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 Daniel Rohrbough

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Daniel Rohrbough Empty
PostSubject: Daniel Rohrbough   Daniel Rohrbough Icon_minitimeSun May 14, 2017 7:08 am

Daniel Lee Rohrbough (March 2, 1984 - April 20, 1999). Dan was heading out of the cafeteria that morning with friends Lance Kirklin and Sean Graves when the shooters opened fire down the grassy knoll outside the school's west entrance. He bled to death on the sidewalk outside the school where he lay for nearly 2 days before paramedics were allowed to move him. The Rohrboughs were kept in the dark about what had happened to their son; law enforcement told them they didn't know for certain that the body on the sidewalk was Dan Rohrbough and wouldn't let the family in to check for themselves. It wasn't till the morning after the shootings that the Rohrboughs found out for certain what they already knew in their hearts: Danny was indeed the dead boy outside and they learned this news because it was splashed all over the morning news and not because the family was told directly by officials.
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I just want something I can never have.
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Daniel Rohrbough Empty
PostSubject: Re: Daniel Rohrbough   Daniel Rohrbough Icon_minitimeSun May 14, 2017 9:40 pm

that photo of him sitting on stairs is creepy, that is where he would die, in the same shirt.
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Daniel Rohrbough Empty
PostSubject: Re: Daniel Rohrbough   Daniel Rohrbough Icon_minitimeSat Dec 09, 2017 9:16 am

I had seen the photos of Danny sitting on the stairs but never knew the context behind it. It was actually taken from a video that his family didn't see until after the shooting. Here is a little more information if anyone is interested:

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PostSubject: Re: Daniel Rohrbough   Daniel Rohrbough Icon_minitimeSat Dec 09, 2017 10:04 am

Quite surprising that none of the family had any recordings of Danny’s voice - Christmas, school productions etc. I know it was 99 but there always used to be cameras knocking about at those sorts of things when I was a lad.
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Daniel Rohrbough Empty
PostSubject: Re: Daniel Rohrbough   Daniel Rohrbough Icon_minitimeSat Dec 09, 2017 10:15 am

Part of me thinks it was just part of the narrative of the story to make it a little more catching. They had a lot of photos of him, so how could there have been no videos?

I think the point was they would never hear his voice again after 4/20/99, but the new footage they were given was special because they hadn't seen it before.
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Location : Cornwall, UK.

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PostSubject: Re: Daniel Rohrbough   Daniel Rohrbough Icon_minitimeSat Dec 09, 2017 11:01 am

Does anyone know who the woman was?
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Daniel Rohrbough Empty
PostSubject: Re: Daniel Rohrbough   Daniel Rohrbough Icon_minitimeSat Dec 09, 2017 1:52 pm

spidEr wrote:
that photo of him sitting on stairs is creepy, that is where he would die, in the same shirt.

I think it is more sad then creepy. Sad
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Daniel Rohrbough Empty
PostSubject: Re: Daniel Rohrbough   Daniel Rohrbough Icon_minitimeSat Dec 09, 2017 1:55 pm

Littlelo wrote:
I had seen the photos of Danny sitting on the stairs but never knew the context behind it. It was actually taken from a video that his family didn't see until after the shooting. Here is a little more information if anyone is interested:

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As a Mom myself, I can't even imagine what that would feel like. The thought of never hearing "Mom" come from of my children's mouths is heartbreaking.
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Daniel Rohrbough Empty
PostSubject: Re: Daniel Rohrbough   Daniel Rohrbough Icon_minitimeFri Jul 27, 2018 5:43 am

spidEr wrote:
that photo of him sitting on stairs is creepy, that is where he would die, in the same shirt.

That is so freaking eerie yet very interesting.
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Daniel Rohrbough Empty
PostSubject: Re: Daniel Rohrbough   Daniel Rohrbough Icon_minitimeThu Aug 02, 2018 6:22 pm

Szabo wrote:
Does anyone know who the woman was?

I believe this was a video shot by Rachel Scott, so I imagine the woman was her sister. Dana or Bethanee.

I don't trust joggers, they're the ones always finding the bodies.
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PostSubject: Re: Daniel Rohrbough   Daniel Rohrbough Icon_minitime

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Daniel Rohrbough
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