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 Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric?

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Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Empty
PostSubject: Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric?   Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Icon_minitimeTue Mar 07, 2017 2:25 am

I am new here, but not new to researching the topic of Columbine. I love psychology and learning what makes people tick, so I have researched and skimmed over so much information.

Through reading pieces of the documents I noticed something I hadn't before. A reporter named Mike Connors contacted Officer Luciano to talk about a conversation that he had with Dylan. He found Dylan in an AOL chat room and had written reports on the Oklahoma City bombing and while reading profiles came across Dylan's who said he wanted to kill the kids at his school. Connors then said that he tried to explain to Dylan the profound impact that the bombing had on every one. Dylan asked questions about the press coverage and how it effected people. However what caught my attention was that this reporter said that he mentioned Eric. He told the reporter that he was bi-sexual and that he and Eric were lovers.

Now, this struck me as odd. Eric seemed very much into women. However from the moment that I started researching this topic something stood out to me about Dylan. He was sad and depressed, yes but he did not seem to be one that would come up with an idea such as this. Even his diary entries talk very, very little about the topic. It's clear from reports that Eric was the leader and Dylan was the follower. Could it be because he was in love with Eric? Back in the 90s, being gay was far less acceptable. He was already an odd ball and adding that on top of it would have likely made things worse. Perhaps that's the reason for his depression and why he seemed to loathe himself so greatly.

But then there is the fact that the entries state his love is a girl and doesn't know him. That he's waved to her. The authorities also blacked out someone's name. If he had written Eric's name they would not have done so. My theory is that perhaps he gave Eric a code name or he tried to find a girl to like to prove to himself that wasn't gay. He did find a love very shortly after his best friend found his own girlfriend and began to spend less time with him. Perhaps this was the time that he realized he should try to be with a girl but couldn't bring himself to do so, she he picked someone random and tried to make it work and his ramblings about never being able to find love and his unsent love letters were in fact to Eric.

I highly doubt that he and Eric were actually lovers with Eric's hatred of homosexuality, this tells me that. Dylan likely knew this and felt his options were limited, thus he would never find love. It also explains why he followed Eric so badly. Love will make you do crazy things. Granted this could have been a false report, by a reporter but Connors did say that once he and Dylan exchanged numbers that Dylan wished to meet him, but he refused and felt uncomfortable. He felt as if Dylan was gay and hitting on him. I've for a long time wondered if Dylan had a thing for Eric and finding this made me feel I hit a gold mine.

What do you guys think?
(Again, I am new and this is my first post. I don't know if this topic has been touched on or not. I tried to search for anything and nothing came up. I'm just interested in hearing if any others have thoughts on, or believe this.)
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Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric?   Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Icon_minitimeTue Mar 07, 2017 3:23 am

Your assumption is based on the story of a man who hardly can be trusted. Also there was a certain woman who claimed that she slept with Eric. All of these people just want to attract attention.

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PostSubject: Re: Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric?   Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Icon_minitimeTue Mar 07, 2017 3:45 am

What the hell. That conversation is so obviously fake it's ridiculus, I don't know how anyone who knows a lot about Columbine could take it seriously. Is there any evidence of this, a screesnhot or archived page. Of course not. He was not gay or bi, I guarantee you. If you read more about that conversation, he mentions all these things that don't add up.

Falling out of airplanes and hiding out in holes
Waiting for the sunset to come, people going home
Jump out from behind them and shoot them in the head
Now everybody dancing, the dance of the dead
The dance of the dead, the dance of the dead

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Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric?   Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Icon_minitimeTue Mar 07, 2017 4:16 am

I don't believe that they had developed that kind of feeling towards each other, but it's something that... Would have maybe saved both from feeling constantly rejected? Who knows...
This is purely hypothetical, they were just friends. Good friends: they trusted each other in the most nerve-wracking time. They left a testament together.

GeoCities fangirl
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Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric?   Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Icon_minitimeTue Mar 07, 2017 4:59 am

probably should have included where I found this information, but have no idea the set up here to relay references. So I'll just say that I found it in the reports and on 10401-10500 page 38-40. I tried to include Gyazo shots but am not able to for the next 7 days. It is there, though. It's a police report.

