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 Mass murders / Spree murders informations sheet

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Mass murders / Spree murders informations sheet Empty
PostSubject: Mass murders / Spree murders informations sheet   Mass murders / Spree murders informations sheet Icon_minitimeTue Apr 03, 2018 4:17 pm

The purpose of this thread:
Posting important / interesting informations to inform the visitors on the forum who are here who are interested in mass murders and mass murderers.
This is an example of an infromation "sheet":

Case ID: 4-NH-2619946 [FBI's ID of the case]
Date: December 14, 2012 [14/12/2012]
Day of the week: Friday
Time: Undefined time before 9:30 A.M. - 9:40 A.M.
-Perpetrator's home, Yoganada St. N°36, Newton, Connecticut, United States of America
-Sandy Hook Elementary School, Newton, Connecticut, United States of America
Category: Spree murder [The perpetrator's murders occurred in different places with a small cooldown period]
Perpetrator: Adam Peter Lanza [22/04/1992 - 14/12/2012, 20 years old]
Cause of death of the perpetrator: Self-inflicted gunshot to the head [Glock 20SF (10mm)]
Victims [Perpetrator's home]:
Nancy Lanza (52; Deceased)
Victims [Sandy Hook Elementary School]:
Rachel D'Avino (29; Deceased), Dawn Hochsprung (47; Deceased), Anne Marie Murphy (52; Deceased), Lauren Rousseau (30; Deceased), Mary Sherlach (56; Deceased), Victoria Leigh Soto (27; Deceased), Charlotte Bacon (6; Deceased), Daniel Barden (7; Deceased), Olivia Engel (6; Deceased), Josephine Gay (7; Deceased), Dylan Hockley (6; Deceased), Madeleine Hsu (6; Deceased), Catherine Hubbard (6; Deceased), Chase Kowalski (7; Deceased), Jesse Lewis (6; Deceased), Ana Márquez-Greene (6, Deceased), James Mattioli (6; Deceased), Grace McDonnel (7; Deceased), Emilie Parker (6; Deceased), Jack Pinto (6; Deceased), Noah Pozner (6; Deceased), Caroline Previdi (6; Deceased), Jessica Rekos (6; Deceased), Avielle Richman (6; Deceased), Benjamin Wheeler (6; Deceased), Allison Wyatt (6; Deceased), Natalie Hammond (40; Wounded), Deborah Pisani (?; Wounded).
Total number of casualties: 30 [28 Deaths (Including the perpetrator) and 2 Non-Fatal Injuries]
Weapons utilized by the perpetrator:
-Savage Arms MKII Bolt-Action [Hunting Rifle (?); .22LR (Long Rifle) Caliber; Perpetrator's home; 4 shots]
-Bushmaster Model XM15-E2S Semi-Automatic [AR-15; .223 Caliber; Sandy Hook Elementary School; 154 shots (?)]
-Glock 20SF Semi-Automatic [Handgun; 10mm Caliber; Sandy Hook Elementary School; 1 shot (?)]
Inutilized weapons:
-SIG Sauer P226 Semi-Automatic [Handgun; 9mm Caliber; Sandy Hook Elementary School]
-Ižmaš Saiga Semi-Automatic [Shotgun; 12-Gauge Caliber; Sandy Hook Elementary School]
Perpetrator's motive: N/A
Perpetrator's mental health [Diagnosis]:
-Sensory Integration Disorder [Pre-Death Diagnosis]
-Non-Specified Anxiety Disorder [Pre-Death Diagnosis]
-Asperger Syndrome [Pre-Death Diagnosis]
-Obsessive Compulsive Disorder [Pre-Death Diagnosis]
-Schizophrenia [After Death Diagnosis]

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