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 Mention of Columbine HS in moves/books before 1999?

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Mention of Columbine HS in moves/books before 1999? Empty
PostSubject: Mention of Columbine HS in moves/books before 1999?   Mention of Columbine HS in moves/books before 1999? Icon_minitimeMon Jun 19, 2017 11:50 am

The only example I know of is in A. Bates' 1991 Point Horror book Final Exam, which is set in a high school called Columbine. According to the author, she called the school that because her daughter was attending a school in Colorado called Olde Columbine.
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Mention of Columbine HS in moves/books before 1999? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mention of Columbine HS in moves/books before 1999?   Mention of Columbine HS in moves/books before 1999? Icon_minitimeFri Aug 11, 2017 10:33 pm

There were 1 or 2 national news stories, I believe. One was about "death classes" in high school where they tried to normalize death, or make the topic more approachable. I remember some classes in the country wrote obituaries and some visited funeral homes. Columbine High School was one of the schools implementing that curriculum. I can't find the video atm, but here's an article: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
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Mention of Columbine HS in moves/books before 1999? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mention of Columbine HS in moves/books before 1999?   Mention of Columbine HS in moves/books before 1999? Icon_minitimeFri Aug 11, 2017 10:35 pm

OOH HERE IT IS: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
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Mention of Columbine HS in moves/books before 1999? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mention of Columbine HS in moves/books before 1999?   Mention of Columbine HS in moves/books before 1999? Icon_minitimeFri Aug 11, 2017 10:37 pm

And I also believe there was a video filmed at Columbine's campus pre-1999 for sports. Something like umpire rules/training or something like that that was sent out to other schools for education purposes. Wish I had a link to that. Never saw the video but someone described it.
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Mention of Columbine HS in moves/books before 1999? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mention of Columbine HS in moves/books before 1999?   Mention of Columbine HS in moves/books before 1999? Icon_minitime

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