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 Man In China Stabs Multiple People with 2 Huge Knives

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Man In China Stabs Multiple People with 2 Huge Knives Empty
PostSubject: Man In China Stabs Multiple People with 2 Huge Knives   Man In China Stabs Multiple People with 2 Huge Knives Icon_minitimeSun Apr 08, 2018 5:12 pm

This is an Obscure event that i have been aware of for some time now and thought i would share, There is not much info on this Mass Stabbing besides from CCTV footage.

The video shows some sort of confrontation between men until suddenly 1 man pulls 2 huge knives (around 10 - 15 inches long) and begins violently stabbing the other men, He Dual wields the knives and hits the first victim with a combo of stabs gutting him in the process, He then pivots around and Stabs another man full force in the chest and then turns on another man and begins running at him whilst violently slashing and stabbing until he knocks the man over, the man proceeds to stab the person a number of times whilst he is on the floor. A bystander then attempts to distract the knifeman, the knifeman then chases the bystander and stabs him an unknown amount of times.

The first victim who was stabbed severely is seen bleeding everywhere and staggers around until he collapses and dies from his wounds, the condition of the other men is Unknown due to lack of info.
It is unknown if the Knifeman was Drunk or Insane but i remember seeing conflicting reports of him being of either state of mind.

In all 1 Dead 3 Wounded.

CCTV FOOTAGE: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
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Man In China Stabs Multiple People with 2 Huge Knives Empty
PostSubject: Re: Man In China Stabs Multiple People with 2 Huge Knives   Man In China Stabs Multiple People with 2 Huge Knives Icon_minitimeSun Apr 08, 2018 5:46 pm

Stabbing sprees seem to happen alot in China, and in London.......
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Man In China Stabs Multiple People with 2 Huge Knives Empty
PostSubject: Re: Man In China Stabs Multiple People with 2 Huge Knives   Man In China Stabs Multiple People with 2 Huge Knives Icon_minitimeMon Apr 09, 2018 12:30 am

Ziamber II wrote:
Stabbing sprees seem to happen alot in China, and in London.......

The victory of gun control.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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Man In China Stabs Multiple People with 2 Huge Knives Empty
PostSubject: Re: Man In China Stabs Multiple People with 2 Huge Knives   Man In China Stabs Multiple People with 2 Huge Knives Icon_minitimeSat Apr 21, 2018 8:26 am

QuestionMark wrote:
Ziamber II wrote:
Stabbing sprees seem to happen alot in China, and in London.......

The victory of gun control.
Liam Lyburd wrote:
"Buying a gun was just like buying a bar of chocolate. I didn't see it as a big deal at the time."
Obviously it was very hard for Liam to buy his gun off the deep web for his mass shooting plan.
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PostSubject: Re: Man In China Stabs Multiple People with 2 Huge Knives   Man In China Stabs Multiple People with 2 Huge Knives Icon_minitime

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