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 "Eric Inside Columbine"

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Lunkhead McGrath
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Lunkhead McGrath

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PostSubject: "Eric Inside Columbine"   "Eric Inside Columbine" Icon_minitime1/2/2018, 02:19

I'd only skipped through parts of this, but yesterday I sat down and watched all 25 minutes of the whole damn thing.


......what an excruciating bore. Aside from the wall of jocks at the beginning hitting Eric, Eric spinning that thing around on his table, and Dylan's little cameo at the end (he WAS pretty tall!) I don't think I'll ever go anywhere near it ever again. Certainly never the whole thing.

Do you guys watch it often? And if so, what do you guys get out of it? Watching real teenagers in 1999 talk about stupid crap like how cute Ben Affleck is and being all immature and inarticulate like that really highlights how Hollywood teen movies make even the kids in *stupid* teen movies ten times more articulate than the real deal.

I wonder if they'd be even more inarticulate today, with all the social media.
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PostSubject: Re: "Eric Inside Columbine"   "Eric Inside Columbine" Icon_minitime1/2/2018, 03:31

It is quite boring. I have seen it like 3 or 4 times, like the whole thing, and I think it is just because I don't really understand Eric. Something about him just doesn't click with me.

The stuff he wrote alone just doesn't explain his character to me. I'm starting to think he just wasn't as complicated as I thought he would have to be to be able to kill people. Just a simple little guy intimidated by the fact that his existence might be just as pointless as everybody elses.

Watching how he behaves does give more genuine clues about his mental state compared to his writings imo. For me it is valueable because I can't relate to the stuff he wrote but I can relate to the person in the video.

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PostSubject: Re: "Eric Inside Columbine"   "Eric Inside Columbine" Icon_minitime1/2/2018, 05:40

I am pathetic, in the span of 12 years I've seen the thing all the way through more than 50 times for sure... I did it for many reasons, to watch Eric's behavior and try and see if I missed anything, try to get a feel for his character, try to get a feel about what he is thinking about, see how interactive he is with the other's around him, see how confident he appears also other reasons like a blast from the past in the 90's and get a better understanding for the layout inside the building.
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PostSubject: Re: "Eric Inside Columbine"   "Eric Inside Columbine" Icon_minitime1/2/2018, 07:41

Lunkhead McGrath wrote:
Watching real teenagers in 1999 talk about stupid crap like how cute Ben Affleck is and being all immature and inarticulate like that really highlights how Hollywood teen movies make even the kids in *stupid* teen movies ten times more articulate than the real deal.  

I wonder if they'd be even more inarticulate today, with all the social media.

When I was in school we talked about plenty of important things. Well more like everyone else talked about important things and I never shut up about Encyclopedia Dramatica and 4chan.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
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PostSubject: Re: "Eric Inside Columbine"   "Eric Inside Columbine" Icon_minitime1/2/2018, 14:37

I have seen it a few times. The last couple was not actually because of Eric or Dylan but nostalgia I guess. I like to "look back in time" and see high school kids whose faces are not attached to a cell phone. It is like a blast from the past I guess.

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Lunkhead McGrath

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PostSubject: ed/4chan   "Eric Inside Columbine" Icon_minitime1/2/2018, 18:08

QuestionMark wrote:
Lunkhead McGrath wrote:
Watching real teenagers in 1999 talk about stupid crap like how cute Ben Affleck is and being all immature and inarticulate like that really highlights how Hollywood teen movies make even the kids in *stupid* teen movies ten times more articulate than the real deal.  

I wonder if they'd be even more inarticulate today, with all the social media.

When I was in school we talked about plenty of important things. Well more like everyone else talked about important things and I never shut up about Encyclopedia Dramatica and 4chan.

