telling the true story from start to finish. Opinions?
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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeWed Apr 06, 2016 11:56 am

I would like a more accurate movie. Some are just so bad. There is one on Netflix I think it is that not only mentions Dylan as holding the camera in Eric in Columbine but also when they introduce Brooks' parents they say "Her parents" multiple times. Laughable at times.

I think though no matter how they made one there would be someone out there saying this or that is inaccurate. There are so many different accounts of that day. Not all can be right and it can sometimes be hard to tell what the truth is. The 2 that really know are dead.

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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeWed Apr 06, 2016 1:26 pm

I would love to see a high-budget, serious Columbine movie, but I just don't think the interest from the public, Hollywood, or any accomplished director is out there to produce one. It is interesting though to fantasize about what it would be like, who would star, direct, write, etc. I suppose as long as Cullen didn't get his dirty hands on it, it would be most fascinating to see it play out on the big screen.

If I were a very rich person or won the lottery, I would produce it myself. Cool

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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeWed Apr 06, 2016 1:52 pm

Yep....I agree with you all.  I would love to see a high budget, accurate movie about Columbine.  I wish someone like Quentin Tarantino would make it happen.  However, there is a small part of me that would be worried about the possibility of it inspiring other shooters. That's probably why it will never happen.
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Sane One

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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeWed Apr 06, 2016 7:30 pm

lizpuff is correct. You must keep in mind, nobody will know for sure what went down other than the people involved. I seriously believe Eric and Dylan walked past Rachel Scott and finished her off as she was crying but that's just my opinion. They had more than enough time. 5 minutes is a long time before Eric engaged with what his face.

For as much planning as they did, for the most part everything they did was done on impulse after the bombs failed.
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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeWed Apr 06, 2016 8:03 pm

I've thought about it multiple times, and honestly I don't think I'd like to see it done.  For one, there are way too many questions we have, to this date, about their motives and just about Dylan and Eric in general.  And when you think of it, a movie about "Columbine" would have to have a large portion of the film taken place before 4/20/99.  Because let's face it, the actual event itself, while planned to be a much larger attack, was mainly two kids walking around shooting other defenseless kids cowering under tables in a library.  I don't think I'd like to see that re-enacted.  Zero Hour was hard to watch the first time I saw it. And like someone else said, in the day and age where mass shootings don't come as a shock, you can never rule out the possibility of some troubled kid becoming inspired.  Hell, even with just their journals and home videos there are still kids who view them as martyrs.  A feature film would probably produce more of these "fans" when you consider there are some high school kids today who weren't even alive during Columbine and haven't actually looked into it deeply.
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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeThu Apr 07, 2016 3:29 am

Gctiger wrote:
I've thought about it multiple times, and honestly I don't think I'd like to see it done.  For one, there are way too many questions we have, to this date, about their motives and just about Dylan and Eric in general.  And when you think of it, a movie about "Columbine" would have to have a large portion of the film taken place before 4/20/99.  Because let's face it, the actual event itself, while planned to be a much larger attack, was mainly two kids walking around shooting other defenseless kids cowering under tables in a library.  I don't think I'd like to see that re-enacted.  Zero Hour was hard to watch the first time I saw it. And like someone else said, in the day and age where mass shootings don't come as a shock, you can never rule out the possibility of some troubled kid becoming inspired.  Hell, even with just their journals and home videos there are still kids who view them as martyrs.  A feature film would probably produce more of these "fans" when you consider there are some high school kids today who weren't even alive during Columbine and haven't actually looked into it deeply.

I think I agree that I wouldn't like it to be made. Like you said, a lot of it would have to be about life long before 4/20/99 if it was going to tell the whole story and it's unlikely that anyone would do it justice in a couple of hours (when you know that they'd have to devote at least half of it to the actual shooting because that's the whole draw of the story for most people). Also, any account of what happened is going to be skewed to fit an agenda because there are so many factors that can be played up or down and people can't totally agree on which version of the truth is true. How would their personalities be portrayed? How would their school and home environments be portrayed? What would be the overall message we should take away from the story? There's a lot of room for error when you have to put words into dead people's mouths as you write their "characters." We have many accounts of the shooting itself and we can see how many discrepancies there are. We only have a few stories from the people who really knew Eric and Dylan and couldn't possibly get an accurate enough picture to predict what they might have said and done with total confidence, especially when it concerns things that happened privately between Eric and Dylan or in their homes with their families. Not to mention the things they never told anyone that might have factored into these events.

