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 Adam Lanza's Tumblr Activity - New FBI Information

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Adam Lanza's Tumblr Activity - New FBI Information - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza's Tumblr Activity - New FBI Information   Adam Lanza's Tumblr Activity - New FBI Information - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 28, 2018 12:27 am

Saw this today. The tags Adam used on his 'queerforkimveer' tumblr.

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Adam Lanza's Tumblr Activity - New FBI Information - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza's Tumblr Activity - New FBI Information   Adam Lanza's Tumblr Activity - New FBI Information - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 28, 2018 12:35 am

04daviszoe wrote:
Saw this today. The tags Adam used on his 'queerforkimveer' tumblr.
Thanks for sharing!

What's a "root post?" Are these the original tags for some of the individual posts that have been found? The second one would match up with the "badass" post and the third would match up with the gun collage but I'm curious what the first one could have been attached to. Was there a Holmes related post found somewhere? Funny that he said "Columbine" and "Holmies" rather than "Columbiners" although I'm guessing that this was due to the conventions for tagging posts to certain communities rather than personal preference.

I couldn't figure out how to see the old avatar icon so I'm also happy to see that. Do you know how/where this can be found?
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Adam Lanza's Tumblr Activity - New FBI Information - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza's Tumblr Activity - New FBI Information   Adam Lanza's Tumblr Activity - New FBI Information - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 28, 2018 1:18 am

sscc wrote:
04daviszoe wrote:
Saw this today. The tags Adam used on his 'queerforkimveer' tumblr.
Thanks for sharing!

What's a "root post?" Are these the original tags for some of the individual posts that have been found? The second one would match up with the "badass" post and the third would match up with the gun collage but I'm curious what the first one could have been attached to. Was there a Holmes related post found somewhere? Funny that he said "Columbine" and "Holmies" rather than "Columbiners" although I'm guessing that this was due to the conventions for tagging posts to certain communities rather than personal preference.

I couldn't figure out how to see the old avatar icon so I'm also happy to see that. Do you know how/where this can be found?

the user who found this is a friend of mine on tumblr - i can PM you her url if you want to ask her?
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Adam Lanza's Tumblr Activity - New FBI Information - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza's Tumblr Activity - New FBI Information   Adam Lanza's Tumblr Activity - New FBI Information - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 28, 2018 3:59 am

rkp wrote:
sscc wrote:
04daviszoe wrote:
Saw this today. The tags Adam used on his 'queerforkimveer' tumblr.
Thanks for sharing!

What's a "root post?" Are these the original tags for some of the individual posts that have been found? The second one would match up with the "badass" post and the third would match up with the gun collage but I'm curious what the first one could have been attached to. Was there a Holmes related post found somewhere? Funny that he said "Columbine" and "Holmies" rather than "Columbiners" although I'm guessing that this was due to the conventions for tagging posts to certain communities rather than personal preference.

I couldn't figure out how to see the old avatar icon so I'm also happy to see that. Do you know how/where this can be found?

the user who found this is a friend of mine on tumblr - i can PM you her url if you want to ask her?

Yes, credit to the OP. I just happened to find it on the Adam Lanza tag. Smile
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Adam Lanza's Tumblr Activity - New FBI Information - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza's Tumblr Activity - New FBI Information   Adam Lanza's Tumblr Activity - New FBI Information - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 28, 2018 8:37 am

Does Adam Lanza mention anything about any Australian mass shooter?

On a side note, when I first heard of Lanza and his spreadsheet I assumed that he modelled his own shooting after the ones that occurred in 1996. He chose a primary school classroom like Thomas Hamilton and he fired an AR-15 like Martin Bryant. Both shootings resulted in mass casualties and big changes to gun laws. They are historically significant.

But reading about Lanza's obsession with Hawkins and his view on children I think my original assumption is way off the mark.
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Adam Lanza's Tumblr Activity - New FBI Information - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza's Tumblr Activity - New FBI Information   Adam Lanza's Tumblr Activity - New FBI Information - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Aug 14, 2022 7:06 pm

sscc wrote:

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The last video is called "Monologues" and it contains several videos and audio recordings that real life shooters made to explain themselves.
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1. Seung-Hui Cho
2. Sebastian Bosse
3. Alvaro Castillo
4. Wellington Oliveira
5. Christian Helms
6. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold

Video got deleted recently, it didn't get waybacked either. It was uploaded Saturday, August 18th, 2012, at 6:18 PM.

"Follow me, I follow back."
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PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza's Tumblr Activity - New FBI Information   Adam Lanza's Tumblr Activity - New FBI Information - Page 2 Icon_minitime

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