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 Adam Lanza's Mysterious Mediafire Account

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Adam Lanza's Mysterious Mediafire Account Empty
PostSubject: Adam Lanza's Mysterious Mediafire Account   Adam Lanza's Mysterious Mediafire Account Icon_minitimeSun Aug 06, 2017 5:29 pm

Newtown investigators supposedly found a Mediafire Online storage account belonging to Adam Lanza (without a search warrant), Investigators claim that due to the content found in this Online storage it was appropriate to immediately delete the account, Peter Lanza then signed a consent to assume online identity form to turn over the access rights to the FBI, All of the data was then said to have been Erased.

There is nothing to say that the Data was backed up onto DVD-R like most evidence is and strangely enough the Data was never entered into the Evidence of the SHES Shootings.

There is no clue to what was on the Storage account but there are many possibilities to what was on their including:

Child Pornography Or Child Torture videos

Documents on plans to do with the SHES massacre including Maps of school,lockdown information off of SHES website, Possible footage of the front entrance of SHES (Note multiple GPS records involving Adam driving to and past SHES and St Rose of lima numerous times prior to the Attack, Adam did own a Video Camera.Purpose of recording main entrances may be explained by his prior knowledge and seeming pre planned entrance into SHES on December 14th)

Motives possibly videos or documents of text relating to motives written or filmed by Adam

Personal Diary

You may be thinking why would he put any of the info above into an online storage account?

Child porn and torture videos - obvious reasons to hide the information

And for the rest i believe he may of hidden his plans and motives as he was paranoid about numerous things especially staying "off the grid" as he constantly formatted his hard drive to erase all information stored on it as he may of being paranoid about being caught. Or he wanted to keep the information on the storage as a failsafe hoping media would find his info (motives, plans) and publish it for everyone to see (unlikely to me, i'd rather go with the 1st speculation of him concealing some sort of major data related to SHES which the Investigators found and thought it would be too dangerous to mention or release the Data due to publicizing his motives).

This is one mysterious piece of limited information with no answers, what do you guys think about this and what do you think was on the Mediafire Storage Account?.

Evidence of Mediafire account: Final Report # 00039713
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Adam Lanza's Mysterious Mediafire Account Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza's Mysterious Mediafire Account   Adam Lanza's Mysterious Mediafire Account Icon_minitimeSun Aug 13, 2017 4:47 pm


Last edited by Andromeda on Fri Jan 12, 2018 5:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Adam Lanza's Mysterious Mediafire Account Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza's Mysterious Mediafire Account   Adam Lanza's Mysterious Mediafire Account Icon_minitimeSun Aug 13, 2017 5:21 pm

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a mass murderer doesn't have privacy in my opinion, well due to "content found" they said it has to be deleted "immediately" . I believe that it was something major but the FBI would rather censor it like they did to many more files and data including his "dress rehearsal photos and suicide mock photos, there are many anomalies in the sandy hook case and i believe this is one of those mysterious things will never see.

i believe out of all my suggestions that child porn or torture is the least likely, diaries or plans? a possibility
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Adam Lanza's Mysterious Mediafire Account Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza's Mysterious Mediafire Account   Adam Lanza's Mysterious Mediafire Account Icon_minitimeSun Aug 13, 2017 6:03 pm


Last edited by Andromeda on Fri Jan 12, 2018 5:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Adam Lanza's Mysterious Mediafire Account Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza's Mysterious Mediafire Account   Adam Lanza's Mysterious Mediafire Account Icon_minitimeSun Aug 13, 2017 6:05 pm

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Andromeda wrote:
It certainly is suspicious that the data had to be deleted immediately and that they don't mention it anywhere. The big question is 'why?'. Why is the public not allowed to know the shooters motives?
Information about Adam is already limited because he destroyed his hard drive, so why not publish the remaining stuff?

Compared with  Columbine we know almost nothing about Sandy Hook and Adam.

i guess they believe that this was such a twisted massacre that they didnt want to release adams info due to copycats or followers but i believe none of his data at all relates to that, if they don't release it people will just construct the image of it in their mind and will reside with just that.

we already know that its there so they aren't exactly hiding anything or are they?
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Adam Lanza's Mysterious Mediafire Account Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza's Mysterious Mediafire Account   Adam Lanza's Mysterious Mediafire Account Icon_minitimeFri Sep 15, 2023 5:34 pm

Guest wrote:
Newtown investigators supposedly found a Mediafire Online storage account belonging to Adam Lanza (without a search warrant), Investigators claim that due to the content found in this Online storage it was appropriate to immediately delete the account, Peter Lanza then signed a consent to assume online identity form to turn over the access rights to the FBI, All of the data was then said to have been Erased.

There is nothing to say that the Data was backed up onto DVD-R like most evidence is and strangely enough the Data was never entered into the Evidence of the SHES Shootings.

There is no clue to what was on the Storage account but there are many possibilities to what was on their including:

Child Pornography Or Child Torture videos

Documents on plans to do with the SHES massacre including Maps of school,lockdown information off of SHES website, Possible footage of the front entrance of SHES (Note multiple GPS records involving Adam driving to and past SHES and St Rose of lima numerous times prior to the Attack, Adam did own a Video Camera.Purpose of recording main entrances may be explained by his prior knowledge and seeming pre planned entrance into SHES on December 14th)

Motives possibly videos or documents of text relating to motives written or filmed by Adam

Personal Diary

You may be thinking why would he put any of the info above into an online storage account?

Child porn and torture videos - obvious reasons to hide the information

And for the rest i believe he may of hidden his plans and motives as he was paranoid about numerous things especially staying "off the grid" as he constantly formatted his hard drive to erase all information stored on it as he may of being paranoid about being caught. Or he wanted to keep the information on the storage as a failsafe hoping media would find his info (motives, plans) and publish it for everyone to see (unlikely to me, i'd rather go with the 1st speculation of him concealing some sort of major data related to SHES which the Investigators found and thought it would be too dangerous to mention or release the Data due to publicizing his motives).

This is one mysterious piece of limited information with no answers, what do you guys think about this and what do you think was on the Mediafire Storage Account?.

Evidence of Mediafire account: Final Report # 00039713
Did anything ever come out of this? I can't find any info.

NEXT STEP UP, vril, Йозеф Геббельс, ideklovee92 and Woundfucker like this post

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Adam Lanza's Mysterious Mediafire Account Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza's Mysterious Mediafire Account   Adam Lanza's Mysterious Mediafire Account Icon_minitime

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Adam Lanza's Mysterious Mediafire Account
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