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 PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters.

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PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters. Empty
PostSubject: PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters.   PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters. Icon_minitimeSun Mar 25, 2018 4:14 pm

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Blue Mountain School District Superintendent David Helsel made headlines recently after testifying to lawmakers at the state capitol that his students could be armed with rocks in case of an active shooter lockdown.

“Every classroom has been equipped with a five-gallon bucket of river stone,” Helsel told lawmakers. “If an armed intruder attempts to gain entrance into any of our classrooms, they will face a classroom full students armed with rocks and they will be stoned.”

The superintendent told Fox News on Friday he was surprised by the added media attention for something he calls a “last resort.” He said he has received positive support from parents in the community.

Helsel said the school district has a series of safety measures already installed, including cameras and new security locks on classroom doors, as well as armed security and training for staff and students in a program called ALICE, which stands for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate.

But if an unarmed teacher decides to lockdown a classroom, instead of being passive as they had been trained to do in the past, Helsel said his kids will be empowered to defend themselves.

“Obviously a rock against a gun isn’t a fair fight, but it’s better than nothing,” he said, adding, “I’m not sure why some people feel that it’s more appropriate to be a stationary target under a desk in a classroom rather than be empowered to defend yourself and provide a response to deter the entry of an armed intruder into their classroom.”

Well I guess throwing rocks would be better then nothing. Shocked
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PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters. Empty
PostSubject: Re: PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters.   PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters. Icon_minitimeSun Mar 25, 2018 4:24 pm

What if the attacker uses paper as a weapon?
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PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters. Empty
PostSubject: Re: PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters.   PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters. Icon_minitimeSun Mar 25, 2018 4:31 pm

Tuga wrote:
What if the attacker uses paper as a weapon?

The comment section on this story has me rolling! Haha Roll
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PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters. Empty
PostSubject: Re: PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters.   PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters. Icon_minitimeSun Mar 25, 2018 5:26 pm

Why does anyone do anything?
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PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters. Empty
PostSubject: Re: PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters.   PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters. Icon_minitimeMon Mar 26, 2018 3:35 am

But the kids would start throwing the rocks around for fun anyway, it is useless idea.
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PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters. Empty
PostSubject: Re: PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters.   PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters. Icon_minitimeMon Mar 26, 2018 6:41 am

Ziamber II wrote:
But the kids would start throwing the rocks around for fun anyway, it is useless idea.

This was said to be a kind of last resort type thing. But I do agree that it seems like a silly idea.
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PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters. Empty
PostSubject: Re: PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters.   PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters. Icon_minitimeThu Apr 05, 2018 5:34 am

It is silly. They'd be better suited using non lethal alternatives like shotguns with bean bags or rubber bullets or even a net gun that covers and stuns the attacker or stun guns or ANYTHING other than rocks.
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PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters. Empty
PostSubject: Re: PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters.   PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters. Icon_minitimeThu Apr 05, 2018 6:52 am

Sporttster wrote:
It is silly. They'd be better suited using non lethal alternatives like shotguns with bean bags or rubber bullets or even a net gun that covers and stuns the attacker or stun guns or ANYTHING other than rocks.

Agreed. Although getting stoned to death would be a hard way to go, and very painful.

Also the rocks wouldn't cost the school very much when compared to the cost of each class being armed with the things you listed as alternatives.
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PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters. Empty
PostSubject: Re: PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters.   PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters. Icon_minitimeThu Apr 05, 2018 11:39 am

Well, the victims and the shooter could play rock, couch, AR-15 together that way.
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PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters. Empty
PostSubject: Re: PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters.   PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters. Icon_minitimeSat Apr 07, 2018 4:41 pm

If they are going to use items from their surrounding to ward off a shooter, might as well maul the fucker to death with chairs and tables. Make a mushy stew out of their face, abdomen and genitalia, gore galore.
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PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters. Empty
PostSubject: Re: PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters.   PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters. Icon_minitimeSat Apr 07, 2018 5:03 pm

Tuga wrote:
If they are going to use items from their surrounding to ward off a shooter, might as well maul the fucker to death with chairs and tables. Make a mushy stew out of their face, abdomen and genitalia, gore galore.

Unfortunately most teens would probably freeze on the spot, much less have the nerve to beat someone to death.

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PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters. Empty
PostSubject: Re: PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters.   PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters. Icon_minitimeSat Apr 07, 2018 5:50 pm

ShadowedGoddess wrote:
Tuga wrote:
If they are going to use items from their surrounding to ward off a shooter, might as well maul the fucker to death with chairs and tables. Make a mushy stew out of their face, abdomen and genitalia, gore galore.

Unfortunately most teens would probably freeze on the spot,  much less have the nerve to beat someone to death.

Wouldn't most run or hide though?
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PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters. Empty
PostSubject: Re: PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters.   PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters. Icon_minitimeSat Apr 07, 2018 5:53 pm

Tuga wrote:
ShadowedGoddess wrote:
Tuga wrote:
If they are going to use items from their surrounding to ward off a shooter, might as well maul the fucker to death with chairs and tables. Make a mushy stew out of their face, abdomen and genitalia, gore galore.

Unfortunately most teens would probably freeze on the spot,  much less have the nerve to beat someone to death.

Wouldn't most run or hide though?

Probably. I was just making light of the fact most kids wouldn't be capable of beating someone to death. BUT I will say that a few would probably record or live stream it.
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PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters. Empty
PostSubject: Re: PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters.   PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters. Icon_minitimeSun Apr 08, 2018 2:12 am

ShadowedGoddess wrote:
Tuga wrote:
ShadowedGoddess wrote:
Tuga wrote:
If they are going to use items from their surrounding to ward off a shooter, might as well maul the fucker to death with chairs and tables. Make a mushy stew out of their face, abdomen and genitalia, gore galore.

Unfortunately most teens would probably freeze on the spot,  much less have the nerve to beat someone to death.

Wouldn't most run or hide though?

Probably. I was just making light of the fact most kids wouldn't be capable of beating someone to death. BUT I will say that a few would probably record or live stream it.

"Oh fuck I've been shot, I have to Tweet this to my followers."

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters. Empty
PostSubject: Re: PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters.   PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters. Icon_minitimeSun Apr 08, 2018 9:48 am

QuestionMark wrote:
ShadowedGoddess wrote:
Tuga wrote:
ShadowedGoddess wrote:
Tuga wrote:
If they are going to use items from their surrounding to ward off a shooter, might as well maul the fucker to death with chairs and tables. Make a mushy stew out of their face, abdomen and genitalia, gore galore.

Unfortunately most teens would probably freeze on the spot,  much less have the nerve to beat someone to death.

Wouldn't most run or hide though?

Probably. I was just making light of the fact most kids wouldn't be capable of beating someone to death. BUT I will say that a few would probably record or live stream it.

"Oh fuck I've been shot, I have to Tweet this to my followers."

Sadly I find this to be true. Take Parkland for example. That one leaked video from the classroom showing the girl being carried out and the other laying in a pool of blood, I counted 3/4 cells out recording or taking pics.

Yes they were scared, but most still wanted to get that shit documented too. No
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PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters. Empty
PostSubject: Re: PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters.   PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters. Icon_minitime

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PA school wants to arm kids with rocks to protect against active shooters.
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