ED and 4Chan are still going? When I was in high school the biggest "Internet meme" was probably something like Ate My Balls or something retarded like that, I didn't even know anyone at HS who knew about friggin' Goatse.
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PostSubject: Re: "Eric Inside Columbine"   "Eric Inside Columbine" Icon_minitime1/2/2018, 18:39

It's eerie watching it, you can't help but feel weird seeing them walk past the library doors and Dylans locker. It gives you a much better perspective on how the school was like inside, better than a blueprint or the model jeffco used in the interviews.

Also very interesting to see Eric interacting with others, and how aware he seems to be of the camera. It's just interesting, observing what it was like before the massacre. Funny sometimes too, like when Brandi opens her locker and they all go "what the heck" at the affleck photos. Reminds you of the fact they really were just teens

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PostSubject: Re: "Eric Inside Columbine"   "Eric Inside Columbine" Icon_minitime1/2/2018, 19:13

Lunkhead McGrath wrote:
ED and 4Chan are still going?

Yeah dude, our very own [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] was a sysop on ED.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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Lunkhead McGrath

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PostSubject: ed   "Eric Inside Columbine" Icon_minitime1/2/2018, 19:19

QuestionMark wrote:
Lunkhead McGrath wrote:
ED and 4Chan are still going?

Yeah dude, our very own [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] was a sysop on ED.

I went and checked it out....that entry for Budd Dwyer isn't nearly as funny as it used to be.

The Columbine entry is so unfunny it probably belongs on Uncyclopedia.

I thought 4chan was just camwhores or something nowadays.
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Lunkhead McGrath

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PostSubject: Re: "Eric Inside Columbine"   "Eric Inside Columbine" Icon_minitime1/2/2018, 19:21

23september wrote:
It's eerie watching it, you can't help but feel weird seeing them walk past the library doors and Dylans locker. It gives you a much better perspective on how the school was like inside, better than a blueprint or the model jeffco used in the interviews.

Also very interesting to see Eric interacting with others, and how aware he seems to be of the camera. It's just interesting, observing what it was like before the massacre. Funny sometimes too, like when Brandi opens her locker and they all go "what the heck" at the affleck photos. Reminds you of the fact they really were just teens

I don't think any teenager could avoid being aware of the camera. And I'd think nothing of his behavior to tie it to a potential massacre. At best the phone-spinning thing would make me think of fidget spinners and have me wondering if he wasn't 1/100th autistic, but hey, so am I....

As far as eerie footage goes very little can top the footage of the blood-soaked library or people running past Rachel/Danny's bodies or all the chaos in the cafeteria footage.

I've never watched "Radioactive Clothing" all the way through either.
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PostSubject: Re: "Eric Inside Columbine"   "Eric Inside Columbine" Icon_minitime1/2/2018, 21:23

Lunkhead McGrath wrote:
23september wrote:
It's eerie watching it, you can't help but feel weird seeing them walk past the library doors and Dylans locker. It gives you a much better perspective on how the school was like inside, better than a blueprint or the model jeffco used in the interviews.

Also very interesting to see Eric interacting with others, and how aware he seems to be of the camera. It's just interesting, observing what it was like before the massacre. Funny sometimes too, like when Brandi opens her locker and they all go "what the heck" at the affleck photos. Reminds you of the fact they really were just teens

I don't think any teenager could avoid being aware of the camera.  And I'd think nothing of his behavior to tie it to a potential massacre.  At best the phone-spinning thing would make me think of fidget spinners and have me wondering if he wasn't 1/100th autistic, but hey, so am I....

As far as eerie footage goes very little can top the footage of the blood-soaked library or people running past Rachel/Danny's bodies or all the chaos in the cafeteria footage.

I've never watched "Radioactive Clothing" all the way through either.  

I still think he seems a lot more aware than Mike or Brandi who just chat away without glancing at it all the time. And yeah, nothing in that video suggests a potential massacre, which is part of the eeriness, especially when they'd begun planning it by then or had the idea of killing.

Can't help but disagree. The library and outside footage was horrible, sure, but not eerie. The Eric in Columbine video is a lot more eerie to me.