I, myself, wonder if this was a fake report, as I said in the OP. It could be, it could not be. I did read the entire report before posting this here and in that it does say that Brown wanted to speak to anyone who would be interviewing Connors. Which could be to let them know he's full of it, or because they know each other and could provide credentials for him. All Brown says is that is if they intend to interview him, speak with him first as he can provide "background". What that means, I don't know. The whole thing could be a lie for attention like you say. I don't know, I certainly wasn't there to verify it. It does say in the report that Connors is an acquaintance of Brown, so it's clear they knew one another.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] If this officer or Mark Connors is known on this forum to be dishonest, I also wasn't aware. As I said, I'm new here.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] I did not see anywhere on the police report that anyone thought the conversation didn't add up. Unless you mean that in reading it yourself, you see things that didn't add up in the police report. If so, please go into detail. That is the entire reason I made this post.

There are a LOT of reports, evidence, etc in these files. I lot. Thousands of pages, so clearly I have no read all of them. Though I do go back and forth reading as much as I can, when I can. My whole reason for this post was that it seemed this was a forum to talk about theories. And years ago, this was mine until I read their journals and other things. There is absolutely NO WAY that I think they ever had sex. None. Eric clearly was heterosexual. But I always wondered about Dylan and since there are so many reports, when I saw this and hadn't seen it before, I googled "Dylan Love Interest"...this forum came up, I looked around and thought "Hey, these guys seem to be just as interested in topics like these and rather polite. Wonder what they think", so I posted about it. Finding this tidbit also resparked my Dylan in love with Eric theory.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] I don't think they were a couple or shared those feelings at all. Just thought perhaps Dylan was gay, which would explain his overwhelming sense of loneliness and inability to find love. I know back in the 90s, gay was not something people were open about and the chances of finding a partner then was slim to nothing. It just wasn't as accepted back then. So perhaps Dylan was in love with Eric, unable to tell him and that led to him following Eric like he did. It's just a theory of course, but I figured one that would be interesting to discuss.  

Please understand that while I have done a lot of research into this topic, I have never held a discussion on the topic with anyone. Which means that there is still stuff I don't know, that other people have found and pointed out to me. I am by no means an expert on this topic. That is the entire reason I was interested in joining this forum, so that others can point out things I didn't see or missed. Also sorry this is so long. I just have so much I have never been able to talk about.
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Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric?   Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Icon_minitimeTue Mar 07, 2017 5:41 am

With all due respect, but your conclusions are erroneous, because founded on a false testimony and lack of information. If you read all that wrote Dylan, you will understand that he is in love with a girl. It is so obvious that it is ridiculous to assume something else. Just read.

I just want something I can never have.

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Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric?   Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Icon_minitimeTue Mar 07, 2017 5:56 am

Someone did bump a thread about this recently.
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I agree with the people in this thread that something would have come from this if it were credible. There doesn't seem to be any corroborating evidence which doesn't make sense if he was speaking to Dylan on the phone. There would have been tangible proof if the story were true. The entire story seems like a strange fantasy but maybe, if this man was really a reporter, he was attempting to get more information from the police about Eric and Dylan's relationship and this was a scheme to get them to speak with him.

I do not believe that Dylan was in love with Eric. Dylan's unsent love letter makes it obvious that he had a crush on a girl and even if you want to believe that it's a coded letter about a male (which seems unlikely, considering that he surmises that this person must have a boyfriend) then it is certain that this person is someone who Dylan does not spend time with and is actually a person who barely knows that Dylan exists. There is no way that he could possibly be talking about Eric in this letter.
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Here's a thread where people are discussing Dylan's poem.
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I think it's appropriate that you brought up Zach getting a girlfriend though. His reaction to that made me feel that Dylan craved a close, exclusive relationship with someone that he really connected to and that it was not strictly a romantic longing. He was jealous of the fact that Zach now had a girlfriend and I do think he wanted that for himself but I also think that there was also a lot of disappointment in losing that closeness with Zach when he was already feeling so unhappy and lonely. He seemed to believe that a girlfriend would become the person to whom he could admit his honest thoughts and feelings but instead, he found something like that in Eric. We will never know who brought it up first but apparently, he was able to admit homicidal impulses to Eric and even talk about suicide as a genuine option. It may have been dangerous and destructive but it was a deep form of intimacy and an indication of trust.  I think it's clear that Eric was a substitute best friend and I don't think Dylan felt as close to Eric as he did to Zach but Eric provided companionship when he was lonely and he became an outlet for another side of Dylan's personality that he probably had to keep hidden, with his growing anger and alienation, as well as an answer to the suicide problem. This probably helped them bond, even if the relationship was not his ideal, because it was a different kind of closeness than what he had with Zach. In my opinion, Dylan was attached to Eric for reasons other than love.
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Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric?   Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Icon_minitimeTue Mar 07, 2017 8:44 am

sscc wrote:

