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 Are there anymore traces of them online?

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PostSubject: Are there anymore traces of them online?   Are there anymore traces of them online? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 14, 2017 4:12 pm

I don't mean screenshots and mirrors of their stuff but actual things that haven't been taken down and are still available online.
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PostSubject: Re: Are there anymore traces of them online?   Are there anymore traces of them online? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 14, 2017 4:17 pm

That would be interesting if there was!

More than likely if there is anything like message board posts and the like, it would be from Eric.

The only username Dylan used that I know of was Wurmhole.

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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PostSubject: Re: Are there anymore traces of them online?   Are there anymore traces of them online? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 14, 2017 4:21 pm

Screamingophelia wrote:
That would be interesting if there was!

More than likely if there is anything like message board posts and the like, it would be from Eric.

The only username Dylan used that  I know of was Wurmhole.

I never even thought about the board posts option Exclamation
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PostSubject: Re: Are there anymore traces of them online?   Are there anymore traces of them online? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 14, 2017 4:33 pm

Staying on the subject, has there ever been anything found online from any of the victims?
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PostSubject: Re: Are there anymore traces of them online?   Are there anymore traces of them online? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 14, 2017 4:55 pm

Unfortunately I think anything that may have been posted by them is either long gone or impossible to find :/
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PostSubject: Re: Are there anymore traces of them online?   Are there anymore traces of them online? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 14, 2017 4:57 pm

Eric has a webring of his site which linked it to other Doom pages, so perhaps they had links to his on theirs too. Eric's doom mods were once featured on the top 10 maps on AOL page. I'm sure its out there, but on the way back machine.
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PostSubject: Re: Are there anymore traces of them online?   Are there anymore traces of them online? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 14, 2017 4:58 pm

Littlelo wrote:
Unfortunately I think anything that may have been posted by them is either long gone or impossible to find :/

I think the only way to find anything would be to figure out/guess what sites they may have liked and go back on the wayback machine.

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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Lunkhead McGrath

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PostSubject: bd   Are there anymore traces of them online? Icon_minitimeSat Dec 16, 2017 10:16 pm

spidEr wrote:
Eric has a webring of his site which linked it to other Doom pages, so perhaps they had links to his on theirs too. Eric's doom mods were once featured on the top 10 maps on AOL page. I'm sure its out there, but on the way back machine.

I certainly hope Net Neutrality repeal/lack of funding doesn't kill the Wayback Machine, I needs it!!!! (the cries for funding on the Wayback Machine site are even louder than Wikipedia's!)
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PostSubject: Re: Are there anymore traces of them online?   Are there anymore traces of them online? Icon_minitimeSat Dec 16, 2017 10:27 pm

Lunkhead McGrath wrote:
spidEr wrote:
Eric has a webring of his site which linked it to other Doom pages, so perhaps they had links to his on theirs too. Eric's doom mods were once featured on the top 10 maps on AOL page. I'm sure its out there, but on the way back machine.

I certainly hope Net Neutrality repeal/lack of funding doesn't kill the Wayback Machine, I needs it!!!! (the cries for funding on the Wayback Machine site are even louder than Wikipedia's!)

Oh shit that would be tragic. I really like the wayback machine!
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PostSubject: Re: Are there anymore traces of them online?   Are there anymore traces of them online? Icon_minitimeSun Dec 17, 2017 1:15 pm

Littlelo wrote:

Oh shit that would be tragic. I really like the wayback machine!

No, they cannot do that!
There were so many good and important websites that are now down! If they close the Wayback Machine, we lose an incredibly great amount of info.
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PostSubject: Re: Are there anymore traces of them online?   Are there anymore traces of them online? Icon_minitimeSun Dec 17, 2017 1:52 pm

I think 1998/1999 was slightly before the time messageboards came to prominence. Yes they were around on the internet that early in the piece but I doubt Eric or Dylan would have even known they existed.