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PostSubject: Re: "Eric Inside Columbine"   "Eric Inside Columbine" Icon_minitime1/2/2018, 22:04

I wrote in the small questions thread about the theory that the clips in the video actually is in the reversed chronological order.

That would explain why Eric is more aware of the camera. He basically has pressure on him to make Brandi laugh and react to the camera as she did in the first clip (last clip) where she is all like "Sttooop it!" and probably blushing. When he realizes that she doesn't have the same initial reaction to them he gets a lot of pressure on him that he doesn't know how to deal with which I think is probably what he is thinking about when he is at the cafeteriatable looking up into the ceiling.
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PostSubject: Re: "Eric Inside Columbine"   "Eric Inside Columbine" Icon_minitime2/2/2018, 03:31

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] I thought he was looking for surveillance cameras in the cafeteria when he was looking up into the ceiling.
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PostSubject: Re: "Eric Inside Columbine"   "Eric Inside Columbine" Icon_minitime2/2/2018, 09:56


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PostSubject: Re: "Eric Inside Columbine"   "Eric Inside Columbine" Icon_minitime2/2/2018, 10:00


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PostSubject: Re: "Eric Inside Columbine"   "Eric Inside Columbine" Icon_minitime4/3/2018, 19:35

Does anyone have the transcript of the 'Eric inside Columbine' video? I can't make out half of what they're saying...
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PostSubject: Re: "Eric Inside Columbine"   "Eric Inside Columbine" Icon_minitime4/3/2018, 20:30

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

check this thread out [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

I don't agree with everything in that transcript but it's quite accurate
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"Eric Inside Columbine" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Eric Inside Columbine"   "Eric Inside Columbine" Icon_minitime15/3/2018, 16:09

Lunkhead McGrath wrote:
I'd only skipped through parts of this, but yesterday I sat down and watched all 25 minutes of the whole damn thing.  


......what an excruciating bore.  Aside from the wall of jocks at the beginning hitting Eric, Eric spinning that thing around on his table, and Dylan's little cameo at the end (he WAS pretty tall!) I don't think I'll ever go anywhere near it ever again.  Certainly never the whole thing.  

Do you guys watch it often?  And if so, what do you guys get out of it?  Watching real teenagers in 1999 talk about stupid crap like how cute Ben Affleck is and being all immature and inarticulate like that really highlights how Hollywood teen movies make even the kids in *stupid* teen movies ten times more articulate than the real deal.  

I wonder if they'd be even more inarticulate today, with all the social media.
I've watched it a few times, mainly to examine Eric's day to day behavior. From what I could gather Eric was actually quite the follower, trying to fit in whenever he could.

He also found rejection inexcusable. When Brandi spoke to her friend Jeremy and showed him some attention with Eric standing there he reacted very poorly and walked away.

I think envy might have been a deep seeded trait in Eric. Not jealousy, he was not jealous of others. He saw himself above people like Jeremy. But envy - he wanted what Jeremy had, specifically the connection he had with Brandi.

I also found that Dylan was very surly looking. He seemed to be brooding with anger from the 3 seconds I saw of him.
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PostSubject: Re: "Eric Inside Columbine"   "Eric Inside Columbine" Icon_minitime15/3/2018, 18:14

Ivan wrote:
Lunkhead McGrath wrote:
I'd only skipped through parts of this, but yesterday I sat down and watched all 25 minutes of the whole damn thing.  


......what an excruciating bore.  Aside from the wall of jocks at the beginning hitting Eric, Eric spinning that thing around on his table, and Dylan's little cameo at the end (he WAS pretty tall!) I don't think I'll ever go anywhere near it ever again.  Certainly never the whole thing.  

Do you guys watch it often?  And if so, what do you guys get out of it?  Watching real teenagers in 1999 talk about stupid crap like how cute Ben Affleck is and being all immature and inarticulate like that really highlights how Hollywood teen movies make even the kids in *stupid* teen movies ten times more articulate than the real deal.  

