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 What happened to Cleaning Columbine's Youtube Channel?

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Flanders Darrel

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What happened to Cleaning Columbine's Youtube Channel? Empty
PostSubject: What happened to Cleaning Columbine's Youtube Channel?   What happened to Cleaning Columbine's Youtube Channel? Icon_minitimeTue Feb 13, 2018 11:06 am

I don't know if all of you have heard, but something odd happened to Cleaning Columbine's channel.

On December 6th 2017 he uploaded a video consisting of mostly text. I and many others have not seen it and I only know of its existence from a link on his Twitter page. Then, on December 7th 2017 he uploaded a video titled, "All you need to know."

Here is a re-upload of the original video:
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After this, his entire channel was deleted. The video appears to be a reference to the date, January 5th. Seen as January 5th is Marilyn Manson's birthday, the day that the television show, Mr. Ed, first aired, and the day that the golden gate bridge began construction.

Here is a screenshot of some of the replies on his own video before it was deleted:
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If anyone has the December 6th video, please re-upload it.

Check the situation, and what do you think is going on with his channel?
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What happened to Cleaning Columbine's Youtube Channel? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What happened to Cleaning Columbine's Youtube Channel?   What happened to Cleaning Columbine's Youtube Channel? Icon_minitimeTue Feb 13, 2018 11:28 am

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What happened to Cleaning Columbine's Youtube Channel? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What happened to Cleaning Columbine's Youtube Channel?   What happened to Cleaning Columbine's Youtube Channel? Icon_minitimeTue Feb 13, 2018 1:13 pm

Sensitive topic of conversation on here is Cleaning Columbine...
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What happened to Cleaning Columbine's Youtube Channel? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What happened to Cleaning Columbine's Youtube Channel?   What happened to Cleaning Columbine's Youtube Channel? Icon_minitimeTue Apr 21, 2020 3:18 pm

I used to watch his videos back in 2016. Too bad they're not available anywhere.
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PostSubject: Re: What happened to Cleaning Columbine's Youtube Channel?   What happened to Cleaning Columbine's Youtube Channel? Icon_minitime

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