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 Mass killers who killed others before their mass/spree killings

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Mass killers who killed others before their mass/spree killings  Empty
PostSubject: Mass killers who killed others before their mass/spree killings    Mass killers who killed others before their mass/spree killings  Icon_minitimeWed Sep 13, 2023 11:28 pm

As the title says, but these murders need to be years or days with diference, not hours, some fast examples i remember:

Akiyoshi Umekawa: Killed a woman in 1963 when he was minor, killed four in 1979 before being killed by Police.

Kim De Gelder: Killed a woman 1 week before the Dendermonde Attacks, he apparently wanted to be a serial killer but failed.

Amy Bishop: Killed her brother in 1986, she Commited the Alabama university shooting.

Danilo Guades: Killed his brother in 1980, he Commited the calbayog massacre in 2007.

Kimbrady Carriker: Killed a man, 1 day before his shooting (wich name i don't remember)

Antonio Luis Pineiro: Commited a shooting in a supermarket wich name i don't remember killing 2 and wounding 4 before being killed by police, when police arrived his Home found tje bodies of his parents, they we're killed months before the shooting.

James Pough: Killed a man in 1971 before the Jacksonville shooting in 1990.

Jessie L Dotson: Killed a man in 1994, he killed 6 and wounded 3 members of his family in 2008 because he thought they didn't support him in prision

"Allāhu ʾakbar"
           -Alexandre Bissonnette (2017)

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PostSubject: Re: Mass killers who killed others before their mass/spree killings    Mass killers who killed others before their mass/spree killings  Icon_minitimeWed Sep 13, 2023 11:57 pm

Howard UnBruh when he was in the Military apparently He even wrote it down in his notes cataloged documented it and everything

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PostSubject: Re: Mass killers who killed others before their mass/spree killings    Mass killers who killed others before their mass/spree killings  Icon_minitimeThu Sep 14, 2023 12:43 am

  • Herman Allen: Killed a boarder in his home in 1930 because he thought the man was having an affair with his wife. He was later released from prison and killed three people in 1942.
  • Lázaro Barbosa: Committed a double murder in 2006. He later escaped from prison in 2021 and murdered a family of four.
  • Peter Bradovitch: Killed a man in 1909 before killing five inmates in prison four years later.
  • Silas Freire Cantor: Killed his cousin in July of 2000 before murdering six members of his family and wounding two others in October of the same year.
  • Lilie Mae Curtis: Killed a man in 1935—later murdered six of her nine children
  • Gregory Green: Killed his pregnant wife in 1991 before killing his five children in 2016.
  • Robert Wayne Harris: Killed a woman in 1999 because he suspected that she stole money from him—later killed five people at his workplace the following year.
  • Daniel Hittle: Killed his adoptive parents in 1973, went to prison, got released, and killed five more people during a shooting spree on November 15, 1989.
  • David Torgerson: Killed two to four women in the 1960s before murdering his family and their live-in babysitter in 1973.
  • Waisale Waqanivalu: Killed a woman in March of 2006 before killing four more people later that year.

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PostSubject: Re: Mass killers who killed others before their mass/spree killings    Mass killers who killed others before their mass/spree killings  Icon_minitimeThu Sep 14, 2023 1:11 am

Danelo Cavalcante was so Based He Killed 2 different people in 2 different countries!!!!! 2 bad he will get Bum Sex now......

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PostSubject: Re: Mass killers who killed others before their mass/spree killings    Mass killers who killed others before their mass/spree killings  Icon_minitimeThu Sep 14, 2023 1:04 pm

Bunch of cases in Russia but who care:

  • Fedor Panov - killed mother and pregnant sister in 2004, stabbed to death five in 2021 just two month after release.
  • Marat Shaymurdin - killed in 1991, killed three in 2023.
  • Aleksandr Lazarev - killed in 2012, killed three girls in 2021.
  • Maksim Karnauhov - killed two include his mother in 2001, killed two + third injured in 2022.
  • Yurgis Bagauyev - killed in 90's, killed four in 2016.
  • Valery Tishkovsky - killed before, killed four in 2016 and burned their bodies.
  • Sergey Belyaev -killed before, killed four of his family in 2014.
  • Dmitry Egorin - killed in 00's, killed four in 2018.

