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 Shooters/attackers who bought weapon(s) on the day of their attack

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Hayden Jagst
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Shooters/attackers who bought weapon(s) on the day of their attack Empty
PostSubject: Shooters/attackers who bought weapon(s) on the day of their attack   Shooters/attackers who bought weapon(s) on the day of their attack Icon_minitimeSun Jun 20, 2021 11:06 am

Sylvia Seegrist (Ruger 10/22)
Robert Aaron Long (9mm handgun)

Abdul Ali Razak Artan (kitchen knife)
Abraham Ukbagabir (kitchen knife)
Alek Minassian (rented van)

Feel free to add any more, since I know I’m missing quite a few that I can’t think of.

"Now! Feel death, not just mocking you. Not just stalking you but inside of you. Wriggle and writhe. Feel smaller beneath my might. Seizure in the Pestilence that is my scythe. Die, all of you."
- T.J. Lane (in his Facebook poem)
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PostSubject: Re: Shooters/attackers who bought weapon(s) on the day of their attack   Shooters/attackers who bought weapon(s) on the day of their attack Icon_minitimeSun Jun 20, 2021 11:56 am

Charles Whitman (.30 caliber Universal M1 carbine, Sears Model 60 12 gauge semi-automatic shotgun)
Hans Van Themsche ( Marlin 336W hunting rifle in .30-30 Winchester)

"So-called civilized, well-brought up people will eat their own fellow kin, often their own friends, without being able to say why.
Their subconscious will cause them to do so."
-Oscar Kiss Maerth
"Said he was a wolf, only the difference
Was, a wolf’s skin was hairy on the outside,
His on the inside;"
- John Webster
"I cannot allow the cheap fireworks of some amateur terrorist to trigger my beatiful apocalyptic display!"
-Dr. Kabapu
"But hey, you wouldn't have signed on if you weren't planning to becoming a martyr. So let's get to work."
-Mannagaer lol

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PostSubject: Re: Shooters/attackers who bought weapon(s) on the day of their attack   Shooters/attackers who bought weapon(s) on the day of their attack Icon_minitimeWed Feb 23, 2022 9:10 pm

Rapheal Chevelleau - (kitchen Knive 2019)

Between Eros and Thanatos
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PostSubject: Re: Shooters/attackers who bought weapon(s) on the day of their attack   Shooters/attackers who bought weapon(s) on the day of their attack Icon_minitime

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