And then there's the whole idea of including the backgrounds of the victims and we get even more complicated because no one is going to talk about anything but the best memories they have of the victims and so that won't be an accurate picture either. Any movie that's made would turn every character and situation into a distorted image of what it really was or who they really were, even if the filmmakers did their absolute best at getting to the truth. I just think if people care enough, they might as well read about it directly, I guess. This would almost certainly turn out to be another way for random people to profit from all that real life misery, either financially or in furthering whatever agenda they want to promote (gun control, religion, mental illness awareness, anti-bullying, etc.). Some of those causes are reasonable but 100% accuracy can't even be determined so it would be "based on a true story" at best and emotionally manipulative fantasy at the worst.

I wouldn't mind an in-depth documentary though. In that case, they wouldn't be forced to construct a narrative because blank spaces in understanding could be tolerated and questions could be brought up without trying to hammer home the answers with questionable content. Ideally, no one would be putting words in anyone's mouth unless they were direct quotes.
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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeThu Apr 07, 2016 7:03 am

If done right, it could be a good movie. It just has to have the right budget, director, actors, etc.
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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeThu Apr 07, 2016 8:44 am

On first thought it would be great to see a movie cover the year leading up to the 20 but upon reflection that would never work. We have very limited materials based on what the 2 boys really did. All of the dialogue would have to be made up for the most part.

I would settle for a better documentary that went further in depth going back years prior to the 20 and not just covering the 20.

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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeFri Apr 08, 2016 12:46 am

No interest in seeing a movie. Especially since we have no Basement Tapes. And let's say we did get them, a release of the tapes plus a well out documentary based on what's out there and accounts of the day from various people would get my money.

Nothing good would come from a movie. Inspired copycat killers and accuracy arguments, people will never be happy.
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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeFri Apr 08, 2016 12:52 am

DreamVillain wrote:
No interest in seeing a movie. Especially since we have no Basement Tapes. And let's say we did get them, a release of the tapes plus a well out documentary based on what's out there and accounts of the day from various people would get my money.

Nothing good would come from a movie. Inspired copycat killers and accuracy arguments, people will never be happy.

The audio of the basement tapes should be released. It should be public info, and I think it actually is.
Thing is someone would have to go to court, and go through the process, hire a lawyer etc,
and I guess no one cares as much anymore to put out the money and time, since its been almost 20 years.

The 911 call too. I mean you go to TMZ and within a day or two they have celebrity 911 calls,
with people yelling and freaking out, and they are all over the net.
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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeSat May 14, 2016 12:27 am

If a columbine movie was made in the near future who do you guys think would play Eric and Dylan? Or who would you like to play them?
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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeSat May 14, 2016 1:10 am

i am guessing no one here likes Zero Day? or are you guys not counting that because it like...didn't have Eric and Dylan as like...their names in it? i just thought that was a really great portrayal of them without obviously...ahem saying it was Eric and Dylan.

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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeSat May 14, 2016 1:44 am

lilith wrote:
i am guessing no one here likes Zero Day? or are you guys not counting that because it like...didn't have Eric and Dylan as like...their names in it? i just thought that was a really great portrayal of them without obviously...ahem saying it was Eric and Dylan.

Zero Day is one of the best, aside from Elephant which although is filmed very cool, is a little slow moving.
I think people are looking for a Columbine movie, not one that is loosly based off of it, and a nice size budget too.
Although the movies that are out aren't bad, you can tell they didn't have the biggest of budgets.
I think with both a good script and some money behind it, it could be done right.

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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeSat May 14, 2016 2:54 am

Anything but I'm not ashamed cuz urgh. And sure, I wouldn't remind literally a movie about columbine based on it itself. With characters of their parents their peers, scenes in school and goofing off etc. By now, anybody could have pitched this to a big time director or production company but why hasn't it been made? Maybe because it's too raw and it hits home. They wouldn't dare touch real time tragedy. Just like 9/11, they've made movies based on it or around it with a separate fictional plot. There's been school shooting movies already and automatically at the back of viewers' minds we think oh, like Columbine. Cross my fingers couple years from now somebody would do the honours to make

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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeSat May 14, 2016 11:58 am

I think the victims family's would keep a big budget Columbine movie from ever being made, at least for a long while anyway. I think it's still sensitive enough of a subject and that big budget directors wouldn't want to upset them or face lawsuits. To me I think the victims families would only be happy with movies that focus on the lives and accomplishments etc of the victims. I don't think they'd be happy with a movie that also included the shooters' lives leading up to the massacre or anything that would try to humanize or understand them. I personally feel like that's why the only actual Columbine movies we've seen are the made for tv movies that only focus on the victims and then BAM the shooting happens.