I wonder if they'd be even more inarticulate today, with all the social media.
I've watched it a few times, mainly to examine Eric's day to day behavior. From what I could gather Eric was actually quite the follower, trying to fit in whenever he could.

He also found rejection inexcusable. When Brandi spoke to her friend Jeremy and showed him some attention with Eric standing there he reacted very poorly and walked away.

I think envy might have been a deep seeded trait in Eric. Not jealousy, he was not jealous of others. He saw himself above people like Jeremy. But envy - he wanted what Jeremy had, specifically the connection he had with Brandi.

I also found that Dylan was very surly looking. He seemed to be brooding with anger from the 3 seconds I saw of him.

I get the feeling unless he was around people he liked Dylan was always brooding and looked pissed.

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PostSubject: Re: "Eric Inside Columbine"   "Eric Inside Columbine" Icon_minitime16/3/2018, 02:02

Ivan wrote:
I think envy might have been a deep seeded trait in Eric. Not jealousy, he was not jealous of others. He saw himself above people like Jeremy. But envy - he wanted what Jeremy had, specifically the connection he had with Brandi.

I always pegged Dylan as the envious one. He hated others because they didn't feel depressed and self-hating as he was.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
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PostSubject: Re: "Eric Inside Columbine"   "Eric Inside Columbine" Icon_minitime27/3/2018, 18:22

Controversial question. If the video was taped on two separate days and we saw Dylan at the end of the entire video, are we sure that Dylan wasn’t filming on the first day and got shoved? I’m just trying to remember what part it was when Eric pointed at the camera man and said “he’s an Eric too”

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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PostSubject: Re: "Eric Inside Columbine"   "Eric Inside Columbine" Icon_minitime27/3/2018, 18:33

Screamingophelia wrote:
Controversial question. If the video was taped on two separate days and we saw Dylan at the end of the entire video, are we sure that Dylan wasn’t filming on the first day and got shoved? I’m just trying to remember what part it was when Eric pointed at the camera man  and said “he’s an Eric too”

Based solely on camera angle I doubt it was Dylan. If it was he would have had to have held the camera pretty low and away from his face. The cameraman appeared to be about the same height as Eric and Mike

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PostSubject: Re: "Eric Inside Columbine"   "Eric Inside Columbine" Icon_minitime27/3/2018, 18:35

Screamingophelia wrote:
Controversial question. If the video was taped on two separate days and we saw Dylan at the end of the entire video, are we sure that Dylan wasn’t filming on the first day and got shoved? I’m just trying to remember what part it was when Eric pointed at the camera man  and said “he’s an Eric too”

He says it when they're having the talk with brandi in the cafeteria, so Dylan couldn't have been filming (he was wearing the jorts at both occasions)

When he's wearing his black cargo pants and they sit down at the cafeteria Mike looks at the camera and says something along the lines of "Eric, I think you wanna film from this angle" and so it has got to be Veik that time too
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PostSubject: Re: "Eric Inside Columbine"   "Eric Inside Columbine" Icon_minitime27/3/2018, 18:36

Lizpuff wrote:
Screamingophelia wrote:
Controversial question. If the video was taped on two separate days and we saw Dylan at the end of the entire video, are we sure that Dylan wasn’t filming on the first day and got shoved? I’m just trying to remember what part it was when Eric pointed at the camera man  and said “he’s an Eric too”

Based solely on camera angle I doubt it was Dylan.  If it was he would have had to have held the camera pretty low and away from his face.  The cameraman appeared to be about the same height as Eric and Mike

good point
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PostSubject: Re: "Eric Inside Columbine"   "Eric Inside Columbine" Icon_minitime27/3/2018, 18:53

Thanks lizpuff and 23september!

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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PostSubject: Re: "Eric Inside Columbine"   "Eric Inside Columbine" Icon_minitime

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