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PostSubject: documentaries   documentaries Icon_minitimeThu Nov 23, 2017 8:55 am

Something that really annoys me about a lot of documentaries i see about columbine is their use of the hitmen for hire footage. they always use the clips of eric and dylan screaming at the camera for dramatic effect, but i just think it’s misleading, and even a little bit dishonest.

they’re acting in those clips. they’re reading lines written. it especially pisses me off when it comes to dylan. the boy messed up like, two times trying to read off the script, because what he was saying was so stupid and corny. like, c’mon. “you’ll be coughing up dandruff for four freakin’ months” is supposed to inspire fear? it just makes me snort.

like, i get why they used the footage and i get the layout. the footage works well with the narrative they’re spinning. i just think it’s a bit stupid. sure, they look a bit unhinged screaming at a camera like that, but it was for a short film - it was acting.

the whole point of why i post this , because dylan and eric weren’t these psycho freak monsters. they were normal kids - which you can see from the various clips these documentaries DON’T show you of them fucking around and messing up lines. they were normal kids who ended up committing a horrific act of violence. i think that’s important to highlight. and you can’t really do that when everyone else is trying to portray them like blood-thirsty psycho monsters. they weren’t. not until the very end. and i don’t think it’s wise to take that end and spin it into their whole lives. how are we supposed to understand how this happened if we literally just lie about this ?

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PostSubject: Re: documentaries   documentaries Icon_minitimeThu Nov 23, 2017 10:37 am

They always cut if out before you see Dylan crack up laughing.

The only footage from their videos that they made that disturbs me is Rampart Range because those are the weapons they use, and Mark Manes and Philip Duran knew they were in HS and they even commented on how they were acting that day and how it disturbed them but they still sold them a gun.. it just irks me.

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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PostSubject: Re: documentaries   documentaries Icon_minitimeMon Sep 26, 2022 4:26 pm

I am going to make a documentary about the [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] campaign.

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PostSubject: Re: documentaries   documentaries Icon_minitime

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