Its one thing to make a movie loosely based off the shooting and changing the names and certain details, it's another to base it off the real people and places involved.
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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeSat May 14, 2016 1:13 pm

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] i was thinking this same thing. which is why i was like =/ i think we'd only ever get what we've gotten. like indie directors making shit thats vague enough about it to not really offend anyone and have lawyers come down on them or something. its just personally why i love Zero Day and i think its the best one and perhaps the best one we'll ever get in regards to that? just because of what you've mentioned. people would be so up in arms and so offended about it. especially in this uberly PC climate we're living in atm.

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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeSat May 14, 2016 5:02 pm

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] agreed. I would like to see an accurate Columbine movie made one day though. Especially one that focuses on the fact that the shooters were Also human, even though they were troubled and committed a horrible crime.
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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeSat Mar 11, 2017 6:52 pm

The biggest question about an accurate columbine movie would be scope.

How far back before the massacre should the movie start? Should the filmmakers depict the massacre itself? How much of the aftermath should be depicted? How many "real" people should be in the movie? How would they sort out the legal issues?

A Harris and Klebold biopic would be an interesting task, but far too many ethical and legal issues are in the way. Maybe in the next few decades, if the Columbine case is still widely remembered.
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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeSat Mar 11, 2017 7:23 pm

Also, there is no way any Columbine movie would be "big budget". The best bet would probably be to have the budget in the $5m range and put the movie on the festival circuit. Even then, the subject matter might be a bit too tasteless for mainstream critics to pay attention.
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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeSat Mar 11, 2017 8:28 pm

lilith wrote:
i am guessing no one here likes Zero Day? or are you guys not counting that because it like...didn't have Eric and Dylan as like...their names in it? i just thought that was a really great portrayal of them without obviously...ahem saying it was Eric and Dylan.

I think some people are looking for a Harris and Klebold biopic, which hasn't been done yet.

Edit: I just remembered that in Martin Scorsese's biopics such as Goodfellas or The Wolf of Wall Street, the names of key characters are changed.

Not sure how people would receive a movie about Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, but all of the friend's names are different.
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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeSun Mar 12, 2017 8:06 am

It’s unethical and disrespectful towards the victims. They would probably consider it an attempt to, “glorify” the killers and a way to give them more fame, recognition and public attention, even if it wasn't the producer's intention. If the victims objected to the, “I’m not ashamed” movie being made and released, imagine how strongly they’d object to the creation of a movie where the killers are going to be given more screen time than the victims (because there’s a lot more information about the killers than the victims). Plus, the victims are trying to forget about the worst day of their life and making another movie about their most traumatic memory is not going to make it any easier.
Also, a movie like that is going to partially attract, “followers” or “admirers” like it or not. Bullied kids who identify will the killers and who’ll ignore the mental illness issue because it obstructs their view that it was all about bullying.
Furthermore, there is still not enough unbiased information to make an accurate movie about this. I don’t think the directors would be able to cover the whole truth in a movie that’s like 1 and a half hours long anyway.
I would prefer a more in-depth and detailed documentary, however. That way, you can distribute information about the shooting without making it seem like the victims are just characters in a suspenseful movie.

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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeSun Mar 12, 2017 9:18 am

Glamazon wrote:
It’s unethical and disrespectful towards the victims. They would probably consider it an attempt to, “glorify” the killers and a way to give them more fame, recognition and public attention, even if it wasn't the producer's intention. If the victims objected to the, “I’m not ashamed” movie being made and released, imagine how strongly they’d object to the creation of a movie where the killers are going to be given more screen time than the victims (because there’s a lot more information about the killers than the victims). Plus, the victims are trying to forget about the worst day of their life and making another movie about their most traumatic memory is not going to make it any easier.
Also, a movie like that is going to partially attract, “followers” or “admirers” like it or not. Bullied kids who identify will the killers and who’ll ignore the mental illness issue because it obstructs their view that it was all about bullying.
Furthermore, there is still not enough unbiased information to make an accurate movie about this. I don’t think the directors would be able to cover the whole truth in a movie that’s like 1 and a half hours long anyway.
I would prefer a more in-depth and detailed documentary, however. That way, you can distribute information about the shooting without making it seem like the victims are just characters in a suspenseful movie.

I was thinking that the movie would be at least 2 1/2 hours.

I still see the point of how it would be offensive to the victims' families. A movie focusing on the killers, even one that doesn't show the massacre, isn't going to happen soon.

