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 "Eric's little cousin" went to Columbine?

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"Eric's little cousin" went to Columbine? Empty
PostSubject: "Eric's little cousin" went to Columbine?   "Eric's little cousin" went to Columbine? Icon_minitime11/11/15, 11:32 am

There are lots of outlandish claims floating around ... I have a hard time believing this one.


I go to Columbine at the moment, I'm in 10th grade. It's just as bad, if not worse than when Eric and Dylan were there. Eric's little cousin went to Columbine and she got harassed and someone stuck the suicide pic on her Locker Surprised horrible.

Why does anyone do anything?
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"Eric's little cousin" went to Columbine? Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Eric's little cousin" went to Columbine?   "Eric's little cousin" went to Columbine? Icon_minitime11/11/15, 07:28 pm

When was this?

Sounds very unlikely that a cousin of Eric's would go to Columbine...?

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"Eric's little cousin" went to Columbine? Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Eric's little cousin" went to Columbine?   "Eric's little cousin" went to Columbine? Icon_minitime11/11/15, 08:19 pm

1891 wrote:
When was this?

Sounds very unlikely that a cousin of Eric's would go to Columbine...?

agree, i wouldn´t let my daughter go to this school after what happend.
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"Eric's little cousin" went to Columbine? Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Eric's little cousin" went to Columbine?   "Eric's little cousin" went to Columbine? Icon_minitime21/11/15, 05:24 am

Perhaps students currently going to the school are not the best source for information on the tragedy or even the school itself.
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"Eric's little cousin" went to Columbine? Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Eric's little cousin" went to Columbine?   "Eric's little cousin" went to Columbine? Icon_minitime21/11/15, 05:33 am

Yea. I don't believe it.
But hey, Eric's brother named his daughter "Erica" so if that is true, the little cousin thing might be as well.
- Why did your parents give you that name?
- Oh yeah my uncle shot 13 people with his bff. His name was Eric so my dad wanted to name me Erica.

Erica Harris, Eric Harris.. Lol.

"Once we got in, we were tired as a priest after a 5 hour orgy"
- Eric Harris
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"Eric's little cousin" went to Columbine? Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Eric's little cousin" went to Columbine?   "Eric's little cousin" went to Columbine? Icon_minitime21/11/15, 02:48 pm

lasttrain wrote:
Perhaps students currently going to the school are not the best source for information on the tragedy or even the school itself.

No one ever said they were, Dave.

Why does anyone do anything?
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"Eric's little cousin" went to Columbine? Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Eric's little cousin" went to Columbine?   "Eric's little cousin" went to Columbine? Icon_minitime23/11/15, 08:38 am

If one of my relatives murdered people I would not even want anyone to know I was related to them at all.
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"Eric's little cousin" went to Columbine? Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Eric's little cousin" went to Columbine?   "Eric's little cousin" went to Columbine? Icon_minitime24/11/15, 01:44 pm

I don't know if this is true or not but Eric did have a cousin born in I believe the Spring of 2000 who would now be high school age so its possible?

We're all going to die, all of us, what a circus; That alone should make us love each other but it doesn't. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing.-Charles Bukowski
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"Eric's little cousin" went to Columbine? Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Eric's little cousin" went to Columbine?   "Eric's little cousin" went to Columbine? Icon_minitime24/11/15, 09:38 pm

PaintItBlack wrote:
I don't know if this is true or not but Eric did have a cousin born in I believe the Spring of 2000 who would now be high school age so its possible?

On who’s side? Wayne’s or Kathy’s?

First I thought, no way that would happen, but when you think about it for a bit; its not that unlikely.

If that in fact it is true that the cousin was born in 2000, Eric was already dead. And 15 years is a long time until someone enters high school. Eric has already been dead for 16 years. Even though it still “goes on” at different forums and such; real life goes on to.

And eventually when the time comes to choose high school, you probably go to the same high school as your middle school friends, right? Even though there is a lot of different high schools in the area. The cousin never knew Eric, obviously, and I doubt they ever talk about him on family dinners or whatever. Eventually as he or she gets older, the cousin becomes aware about Kevin’s brother, who died young and a long time ago. Why did he die?

I still don’t believe it though until I get actual proof.
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"Eric's little cousin" went to Columbine? Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Eric's little cousin" went to Columbine?   "Eric's little cousin" went to Columbine? Icon_minitime24/11/15, 10:04 pm

Rebdoomer wrote:
Yea. I don't believe it.
But hey, Eric's brother named his daughter "Erica" so if that is true, the little cousin thing might be as well.
- Why did your parents give you that name?
- Oh yeah my uncle shot 13 people with his bff. His name was Eric so my dad wanted to name me Erica.

Erica Harris, Eric Harris.. Lol.

Was this ever confirmed? I thought it was just pure speculation, or a joke (The Erica bit).
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"Eric's little cousin" went to Columbine? Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Eric's little cousin" went to Columbine?   "Eric's little cousin" went to Columbine? Icon_minitime25/11/15, 09:07 am

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.],
I will gladly share with you what I know.
Eric's Dad Wayne has a sister named Sandra.
They lived fairly close to the school so Eric often dropped in to visit , sometimes bringing Dylan along.
Sandra and her husband had two children and it was one of their children who had the child in the Spring of 2000.
I do not know what sex the child was or anything else.

I know this because I used to have a friend who had written to Eric's aunt the year after the shooting to express her sympathy and she wrote back and they ended up corresponding for about a year, maybe a little longer.

We're all going to die, all of us, what a circus; That alone should make us love each other but it doesn't. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing.-Charles Bukowski
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"Eric's little cousin" went to Columbine? Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Eric's little cousin" went to Columbine?   "Eric's little cousin" went to Columbine? Icon_minitime25/11/15, 10:11 am

PaintItBlack wrote:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.],
I will gladly share with you what I know.
Eric's Dad Wayne has a sister named Sandra.
They lived fairly close to the school so Eric often dropped in to visit , sometimes bringing Dylan along.
Sandra and her husband had two children and it was one of their children who had the child in the Spring of 2000.
I do not know what sex the child was or anything else.

I know this because I used to have a friend who had written to Eric's aunt the year after the shooting to express her sympathy and she wrote back and they ended up corresponding for about a year, maybe a little longer.

Interesting information! Thank you for sharing that.

Well, then it might be true!
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"Eric's little cousin" went to Columbine? Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Eric's little cousin" went to Columbine?   "Eric's little cousin" went to Columbine? Icon_minitime

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"Eric's little cousin" went to Columbine?
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