I think it's appropriate that you brought up Zach getting a girlfriend though. His reaction to that made me feel that Dylan craved a close, exclusive relationship with someone that he really connected to and that it was not strictly a romantic longing. He was jealous of the fact that Zach now had a girlfriend and I do think he wanted that for himself but I also think that there was also a lot of disappointment in losing that closeness with Zach when he was already feeling so unhappy and lonely. He seemed to believe that a girlfriend would become the person to whom he could admit his honest thoughts and feelings but instead, he found something like that in Eric. We will never know who brought it up first but apparently, he was able to admit homicidal impulses to Eric and even talk about suicide as a genuine option. It may have been dangerous and destructive but it was a deep form of intimacy and an indication of trust.  I think it's clear that Eric was a substitute best friend and I don't think Dylan felt as close to Eric as he did to Zach but Eric provided companionship when he was lonely and he became an outlet for another side of Dylan's personality that he probably had to keep hidden, with his growing anger and alienation, as well as an answer to the suicide problem. This probably helped them bond, even if the relationship was not his ideal, because it was a different kind of closeness than what he had with Zach. In my opinion, Dylan was attached to Eric for reasons other than love.

This last paragraph here is my response as well. Dylan wanted other friends and a girlfriend but had to settle with Eric. Someone who was just as lonely as him and quite honestly probably someone that would put up with his "real" feelings. I think people would have been turned off by who Dylan was as much as they were turned off by who Eric was. Dylan saw Eric as the means to an end. Eric was more the figurehead because he was louder and more outwardly violent or aggressive so people think of him as the leader but it was not Eric that led the 2. I think Dylan found the right buttons to push in Eric and continued to push them until Eric snapped.

Look at how the Jan incident went down. Read both the boys' testimonies. Who do you think came up with that? IMHO Dylan sparked the idea and Eric followed suit

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Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric?   Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Icon_minitimeTue Mar 07, 2017 1:13 pm

Thank you guys for the well thought out replies and the link to the other post. I never even thought of searching Connors name here.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] I have read the journals. His school reports. The Manson one wouldn't have struck me as anything to be concerned about, however I do think his teacher should have done a bit more about that free form assignment that he turned in. I also read all of Eric's journals, web pages, looked at mock webpages and read a few of the README files from his WADs, school reports and even his father's journal keeping track of his troubles (Well, I say read but his father's handwriting was god awful but I think I got the general gist of it). I am just someone who doesn't think everything is as black and white and with Dylan being such a poet and his writing style which held so many analogies I figured it might be possible. Possible being the word here. I like to question all avenues, think of every option to make sure that I cover all possibilities. I do believe it's far fetched and based on the fact I couldn't find any follow up on the report it's safe to say that the police saw it that way as well. But it made me think and question and I don't think that's a bad thing at all.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] I think it's possible that he was trying to get more information as well and since there was no follow up, possibly because an interviewer contacted Brown who may have told them what was up, says as much. But I think I ticked a few people off with my theory which I don't understand and wasn't my intention. And thank you for the link, that happens to be my favorite site for information on the case and where I found it easiest to read all of the journals.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] I don't know that I think that Dylan pressed buttons so much as I think that it's likely one of them made a joke about the school, the other "jokingly" agreed and later probably was like "dude, were you serious?". And from there they talked about it, decided to do it. Dylan most likely deciding to do it because it was force his hand suicide wise. I think that he was scared to actually kill himself. In his journal he mentions a couple times that this entry would be his last. In blowing up the school, it would force him to do so. When you look at the number of bullets fired during the shooting, Eric fired twice more totally at 120 something. Dylan threw more pipe bombs, but I don't think the pipe bombs actually hit anyone. That I could tell at least. I've listened to his talk with Schnurr as well and while the audio is not perfect (But CVA did a lovely job of enhancing it the best he could), Dylan sounds very.....frantic. He was also reported to have let two people live in the library and I believe that he killed far less people than Eric as well. I really believe that for him, it was forcing himself to commit suicide more than killing others. But from reading more here on the forums I know that's a huge topic of debate here. Some think that's the true, others think he was just as cold hearted as Eric and the two sides don't tend to agree. Which is fine. With what little we have to go on, there isn't a sure way to tell. But I do know with Eric being as manipulative was he was, there is a chance that he manipulated Dylan's emotions while he was in such a vulnerable spot. As for the Jan episode, I can't seem to find a reference to their testimonies though I have looked over the reports and what have you but trying to look for the testimonies has been difficult. If you can point me there, I would be very appreciative.

