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 The Mourning After Columbine: Controversial Christian Commemoratives

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The Mourning After Columbine: Controversial Christian Commemoratives Empty
PostSubject: The Mourning After Columbine: Controversial Christian Commemoratives   The Mourning After Columbine: Controversial Christian Commemoratives Icon_minitimeWed Mar 22, 2017 11:11 am

Here is a link to a paper on the subject:

Controversial Christian Commemoratives PDF

I find the crosses to be the most interesting part about the aftermath of the massacre. The response from the rest of the Christian community is also morbidly fascinating.
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Join date : 2017-02-28

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PostSubject: Re: The Mourning After Columbine: Controversial Christian Commemoratives   The Mourning After Columbine: Controversial Christian Commemoratives Icon_minitimeWed Mar 22, 2017 9:14 pm

I'm an atheist, but i was raised in a Roman Catholic home, with same values. The US "Christians" seems to take it to a whole new level, they are like muslim but with Jesus LOL.
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The Mourning After Columbine: Controversial Christian Commemoratives
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