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 CVA Q&A video

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PostSubject: CVA Q&A video   CVA Q&A video Icon_minitimeThu Sep 08, 2016 8:27 am

So has everyone watched this? What do you think?

The only thing I disagree about and really the reason why I posted about this particular video is one sentence. He said something like the Harrises need to feel ashamed or something along those lines. Now maybe that isn't how he meant it and it came out wrong but I really disagree with that statement.

No matter how things turned out I don't think they deserve to be ashamed. Nor the Klebolds for that matter.
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PostSubject: Re: CVA Q&A video   CVA Q&A video Icon_minitimeThu Sep 08, 2016 8:38 am

Haven't watched it yet. I will in a bit and get back to this.

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PostSubject: Re: CVA Q&A video   CVA Q&A video Icon_minitimeThu Sep 08, 2016 9:12 am

Ok so wait a second. We don't actually know for a fact and confirmed whether Eric was cremated and his ashes are with his family?
Give it to me I'll keep it.

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PostSubject: Re: CVA Q&A video   CVA Q&A video Icon_minitimeThu Sep 08, 2016 9:14 am

And I agree Lizzy, I don't agree that the harrises should be ashamed of Eric at all. But I think he was speculating that the harrises might've spread his ashes to keep it away because they're ashamed of what he did but that was just a Guess like, he probably didn't mean it to come out that way.

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PostSubject: Re: CVA Q&A video   CVA Q&A video Icon_minitimeThu Sep 08, 2016 9:21 am

ultraviolencelv wrote:
And I agree Lizzy, I don't agree that the harrises should be ashamed of Eric at all. But I think he was speculating that the harrises might've spread his ashes to keep it away because they're ashamed of what he did but that was just a Guess like, he probably didn't mean it to come out that way.

I think you are right. Even if he does feel that way it is his own opinion.

And yea we don't have confirmation on what happened to Eric from his family one way or another. I am almost positive he wasn't buried and if I had to cremate my child you bet I would be keeping those ashes with me.
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PostSubject: Re: CVA Q&A video   CVA Q&A video Icon_minitimeThu Sep 08, 2016 10:00 am

The harrises and the Klebolds are so different from one another, and I know I have read somewhere that a man like Wayne would be so disappointed at what Eric has done and he probably wouldn't want to keep his remains close to him, he would rather it be history and they move on with life like there wasn't an Eric at all...I would feel pretty bad if it came out the ashes aren't with the family.
I really hope he's with them, somehow.

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PostSubject: Re: CVA Q&A video   CVA Q&A video Icon_minitimeThu Sep 08, 2016 11:38 am

What is this video?
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PostSubject: Re: CVA Q&A video   CVA Q&A video Icon_minitimeThu Sep 08, 2016 11:43 am

Here you go [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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PostSubject: Re: CVA Q&A video   CVA Q&A video Icon_minitimeThu Sep 08, 2016 3:21 pm

I'll remember to watch this later tonight too. Thanks.

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PostSubject: Re: CVA Q&A video   CVA Q&A video Icon_minitimeMon Sep 12, 2016 8:53 pm

Hey yeah, I guess I should clear up that statement. I meant ashamed of his actions.

No matter what life my children live, I'll love em. I imagine the Harris' are the same way.
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PostSubject: Re: CVA Q&A video   CVA Q&A video Icon_minitimeTue Sep 13, 2016 12:20 am

So who exactly is this guy? The latest so called expert?

For what it's worth, I agree with a lot of what he was saying. Some of the stuff is logical guess work though. Does he have any evidence that teachers are still there to this day? I'm sure he said the interview he read was from a couple of years ago so that teacher may not be there now. He was just basing the rest from the fact that a teachers career is 25/30 years? Are those years at the same school? I wouldn't have thought so. Plus we know quite few of the staff didn't go back to work there. I'm not saying there aren't staff who were there still on the pay roll at Columbine, I just don't think his reasoning isn't up to much. I suppose we could check this easy enough of anyone wanted to know by checking the list of teachers there that day and accessing the staff page on the current Columbine HS webpage?

I admire his sense of humour anyway "... they were just trying to dodge an awkward bullet" when talking about the school not letting BB back after the shooting.
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PostSubject: Re: CVA Q&A video   CVA Q&A video Icon_minitimeTue Sep 13, 2016 7:28 am

I never claim to be an expert.

You can go to columbine high school website and see a list of teachers that are currently working there.
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PostSubject: Re: CVA Q&A video   CVA Q&A video Icon_minitimeTue Sep 13, 2016 8:38 am

He doesn't claim to be an expert and regardless of what he puts out at least he makes sure his content is accurate and from his own analysis. It’s good enough that he’s willing and thoroughly enjoys making these videos. It does the community and newbies a favour if they aren’t already on this forum for information.

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PostSubject: Re: CVA Q&A video   CVA Q&A video Icon_minitimeTue Sep 13, 2016 8:47 am

Draw_It_White wrote:
So who exactly is this guy? The latest so called expert?

For what it's worth, I agree with a lot of what he was saying. Some of the stuff is logical guess work though. Does he have any evidence that teachers are still there to this day? I'm sure he said the interview he read was from a couple of years ago so that teacher may not be there now. He was just basing the rest from the fact that a teachers career is 25/30 years? Are those years at the same school? I wouldn't have thought so. Plus we know quite few of the staff didn't go back to work there. I'm not saying there aren't staff who were there still on the pay roll at Columbine, I just don't think his reasoning isn't up to much. I suppose we could check this easy enough of anyone wanted to know by checking the list of teachers there that day and accessing the staff page on the current Columbine HS webpage?

I admire his sense of humour anyway "... they were just trying to dodge an awkward bullet" when talking about the school not letting BB back after the shooting.

I also liked that line.
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PostSubject: Re: CVA Q&A video   CVA Q&A video Icon_minitimeTue Sep 13, 2016 10:21 am

I believe CVA always makes it a point in his videos to express that his videos are strictly his opinions and interpretations of the evidence he's collected and researched. He's just putting it out there for us to see...I find his videos very helpful and interesting!
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