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 Dunblane Newtown

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PostSubject: Dunblane Newtown   Dunblane Newtown Icon_minitimeMon Jul 24, 2017 6:45 pm

An event that i find is rarely talked about is Dunblane, It was the first major high death toll school shooting in the world and it boasts its fair share of similiarities to Newtown.

For those who aren't familiar, on the 13th of march 1996 Thomas Hamilton A middle age loner who had a pedophilic and disturbed mind entered Dunblane Primary School armed with 743 rounds of ammunition, x2 9mm Browning HP handguns and x2 smith and wesson .357 revolvers opened fire on children and teachers in the gymnasium and then shot himself, the massacre lasted 5 minutes and throughout that time Hamilton had never stopped shooting until the last few minutes. it lasted from 9:35 AM to 9:40 AM (the exact same times as Newtown).

In the end 17 were dead and 15 were injured, Thomas had wiped out a whole class

There are many similarities to Newtown including the times, age of children , the way he murdered the children which comprised of Hamilton injuring a large group of students and then rapidly finishing them off by shooting them at pointblank multiple times reminiscent of Adam Lanza shooting into the toilet and then stepping forward at Point blank to finish off the children with numerous shots into the mass. Both had disturbing mental health problems, Pedophilia interests and both targeted small children at junior schools.

Does anyone think Adam Lanza may of of been somewhat inspired by this event despite him never mentioning or acknowledging it, The two events share many strange dark coincidences and i would like to hear your thoughts.  

Thomas Hamilton:

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The Children He Massacred:

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Dunblane Newtown Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dunblane Newtown   Dunblane Newtown Icon_minitimeTue Jul 25, 2017 2:17 am

I once got barred from a pub for knowing Thomas Hamilton's name.

Bit of trivia for anyone unaware - tennis player Andy Murray was at the school when the massacre happened.

As for the comparison - I don't really know enough about either case to say one way or the other. The timeline thing is a weird coincidence but I doubt it was anything other than that. As for the pedophilia interests - did they? I don't know about that. Had they got in trouble for child porn or something? I seem to recall Hamilton was the leader of some scout group or something - did he touch the boys there?
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Dunblane Newtown Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dunblane Newtown   Dunblane Newtown Icon_minitimeTue Jul 25, 2017 7:00 am

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Draw_It_White wrote:

As for the comparison - I don't really know enough about either case to say one way or the other. The timeline thing is a weird coincidence but I doubt it was anything other than that. As for the pedophilia interests - did they? I don't know about that. Had they got in trouble for child porn or something? I seem to recall Hamilton was the leader of some scout group or something - did he touch the boys there?

Thomas Hamilton was a former scout leader and he used to force boys sleep naked in a van and he abused many more in future trips according to parents and their sons, he even threatened a mother with his handgun. He got banned from being a scout leader so he set up his own boy clubs and he abused many boys there and their is even footage and photos from these boy clubs and it is strange, He also had picture frames of near naked boys around his house. He kept having his boy clubs shutdown which made him send letters to police, child services and the queen about how people are out to get him and are ruining his life they were all ignored. This may of been his motive, he wanted to get revenge for not be allowed to interact with small boys so if he cant interact with them he'll murder them and die with them to prove a point and get revenge against those who wronged him and campaigned against his boys clubs. Note he also had connections to the Masons.

For Adam Lanza from his online activity you can tell that he is sympathetic towards pedophiles and believes they deserve rights, he drew many pictures of dead children and would often compare children and young chimps, he also discussed topics involving child rape.
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PostSubject: Re: Dunblane Newtown   Dunblane Newtown Icon_minitimeTue Jul 25, 2017 9:11 am

Both vile creatures then.
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Dunblane Newtown Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dunblane Newtown   Dunblane Newtown Icon_minitimeTue Jul 25, 2017 9:21 am

The parallels you draw between the two shootings make for an interesting case. I'm not familiar with Dunblane as much and will need to read up on it. Another reason perhaps Lanza never mentioned Dunblane could be the fact that even though he was for children having rights to give consent in adult relationships he seemed to always express his position with a disclaimer stating he himself did not have these desires. Regardless of if he did or did not, this would make it possible that he did research the event and did not mention it as it would provide more ammunition for the pedophile accusations.

Just a thought, I lend no credence to what I say lol as it's all speculation.
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PostSubject: Re: Dunblane Newtown   Dunblane Newtown Icon_minitimeTue Aug 29, 2017 6:59 pm

silentprocess wrote:
Another reason perhaps Lanza never mentioned Dunblane
Adam mentioned Dunblane once on the old board:
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PostSubject: Re: Dunblane Newtown   Dunblane Newtown Icon_minitimeWed Aug 30, 2017 10:26 am

I was walking through a park near to where I live and I spotted a bench dedicated to the memory of the kids at Dunblane. I found it quite odd as I'm about 250 miles away from that town.

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PostSubject: Re: Dunblane Newtown   Dunblane Newtown Icon_minitimeSat Sep 02, 2017 4:08 pm

I know of at least one other shooter who also used a combination of FMJ and HPs; Gian Luigi Ferri, who shot up a SF law firm. Interestingly he used TEC-9's. Also despite having Hellfire triggers (trigger systems designed to make weapons fully automatic) he only killed 9 people, so much for gun control I say cheekily.
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PostSubject: Re: Dunblane Newtown   Dunblane Newtown Icon_minitime

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