..and many others

All of them were alcohol addict and use knives or fire. Just pathetic old mans, who lost any reason to live, similar to each other. Maksim Karnauhov even asked the court "give me life sentence already!"

Last edited by chryzant on Thu Sep 14, 2023 1:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Mass killers who killed others before their mass/spree killings  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass killers who killed others before their mass/spree killings    Mass killers who killed others before their mass/spree killings  Icon_minitimeThu Sep 14, 2023 1:46 pm

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Has anyone mentioned this proper madlad?

Become a techno-barbarian today and get a free catgirl! You need to kill at least one jew to qualify. Alternatives include foxgirls and regular waifus. She will always be loyal, so treat her good.

Think with your noggin, not your n!ggin'.
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PostSubject: Re: Mass killers who killed others before their mass/spree killings    Mass killers who killed others before their mass/spree killings  Icon_minitimeThu Sep 14, 2023 2:30 pm

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Has anyone mentioned this proper madlad?

At first my ass thought that was Julian Knight for some reason nah this is an older gentleman despite being 21 must suck being born in Africa living there for a full short lifetime
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Mass killers who killed others before their mass/spree killings  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass killers who killed others before their mass/spree killings    Mass killers who killed others before their mass/spree killings  Icon_minitimeTue Sep 26, 2023 10:42 pm

Apparently, during the gulf war, Timothy McVeigh decapitated an Iraqi soldier with a 25mm canon that was about 1100 yards away.

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PostSubject: Re: Mass killers who killed others before their mass/spree killings    Mass killers who killed others before their mass/spree killings  Icon_minitimeTue Sep 26, 2023 11:17 pm


Last edited by TilikumTyke223 on Wed Oct 25, 2023 4:57 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Mass killers who killed others before their mass/spree killings  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass killers who killed others before their mass/spree killings    Mass killers who killed others before their mass/spree killings  Icon_minitimeSun Oct 08, 2023 4:11 pm

Maria Morozova: killed her neighbor before shooting up the kindergarten in Veshkayma last year

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PostSubject: Re: Mass killers who killed others before their mass/spree killings    Mass killers who killed others before their mass/spree killings  Icon_minitimeSun Oct 08, 2023 4:25 pm

Sabrina_Kilic wrote:
Arkan wrote:
Maria Morozova: killed her neighbor before shooting up the kindergarten in Veshkayma last year

It's about murders with days/months/years of difference, it happened hours later
oh okay in 1985 Pyotr Klinskikh killed 2 people at a bar. in 1989 he killed his wife in Tomsk

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PostSubject: Re: Mass killers who killed others before their mass/spree killings    Mass killers who killed others before their mass/spree killings  Icon_minitimeSun Oct 08, 2023 4:45 pm

On December 1st 1957 Charles Starkweather killed a service station attendant in a robbery before commencing with his killing spree on January 21st 1958.

Between Eros and Thanatos

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PostSubject: Re: Mass killers who killed others before their mass/spree killings    Mass killers who killed others before their mass/spree killings  Icon_minitimeSun Oct 08, 2023 4:59 pm

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Has anyone mentioned this proper madlad?
who is that. Looks like Barend Strydom.
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Mass killers who killed others before their mass/spree killings  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass killers who killed others before their mass/spree killings    Mass killers who killed others before their mass/spree killings  Icon_minitimeSun Oct 08, 2023 6:19 pm

Sabrina_Kilic wrote:
Arkan wrote:
Sabrina_Kilic wrote:
Arkan wrote:
Maria Morozova: killed her neighbor before shooting up the kindergarten in Veshkayma last year

It's about murders with days/months/years of difference, it happened hours later
oh okay in 1985 Pyotr Klinskikh killed 2 people at a bar. in 1989 he killed his wife in Tomsk

Is that real?, i can find anything?, did he Wounded someone in his attacks?
Yes it's real. My family is from Tomsk and they told me about it, it was one of their best friends who did this

Discord is @kazantseva88 
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