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Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric?   Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Icon_minitimeTue Mar 07, 2017 1:36 pm

dovee89 wrote:
Thank you guys for the well thought out replies and the link to the other post. I never even thought of searching Connors name here.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] I have read the journals. His school reports. The Manson one wouldn't have struck me as anything to be concerned about, however I do think his teacher should have done a bit more about that free form assignment that he turned in. I also read all of Eric's journals, web pages, looked at mock webpages and read a few of the README files from his WADs, school reports and even his father's journal keeping track of his troubles (Well, I say read but his father's handwriting was god awful but I think I got the general gist of it). I am just someone who doesn't think everything is as black and white and with Dylan being such a poet and his writing style which held so many analogies I figured it might be possible. Possible being the word here. I like to question all avenues, think of every option to make sure that I cover all possibilities. I do believe it's far fetched and based on the fact I couldn't find any follow up on the report it's safe to say that the police saw it that way as well. But it made me think and question and I don't think that's a bad thing at all.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] I think it's possible that he was trying to get more information as well and since there was no follow up, possibly because an interviewer contacted Brown who may have told them what was up, says as much. But I think I ticked a few people off with my theory which I don't understand and wasn't my intention. And thank you for the link, that happens to be my favorite site for information on the case and where I found it easiest to read all of the journals.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] I don't know that I think that Dylan pressed buttons so much as I think that it's likely one of them made a joke about the school, the other "jokingly" agreed and later probably was like "dude, were you serious?". And from there they talked about it, decided to do it. Dylan most likely deciding to do it because it was force his hand suicide wise. I think that he was scared to actually kill himself. In his journal he mentions a couple times that this entry would be his last. In blowing up the school, it would force him to do so. When you look at the number of bullets fired during the shooting, Eric fired twice more totally at 120 something. Dylan threw more pipe bombs, but I don't think the pipe bombs actually hit anyone. That I could tell at least. I've listened to his talk with Schnurr as well and while the audio is not perfect (But CVA did a lovely job of enhancing it the best he could), Dylan sounds very.....frantic. He was also reported to have let two people live in the library and I believe that he killed far less people than Eric as well. I really believe that for him, it was forcing himself to commit suicide more than killing others. But from reading more here on the forums I know that's a huge topic of debate here. Some think that's the true, others think he was just as cold hearted as Eric and the two sides don't tend to agree. Which is fine. With what little we have to go on, there isn't a sure way to tell. But I do know with Eric being as manipulative was he was, there is a chance that he manipulated Dylan's emotions while he was in such a vulnerable spot. As for the Jan episode, I can't seem to find a reference to their testimonies though I have looked over the reports and what have you but trying to look for the testimonies has been difficult. If you can point me there, I would be very appreciative.

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Page 3 a few posts down I posted their testimonies. Basically Dylan stated they both thought of it at the same time. Eric stated it was Dylan's idea. I tend to compare NBK and Jan incident because of that. I think both were something that sprouted in Dylan's mind. And he got Eric involved.

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Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric?   Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Icon_minitimeTue Mar 07, 2017 1:39 pm

Makes sense. Yeah I think it might be Eric too.

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Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric?   Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Icon_minitimeTue Mar 07, 2017 1:40 pm

shades wrote:
Makes sense. Yeah I think it might be Eric too.


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Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric?   Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Icon_minitimeTue Mar 07, 2017 2:18 pm

Lizpuff wrote:

Yes my love.

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Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric?   Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Icon_minitimeTue Mar 07, 2017 2:42 pm

shades wrote:
Lizpuff wrote:

Yes my love.

Thank the Lord. Thought I lost you!

Hold me now I need to feel complete
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Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric?   Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Icon_minitimeTue Mar 07, 2017 8:07 pm

So I was reading Dylan's Journal and I came across this line,

"I was in a class with you 1st semester, & was blessed w. being with you in a report."

Is it possible to figure out who his lady lover was? This was written in 1998 I believe
I know it is hard to pinpoint but could we figure out possibles?

"I know we're gonna have followers because we're so fucking God-like" - Dylan Shocked
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Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric?   Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Icon_minitimeWed Mar 08, 2017 12:37 am

Yeah man, Dylan also sucked dick through a gloryhole in the columbine bathroom. Do you believe that as well? Because you sure seem gullible enough to.
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Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric?   Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Icon_minitimeWed Mar 08, 2017 1:01 am

I really thank those of you who had respectful replies. However I don't understand the attacks posed at me. When I joined this site I thought this was a place that you could pose theories about information found and be respectful to other's thoughts and opinions. No where anywhere did I state that I believed this report. But I found it and was interested in hearing what other's thought of it. Which, is also what I thought this forum was for. To post things that you find and offer them up as debate for if they are real or not.

