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 Sandy Hook Resources

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PostSubject: Sandy Hook Resources   Sandy Hook Resources Icon_minitimeWed Feb 07, 2018 12:02 am

Someone recently asked me about resources for learning about Adam Lanza and Sandy Hook and I thought that it might be helpful to others if I copied the list into a thread. Many of these sources are linked throughout random threads in the subforum but this is to provide easy access. If you want to know more about Sandy Hook, you can definitely start by checking out these links.

This is the full investigation. It is heavily redacted but there is a lot of information.
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It includes all the released police documents and also includes some other types of files including videos of police dashcams, audio of 911 calls, crime scene photos (for both the house and school) and crime scene videos (again, both photos and video are heavily redacted).

This final report is a summary of much of that information.
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This is a great overview of Adam's life. It goes through his available educational and medical history and also includes many details from the investigative files so it's a quick way to get an overview of the situation but also provides some meaningful depth and an analysis of the way Adam's issues were handled.
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

This is Peter Lanza's only in-depth interview. It gives new information on Adam's life outside of the context of his mass murder obsession in his later years. It also offers some insight into how Adam's actions affected Peter.
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This is a documentary which gives information about Adam and Nancy's lives.
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There is a documentary on the aftermath of Adam's attack. It has no information about him but it's worth watching if you want to see the impact Adam's attack had on his victims' families and the first responders who arrived on scene. sororityalpha posted a HQ download link. It may also be available on Netflix but I'm not sure if it is still there.
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This is Adam's main page on Peter Langman's site.
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There are all sorts of resources including a couple of things that I linked above, and Langman posted his own analysis of Adam too.
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Also useful for a quick overview is the timeline of Adam's life.
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If you're interested in understanding Adam's mindset and beliefs, you should check out his public and private posts.
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These are individual posts.
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This has screenshots of complete threads from the old forum.

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These are two private messages sent to Reed Coleman from a friend of Lanza.

You can see the actual screenshots on Coleman's blog along with some analysis.
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He also has a transcript of the radio call to John Zerzan's Anarchist Radio show.
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You can listen for yourself here.
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And here is a link to John Zerzan's essay about psychology and American life which Adam linked to in his last post on the forum.
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These are the recently released FBI documents but I went through them and this thread
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
has some notes on what I thought were interesting pages as well as commentary from other forum members. The link above goes directly to what I consider to be the most interesting and meaningful new information, an interview with someone who was Adam's online friend for over two years. I posted screenshots of those pages but I also said where you can find the interview in the documents because there are some tidbits in the handwritten notes which I did not post and you can scroll up to read the thread from the beginning.

This thread came from the newly released FBI information and it has copies of all of Adam's Tumblr posts that have been recovered so far as well as his Dailymotion account uploads, which were posted to Tumblr as well.
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This is Reed Coleman's blog.
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He does a lot of analysis and archiving of evidence and talks about a lot of the details leading up to the crime. Much of the content is worth reading but I have picked out some of the highlights, mainly regarding his online activity.

It's likely that he was not the person who discovered that Smiggles was Adam but he does provide a lot of good information on why Smiggles must have been Adam.
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Here are some interesting posts about Adam's accounts on other websites.
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I think that his analysis of Bullet Time is also worth reading. Adam praised it multiple times on the forum. It's the story of two school shooters filming their own sort of Columbine basement tapes and it is actually a great student film. If you don't want it spoiled or analyzed before you watch it, I suggest watching it before reading the analysis.
Here's the video, first part of twelve.
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And the blog posts about it.
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This is another blog that is worth reading, run by C.W. Wade. He often posts about the hoax phenomenon and debunks the debunker arguments.
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Especially worth reading are his summaries of Adam's movements on the day of the attack, all based on his own research and analysis. It's probably the most detailed retelling of the exact sequence of events and it's based on physical evidence.
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This is also an interesting breakdown of the 911 calls created by the same person.
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This isn't a comprehensive list and I encourage others to add what they feel is important information but it's a good place to start.

Last edited by sscc on Thu Aug 22, 2019 12:11 am; edited 1 time in total

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PostSubject: Re: Sandy Hook Resources   Sandy Hook Resources Icon_minitimeWed Feb 07, 2018 5:39 am

Bless the post, great list.

Another documentary about Adam and Nancy Lanza:

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Adam's 'columbine related' dream:

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PostSubject: Re: Sandy Hook Resources   Sandy Hook Resources Icon_minitimeMon May 21, 2018 4:08 am

Remember to archive links where possible. is a useful tool for such endeavors. I'd archive the links you posted now but currently it's late and there's no immediate danger of any of the links being lost to time.

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PostSubject: Re: Sandy Hook Resources   Sandy Hook Resources Icon_minitimeMon May 21, 2018 10:51 am

Let's not forget this brilliant video by C.W Wade that paints a great picture on Adam Lanza and his movements and actions on the actual day of the shooting, it really shows the scale of the whole thing:

It also sets out to debunk claims that Nancy Lanza was a "doomsday prepper" by many people.

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PostSubject: Re: Sandy Hook Resources   Sandy Hook Resources Icon_minitimeTue Jul 16, 2019 9:36 am

We now have thousands of pages of extra material. This has to be included.
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Here are individual links to some of the new documents:
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And I would like to add this blog.
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The author has a lot of posts with personal analysis and factual information but the main draw for me is that it also has available for download many of the individual documents that the Hartford Courant fought for in court but which do not seem to be available elsewhere.

Here are some direct links to posts with the document downloads:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] (DDR videos)
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] ("ummm")
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] (IM history wih SixteenBitElder)
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] (play)
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] ("selfish")
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] (famous photos of Adam posing with guns to his head in 2010 - PM me if you want to view the photos altered by a former member to remove the watermark)
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] (Adam posing with a gun in 2010)

Major props to the owner of the blog, a serious researcher.

Edit: Also, [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.], is there any way to pin this thread in the subforum? It would be useful for newer researchers.

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PostSubject: Re: Sandy Hook Resources   Sandy Hook Resources Icon_minitimeThu Aug 22, 2019 12:00 am

Adding one more document:

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] ("Babies" - a story written by Adam)

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PostSubject: Re: Sandy Hook Resources   Sandy Hook Resources Icon_minitimeSat Aug 24, 2019 1:12 pm

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] pbear, an uncompleted essay on pedophilia by Adam.

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