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 When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released?

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Flanders Darrel
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Flanders Darrel

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When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released? Empty
PostSubject: When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released?   When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released? Icon_minitimeWed Mar 14, 2018 1:54 pm

Or has it already been?
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When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released? Empty
PostSubject: Re: When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released?   When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released? Icon_minitimeWed Mar 14, 2018 2:44 pm

Probably never. Why would they anyway? There's no reason to.
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When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released? Empty
PostSubject: Re: When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released?   When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released? Icon_minitimeWed Mar 14, 2018 2:54 pm

I don't think they will ever release it, several children died...
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When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released? Empty
PostSubject: Re: When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released?   When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released? Icon_minitimeWed Mar 14, 2018 6:18 pm

If they won't release TBT then they won't release the footage from this shooting.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released? Empty
PostSubject: Re: When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released?   When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released? Icon_minitimeFri Mar 16, 2018 6:32 pm

Is there nowhere it has been leaked on the internet?
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When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released? Empty
PostSubject: Re: When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released?   When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released? Icon_minitimeFri Mar 16, 2018 8:03 pm

Ziamber II wrote:
Is there nowhere it has been leaked on the internet?

No-one in the police department has wanted to leak it.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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Stoned Slacker

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When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released? Empty
PostSubject: Re: When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released?   When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released? Icon_minitimeSun Mar 18, 2018 3:44 pm

I think the reason for not releasing it would be because it would be highly upsetting for the families and possibly inspire more shootings.
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When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released? Empty
PostSubject: Re: When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released?   When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released? Icon_minitimeMon Mar 19, 2018 12:37 am

Stoned Slacker wrote:
I think the reason for not releasing it would be because it would be highly upsetting for the families and possibly inspire more shootings.

I doubt that it would really inspire too many people, but I agree that don't think the victim's families and the survivors would appreciate it if the vid was released.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released? Empty
PostSubject: Re: When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released?   When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released? Icon_minitimeMon Mar 19, 2018 5:38 pm

The footage of the Port Arthur Massacre and the San Ysidro Massacre have been leaked online.
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When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released? Empty
PostSubject: Re: When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released?   When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released? Icon_minitimeMon Mar 19, 2018 5:48 pm

Ziamber II wrote:
The footage of the Port Arthur Massacre and the San Ysidro Massacre have been leaked online.
The Port Arthur footage was fake and I've only seen video of the McDonald's shooting after it ended, not during the actual massacre. Also those shootings were in the past, things are different now.
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When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released? Empty
PostSubject: Re: When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released?   When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released? Icon_minitimeMon Mar 19, 2018 5:52 pm

How was the port arthur footage fake???
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When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released? Empty
PostSubject: Re: When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released?   When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released? Icon_minitimeMon Mar 19, 2018 6:05 pm

Ziamber II wrote:
How was the port arthur footage fake???
I should've added that it was probably fake. Why would the police keep that footage in the public anyway? Talking about this footage by the way.[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
Also is weird that the footage would suddenly just appear online.
Could be real, but I doubt it. Even if it wasn't, just because that and the McDonald's footage was released doesn't mean that they should release the church shooting footage.
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When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released? Empty
PostSubject: Re: When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released?   When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released? Icon_minitimeMon Mar 19, 2018 6:38 pm

Actually San Ysidro footage was released in the documentary, not leaked.

I would like to see at least some photos of Devin Kelley in church, anything. If not full video, some photos would be enough, like Robert Hawkins photo aiming his gun. This shooting feels so... empty and forgotten. Any new photos of Devin Kelley, no videos of him, absolutely nothing interesting. It annoys me.
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When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released? Empty
PostSubject: Re: When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released?   When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released? Icon_minitimeMon Mar 19, 2018 10:13 pm

InsaneIntruder wrote:
Ziamber II wrote:
The footage of the Port Arthur Massacre and the San Ysidro Massacre have been leaked online.
Also those shootings were in the past, things are different now.
They did release that very graphic video of the Cascade Mall shooting in late 2016.
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
(Video link is dead but can currently be viewed here:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] )
I was extremely surprised and I'm still not quite sure why they did it in this case.
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When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released? Empty
PostSubject: Re: When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released?   When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released? Icon_minitimeTue Mar 20, 2018 1:41 am

sscc wrote:
They did release that very graphic video of the Cascade Mall shooting in late 2016.
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
(Video link is dead but can currently be viewed here:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] )
I was extremely surprised and I'm still not quite sure why they did it in this case.

Not all cops think alike.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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Flanders Darrel

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When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released? Empty
PostSubject: Re: When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released?   When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released? Icon_minitimeTue Mar 20, 2018 1:47 pm

QuestionMark wrote:
sscc wrote:
They did release that very graphic video of the Cascade Mall shooting in late 2016.
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
(Video link is dead but can currently be viewed here:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] )
I was extremely surprised and I'm still not quite sure why they did it in this case.

Not all cops think alike.

What's weird is I spent part of my childhood (elementary years mostly) in Bellingham, Washington. My parents used to take me to the Chucky Cheese in the Burlington Cascade Mall when we went there. It's disturbing to think there was a shooting.
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When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released? Empty
PostSubject: Re: When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released?   When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released? Icon_minitimeTue Mar 20, 2018 5:48 pm

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
That Portur arthur footage was real where you see him between the cars, theres also footage of him shooting in the cafe from a distance outside and even some rare footage i saw of him shooting the people near the coach in the car park.


Everytime i think of the Mcdonalds Massacre or a typical burger restaurant this scene from Falling Down just enters my mind

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When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released? Empty
PostSubject: Re: When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released?   When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released? Icon_minitime

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When will the video of the Sutherland Springs church shooting be released?
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