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 Aurora Theater Shooting Survivor Dies Unexpectedly.

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Aurora Theater Shooting Survivor Dies Unexpectedly. Empty
PostSubject: Aurora Theater Shooting Survivor Dies Unexpectedly.   Aurora Theater Shooting Survivor Dies Unexpectedly. Icon_minitimeSat Dec 23, 2017 10:37 pm

This is a story from a few weeks ago (Dec. 7) that flew underneath the radar. I only came across it today when I typed "James Holmes" in the google news search bar out of boredom. And even then the link was about halfway down the first page of results.

"A survivor of the Aurora, Colorado, theater shooting that killed 12 people in 2012 has died, and officials are trying to determine what caused her death.

Heather Snyder, 31, of Centennial, was found unresponsive Sunday evening, according to The Denver Post. There were no signs of foul play at the scene, but Snyder’s autopsy was inconclusive as to her cause of death.

Arapahoe County Coroner’s Office officials said toxicology results and a microscopic examination of tissues would take six to eight weeks, but could shine light on Snyder’s death.

"She never totally recovered from it,” her father, Rick Snyder, told the Post Monday. “She was reminded of it every day.”"

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They don't explicitly state that it was a suicide/overdose (whether intentional or not), but it seems like that could be the case. We'll have to wait for toxicology results...

The family also set up a Gofundme: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
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Aurora Theater Shooting Survivor Dies Unexpectedly. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aurora Theater Shooting Survivor Dies Unexpectedly.   Aurora Theater Shooting Survivor Dies Unexpectedly. Icon_minitimeSat Dec 23, 2017 11:04 pm

boringguy wrote:
They don't explicitly state that it was a suicide/overdose (whether intentional or not), but it seems like that could be the case. 

It wouldn't shock me at all. She must have been traumatized beyond all belief after the shooting.

It makes me wonder how many committed suicide after surviving Columbine...

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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Aurora Theater Shooting Survivor Dies Unexpectedly. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aurora Theater Shooting Survivor Dies Unexpectedly.   Aurora Theater Shooting Survivor Dies Unexpectedly. Icon_minitimeSun Dec 24, 2017 12:47 am

Bumped up to lucky 13.
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Aurora Theater Shooting Survivor Dies Unexpectedly. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aurora Theater Shooting Survivor Dies Unexpectedly.   Aurora Theater Shooting Survivor Dies Unexpectedly. Icon_minitimeSun Dec 24, 2017 3:09 am

Did she drop her popcorn?
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Aurora Theater Shooting Survivor Dies Unexpectedly. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aurora Theater Shooting Survivor Dies Unexpectedly.   Aurora Theater Shooting Survivor Dies Unexpectedly. Icon_minitime

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Aurora Theater Shooting Survivor Dies Unexpectedly.
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