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 How many of the victims had open casket funerals?

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How many of the victims had open casket funerals? Empty
PostSubject: How many of the victims had open casket funerals?   How many of the victims had open casket funerals? Icon_minitimeWed Jun 07, 2017 10:45 am

I know Shoels, Mauser and Fleming did.

I wonder as well if this has any religious significance or is simply a personal choice?

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How many of the victims had open casket funerals? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How many of the victims had open casket funerals?   How many of the victims had open casket funerals? Icon_minitimeWed Jun 07, 2017 11:44 am

It's common here in the states. I've been to far more open casket funerals than closed, the only time I went to a closed casket funeral was for someone who was in a VERY bad accident
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How many of the victims had open casket funerals? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How many of the victims had open casket funerals?   How many of the victims had open casket funerals? Icon_minitimeWed Jun 07, 2017 3:10 pm

Cassie's parents wanted to but wrote in their book that Cassie didn't look like herself so they chose to close it.

Rachel's was open before the funeral started on CNN and after the camera turned off at the end. Paula Reed said that she remembers Rachel's friend walking by the casket and crying because Rachel was still wearing earrings that she borrowed for prom.

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Juicy Jazzy

Juicy Jazzy

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How many of the victims had open casket funerals? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How many of the victims had open casket funerals?   How many of the victims had open casket funerals? Icon_minitimeWed Jun 07, 2017 8:56 pm

I notice burial is a big thing in the US too. Where I live, almost everyone gets cremated.
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How many of the victims had open casket funerals? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How many of the victims had open casket funerals?   How many of the victims had open casket funerals? Icon_minitime

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How many of the victims had open casket funerals?
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