I stated this many times. I also stated that while I have read, I haven't had actual conversations about this topic (it isn't a general conversation that you can, you know, have with your buddies). Meaning that clearly, I was excited to find an area in which I could, also stating that the people here seemed quite nice. Clearly, I was wrong. I was really hoping for a much warmer welcome here. I have been completely respectful despite people attacking me, respect should be returned. It's fine to not agree with something (even though I stated several times I believe the report to not be factual as well). But offer up valuable information and opinions as to why it isn't real. It seems like anyone who poses an option people haven't thought about here, or don't go with mainstream ideas aren't welcome to the discussion, no here in general.
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Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric?   Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Icon_minitimeWed Mar 08, 2017 1:11 am

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] I hope you do not give up your discussion and interest about Columbine.

Try not to take things to heart too much.

If I can help you with anything let me know, okay?

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Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric?   Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Icon_minitimeWed Mar 08, 2017 1:22 am

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] welcome to the forum. This is how it is sometimes. Eventually you'll adapt to the way people respond here and how some of us mean well, we don't really mean anything. I think you would just want to correct false information when you see one, or to let you know that the information you're getting has long been dubbed a myth.

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Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric?   Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Icon_minitimeWed Mar 08, 2017 1:32 am

dovee89 wrote:
Clearly, I was wrong. I was really hoping for a much warmer welcome here. I have been completely respectful despite people attacking me, respect should be returned.
Welcome to the forum! Better late than never, right? tongue Try to give it a few more threads before you decide to abandon ship.
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Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric?   Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Icon_minitimeWed Mar 08, 2017 5:34 am

Dove , we just try to analyse and scrutinize this all story . Some people are more frontal and direct in expressing their opinions .

Now back to the question in hand , there is no evidence that E and D were gay or bisexual , period .

Its all speculation .
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Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric?   Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Icon_minitimeMon Mar 13, 2017 6:04 pm

From what I understand, Ralph Larkin in his book Comprehending Columbine repeats the same claim that Dylan was bisexual.

For some reason, Brooks Brown recommends Larkin's book as the best.

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Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric?   Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Icon_minitimeMon Mar 13, 2017 6:11 pm

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] - Did I miss something? Who on this forum was attacking you? I'm gonna read through the thread now and see what happened. Don't feel discouraged or like you cannot post and share your thoughts here.

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Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric?   Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Icon_minitimeTue Mar 14, 2017 11:53 am

It's definitely an interesting theory. I don't think we'll ever have definitive proof that Dylan and/or Eric DIDN'T have feelings for each other.
But lack of evidence to the contrary and the statements of one less than reliable source aren't enough to convince me personally. I think it was reasonable enough for Dylan to act the way he did in regards to Eric without having romantic feelings for him.
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Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric?   Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Icon_minitimeSun Mar 19, 2017 5:32 pm

I find it funny people are saying they weren't gay or bi because there is no evidence, there's no evidence they weren't either.

I've always thought Eric was gay or at least bi. His anti gay rants come off as someone who is trying to hide his sexuality and is sick of being called gay by classmates for spending so much time with Dylan

Unfortunately we will never know for sure. Heck even if they were still alive we might never know. Too many people hide their sexuality and go on to get married and even have kids before they muster up the courage to come out.
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Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric?   Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Icon_minitimeSun Mar 19, 2017 5:53 pm

Jbow89 wrote:

I've always thought Eric was gay or at least bi. His anti gay rants come off as someone who is trying to hide his sexuality and is sick of being called gay by classmates for spending so much time with Dylan
It's so ridiculous and so far from reality.

I just want something I can never have.
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Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric?   Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Icon_minitimeTue Jul 04, 2017 9:57 pm

I'm 99.9% sure that neither one of them were part of the LGBT community. At times, I do imagine how they would behave if in a relationship. I'm sure that Eric would be the dominant force, as he was in their friendship.
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Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric?   Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Icon_minitimeWed Jul 05, 2017 11:45 pm

They loved each other like you love a sibling or best friend. They didn't target each other on the day, and they laid down beside each other when they died. They wanted to be found like that together, laying peacefully sideb y side.
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Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric?   Maybe Dylan's Love was Eric? Icon_minitime

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