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 Names of Murdered Victims

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PostSubject: Names of Murdered Victims   Names of Murdered Victims Icon_minitimeThu Mar 08, 2018 10:06 am

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Carmen Schentrup, 16, female, 2/21/01, 9282 NW 63rd Court, Parkland, Florida

Meadow Pollack, 18, female, 10/5/99, 5260 NW 106th Drive, Parkland, Florida

Peter Wang, 15, male, 11/09/02, 8870 Waterside Point, Parkland Florida

Nicholas Dworet, 17, male, 03/24/00, 9986 NW 23rd Court, Coral Springs, Florida

Christopher Hixon, 49, male, 02/25/68, 803 North Golf Drive, Hollywood, Florida (Athletic Director)

Aaron Feis, 37, male, 05/17/80, 11737 West Atlantic Blvd, Unit 1, Coral Springs, Florida (Football Coach)

Luke Hoyer, 15, male, 10/25/02, 9678 Ginger Court, Parkland, Florida

Alaina Petty, 14, female, 08/22/03, 7526 NW 127 Way, Parkland, Florida

Jaime Guttenberg, 14, female, 07/13/03, 6879 NW 65 Terrace, Parkland, Florida

Martin Duque Anguiano, 14, male, 09/04/03, 12210 Loxahatchee Road, Parkland, Florida

Alyssa Alhadeff, 14, female, 05/01/03, 8675 Watercrest Circle West, Parkland, Florida

Helena Ramsay, 17, female, 01/19/01, 10833 46th Drive, Coral Springs, Florida

Scott Beigel, 35, male, 10/22/82, 863 Spring Circle, Apt. 203, Coral Springs, Florida

Joaquin Oliver-Padauy, 17, male, 08/04/00, 5745 NW 122 Way, Coral Springs, Florida

Cara Loughran, 14, female, 02/21/03, 4785 NW 117 Ave., Coral Springs, Florida

Gina Montalto, 14, female, 04/23/03, 11208 NW 70 Ct., Parkland, Florida

Alexander Schachter, 14, male, 07/09/03, 12441 NW 62nd Court, Coral Springs, Florida
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Names of Murdered Victims Empty
PostSubject: Re: Names of Murdered Victims   Names of Murdered Victims Icon_minitimeSat Apr 07, 2018 6:12 pm

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The school paper did an ''In memoriam'' issue a few days ago.
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