2002-2003 was the year messageboards really became big - and it was because Microsoft XP was released around that time.
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PostSubject: Re: Are there anymore traces of them online?   Are there anymore traces of them online? Icon_minitimeSun Dec 17, 2017 2:21 pm

Ivan wrote:
I think 1998/1999 was slightly before the time messageboards came to prominence. Yes they were around on the internet that early in the piece but I doubt Eric or Dylan would have even known they existed.

2002-2003 was the year messageboards really became big - and it was because Microsoft XP was released around that time.
I think BBS was very big in the 90s but was actually starting to die down by 1999. I don't really know for sure because I never used them.
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This guy posted on a game related BBS that Eric posted on and used to find people to play games with. He was talking about Eric's participation there and their real life interactions. He also said that someone from the BBS had saved everything that the users had ever posted there to a CD and suggests that Eric's Doom levels were on there, meaning that they were probably publicly released before he killed himself and could hypothetically still exist somewhere out there if anyone bothered to save them after that.
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PostSubject: Re: Are there anymore traces of them online?   Are there anymore traces of them online? Icon_minitimeSun Dec 17, 2017 2:25 pm

sscc wrote:
Ivan wrote:
I think 1998/1999 was slightly before the time messageboards came to prominence. Yes they were around on the internet that early in the piece but I doubt Eric or Dylan would have even known they existed.

2002-2003 was the year messageboards really became big - and it was because Microsoft XP was released around that time.
I think BBS was very big in the 90s but was actually starting to die down by 1999. I don't really know for sure because I never used them.
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This guy posted on a game related BBS that Eric posted on and used to find people to play games with. He was talking about Eric's participation there and their real life interactions. He also said that someone from the BBS had saved everything that the users had ever posted there to a CD and suggests that Eric's Doom levels were on there, meaning that they were probably publicly released before he killed himself and could hypothetically still exist somewhere out there if anyone bothered to save them after that.
Didn't know about that. Will read through the interview because this is news to me.
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PostSubject: Re: Are there anymore traces of them online?   Are there anymore traces of them online? Icon_minitimeSun Dec 17, 2017 10:13 pm

Yes, good point [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.].

I posted that interview 1 year ago.
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PostSubject: Re: Are there anymore traces of them online?   Are there anymore traces of them online? Icon_minitimeMon Dec 18, 2017 2:10 am

sororityalpha wrote:
Yes, good point [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.].

I posted that interview 1 year ago.
I remember. Very Happy
Thanks for posting because it's an interesting interview for a few different reasons.

This is blatantly off-topic but I was re-reading the interview a few days ago and I saw that he said that Dylan was driving them both in his BMW when they met up because according to Eric, he wasn't driving at the time. I don't believe that Dylan got his license before Eric did, so the question is what happened that Eric "didn't drive" at that time?

It also lends credence to and may clarify this statement by Stefanie Haney on 835, where she says that in 1998, either Eric or Dylan was angry at his parents for taking his car away after he got in trouble.
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It's interesting that Eric may have said that "they will get theirs." I wonder exactly what he would have been referring to when he said this.

On Eric's diversion forms he also wrote that one of his punishments was "Loss of possessions" so maybe he was talking about having his car taken away there. I also think the differences between Eric and his parents' answers on the diversion forms are an interesting glimpse into their relationship. You can see that he doesn't think disagreements are handled quite as logically or civilly as his parents suggest they are, that he feels that his parents make him check in with them a lot more than they suggest that they do, and with Eric's last answer, you can almost feel his resentment of their authority over him.
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According to his old girlfriend, he even used to talk about "assassinating" his own mother but never mentioned his father at all.
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It looks like Eric may have harbored a lot of anger toward his parents which he did not let on to them.
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PostSubject: Re: Are there anymore traces of them online?   Are there anymore traces of them online? Icon_minitimeMon Dec 18, 2017 12:41 pm

Is it possible Eric's driving privileges were revoked after they discovered the pipe bombs? I could be off on the timeline, just speculating.
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