I detailed documentary also seems like a non-starter, considering the numerous material made for television already. All potential interview subjects are probably burnt out by now.
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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeSun Mar 12, 2017 2:47 pm

I would like to know more about the 2 boys lives from childhood and to the day the massacre happened. The only way to do that though is for the Harris family to finally come out and give an interview, because Sue already did. We know a lot about Dylan, I would like to know more about Eric.

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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeSun Mar 12, 2017 5:40 pm

bradt93 wrote:
I would like to know more about the 2 boys lives from childhood and to the day the massacre happened. The only way to do that though is for the Harris family to finally come out and give an interview, because Sue already did. We know a lot about Dylan, I would like to know more about Eric.

Eric wrote some essays about his early life, so that's some information there.

But no matter what, a movie is going to have to invent dialogue and situations that didn't happen in real life, which can be dicey.
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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeSun Mar 12, 2017 6:14 pm

Either way, Sue had the courage to come out and I think Kathy and Eric should too or one of them.
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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeSun Mar 12, 2017 6:17 pm

bradt93 wrote:
Either way, Sue had the courage to come out and I think Kathy and Eric should too or one of them.

I think the Harrises are never going to speak publicly. Most of the weapons were stored at their house, after all.
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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeMon Mar 13, 2017 6:10 pm

It will happen sooner or later . Holywood is just waiting for the right moment . Like Eric said , i just hope it will be good .
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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeMon Mar 13, 2017 6:11 pm

afrrs wrote:
It will happen sooner or later . Holywood is just waiting for the right moment . Like Eric said , i just hope it will be good .

I'd give it 20 years. Maybe until some of the parents of the victims die of old age.

It would definitely not be some action movie by Tarantino or Spielberg, like they had in mind.
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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeThu Mar 23, 2017 3:40 pm

Lots of documentaries I watch say that the two killers took care to make a theme out of their massacre. What with their extensive videos and journals.

Releasing the any videos at all might have been just has harmful as the basement tapes.

Any "accurate" movie about Columbine would have to deconstruct all of this, which would be a difficult task.
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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeMon Apr 03, 2017 8:37 am

A good Columbine movie might disappoint people on this forum, though, considering some liberties that would have to be taken with the story, such as changing nearly everyone's name and adjusting the timeline.

However, with the failure of I'm Not Ashamed at the box office, it might be a long time before anyone tries this material again. A different movie targeting different demographics might be a better sell, though.
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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeThu Apr 06, 2017 6:37 pm

myshame wrote:
A good Columbine movie might disappoint people on this forum, though, considering some liberties that would have to be taken with the story, such as changing nearly everyone's name and adjusting the timeline.
I will not be disappointed if the film shows the truth, no matter how unsightly it was.
myshame wrote:
However, with the failure of I'm Not Ashamed at the box office, it might be a long time before anyone tries this material again. A different movie targeting different demographics might be a better sell, though.
I think the real Rachel was much more interesting than idealized character portrayed in the film.

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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeWed May 03, 2017 10:54 am

I think an Oscar-bait Columbine movie is going to happen eventually. It's slam-dunk material for awards season, being controversial and all, and there's so much information about the case that's publicly available.
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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeMon May 08, 2017 6:31 pm

myshame wrote:
I think an Oscar-bait Columbine movie is going to happen eventually. It's slam-dunk material for awards season, being controversial and all, and there's so much information about the case that's publicly available.

off course , just look at the plot :

2 kids with good backgrounds being rased in a good religious community .

then they go postal .

moreover , all the evidence related to the case , just juicy details there .

it has all the ingredients for a movie based on real life to be successful .

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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeThu May 17, 2018 5:18 pm

I actually think a Columbine movie could be a hit. Maybe in the $150m domestic gross range.

Lots of dialogue and scenarios would have to be invented, though, which might even offend people here, not to mention the general public.

Also, I think a good movie that involves the stories of victims and the perpetrators might have to be very long, maybe over 3 hours.
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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeThu May 17, 2018 6:56 pm

myshame wrote:
A good Columbine movie might disappoint people on this forum, though, considering some liberties that would have to be taken with the story, such as changing nearly everyone's name and adjusting the timeline.

However, with the failure of I'm Not Ashamed at the box office, it might be a long time before anyone tries this material again. A different movie targeting different demographics might be a better sell, though.

The thing is that "I'm Not Ashamed" was fundamentalist Christian propaganda. In this day and age that crap doesn't sell.

