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 Robert Hawkins general

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Robert Hawkins general Empty
PostSubject: Robert Hawkins general   Robert Hawkins general Icon_minitimeFri Apr 20, 2018 8:18 pm

general thread

also does anybody know that hawkins tumblr post that has his favorite bands and how he told his girlfriend about how this girl let him fuck her in every hole?

a lot of movie shit comes up when i look up robert hawkins

i hate tumblr normies
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Age : 22
Location : Everest, Ohio (Home of Mt. Everest)

Robert Hawkins general Empty
PostSubject: Re: Robert Hawkins general   Robert Hawkins general Icon_minitimeWed Nov 11, 2020 12:41 pm

Emboldened by his mother’s words, Rob called Kaci and told her that he was going to keep fucking the new girl. “She’s a nasty bitch,” he bragged. “I fuck her all over the place, and she’s good to me.”

I know this is a very old post but for future researchers this may be interesting. I found a wiki with a bunch of facts and while trying my heart out on my own to find a review of juvenile court records for Robert Hawkins I came across a section that talks about a 4th suicide note found in a bookcase 2 weeks after the shooting, and while trying to find an online origin for the quote I only found this place as the only other site that has that quote. The quote you're looking for was contained here as well.

source: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

the wiki I mentioned: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

edit again: i'm a moron, an archive of the source I presented has already been posted previously in another thread and so has been updated. I didn't recognize it as the rolling stone article

Last edited by SilverMoxie on Thu Nov 12, 2020 6:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
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