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 Noor Salman, Orlando shooter's wife, was allegedly aware of attack plans

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Noor Salman, Orlando shooter's wife, was allegedly aware of attack plans Empty
PostSubject: Noor Salman, Orlando shooter's wife, was allegedly aware of attack plans   Noor Salman, Orlando shooter's wife, was allegedly aware of attack plans Icon_minitimeWed Feb 01, 2017 10:32 pm

Noor Salman is currently in custody on charges related to obstruction of justice and aiding and abetting her husband's material support of ISIS. She pled not guilty to the charges last month and the judge recently ordered her to undergo a mental evaluation.

According to investigators, she accompanied her husband Omar Mateen, the Pulse nightclub shooter, as he scouted targets before the shooting, including asking her whether people would be more upset if there was an attack at Disneyland or a nightclub. She knew her husband was watching ISIS recruitment videos and it disturbed her because her young son was in the room at the time. She also admitted that she watched him leave the house with a rifle and ammunition and suspected that he may commit an attack that night but told people that he was out to dinner with a friend. She told investigators that he had been talking about his wish to commit an act of violence for some time. Investigators were also suspicious of the fact that the couple spent $30,000 in the time leading up to the attack, including the purchase of guns, ammunition and an $8,000 diamond ring for Salman.

Her defense attorneys allege that she was a special education student with diminished mental capacity and a history of domestic abuse inflicted by her steroid abusing husband Mateen. They say that she made the supposed incriminating statements during an 18 hour interview without an attorney present and that the accusations are based on speculation. The attorneys point to her actions the previous night, including buying a Father's Day card and gift as proof that she was unaware of any plans for a violent attack.

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Noor Salman, Orlando shooter's wife, was allegedly aware of attack plans
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