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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeThu May 17, 2018 9:21 pm

I think Zero Day was a satisfying portrayal of Columbine. I also think that it's as close as we're going to get, at least for the foreseeable future.
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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeFri May 18, 2018 2:02 am

I don't think a columbine movie should be made, where people are pretending to be Eric and Dylan and Dave Sander etc, especially by Hollywood. It just feels wrong, had I been a victim and someone played me in the movie I'd be angry about the fact that someone was capitalizing off of my tragic event and I wasn't getting anything. And we'd be giving them exactly what they want, the fame and the recognition. For some reason, a movie about Columbine just irks me.

With that being said, I don't even think it'd turn out that good. The acting and script would have to be out of this world to not make it corny and cheesy, you'd want to be authentic but can't step on too many toes (like jeffcos). And there'd be the "well great now lets also make one about Virginia Tech! And Parkland!...", and that could potentially trigger people into going on worse and worse rampages to get that level of recognition. I'd rather have an amazing documentary than a movie.
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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeFri May 18, 2018 8:02 am

I like what they did with Dawn Anna. You didn’t know it was a Columbine movie until the end and you realize it’s Lauren Townsend..

I wonder if a movie based on AMR would work? But you don’t show the shooting. Just the family finding out etc..

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeFri May 18, 2018 11:06 am

Jollyhelpful wrote:
I think Zero Day was a satisfying portrayal of Columbine. I also think that it's as close as we're going to get, at least for the foreseeable future.

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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeFri May 18, 2018 11:55 am

Screamingophelia wrote:
I like what they did with Dawn Anna. You didn’t know it was a Columbine movie until the end and you realize it’s Lauren Townsend..

I wonder if a movie based on AMR would work? But you don’t show the shooting. Just the family finding out etc..

i like the AMR idea, i think it would be a lot less encouraging to people who want to go on sprees, and would show another perspective on the people damaged by the shooting
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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeFri May 18, 2018 1:01 pm

I think they’d just write the script based on Cullen’s book, or even worse get him involved some how.
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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeFri May 18, 2018 1:05 pm

Draw_It_White wrote:
I think they’d just write the script based on Cullen’s book, or even worse get him involved some how.

That's a sickening thought right there. No
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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeFri May 18, 2018 1:33 pm

Draw_It_White wrote:
I think they’d just write the script based on Cullen’s book, or even worse get him involved some how.

That's probably how it would happen, yeah.

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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeFri May 18, 2018 2:51 pm

Draw_It_White wrote:
I think they’d just write the script based on Cullen’s book, or even worse get him involved some how.

That makes my heart hurt... he’d have a Eric be some dark Christian Slater (heathers era) type and make Dylan out to be sloth from Goonies.....
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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeFri May 18, 2018 2:53 pm

Screamingophelia wrote:
Draw_It_White wrote:
I think they’d just write the script based on Cullen’s book, or even worse get him involved some how.

That makes my heart hurt... he’d have a Eric be some dark Christian Slater (heathers era) type and make Dylan out to be sloth from Goonies.....

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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeSat May 19, 2018 4:06 am

we gotta get people from the community behind it, when its norms who haven't researched in depth it results in retarded shit like seen in whatever that Rachel Scott movie was, I can't even be bothered to remember the name of the many false facts in that movie it was terrible, not to mention the actors looked more like 30 then 18.

Last edited by VoDKaComeHere on Sat May 19, 2018 4:13 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeSat May 19, 2018 4:09 am

VoDKaComeHere wrote:
we gotta get people from the community behind it, when its norms who haven't researched in depth it results in retarded shit like seen in whatever that Rachel Scott movie was, I can't even be bothered to see many false facts in that movie it was terrible, not to mention the actors looked more like 30 then 18.

Eric's casting was awful.

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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeSat May 19, 2018 4:14 am

QuestionMark wrote:
VoDKaComeHere wrote:
we gotta get people from the community behind it, when its norms who haven't researched in depth it results in retarded shit like seen in whatever that Rachel Scott movie was, I can't even be bothered to see many false facts in that movie it was terrible, not to mention the actors looked more like 30 then 18.

Eric's casting was awful.
They really thought he looked 18? More like 23-25 is the absolute youngest he could pass for! lmao
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PostSubject: Re: thoughts on an accurate columbine movie   thoughts on an accurate columbine movie Icon_minitimeSat May 19, 2018 5:08 am

QuestionMark wrote:
VoDKaComeHere wrote:
we gotta get people from the community behind it, when its norms who haven't researched in depth it results in retarded shit like seen in whatever that Rachel Scott movie was, I can't even be bothered to see many false facts in that movie it was terrible, not to mention the actors looked more like 30 then 18.

Eric's casting was awful.

i think Dylans casting was far worse but both were terrible
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