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 Nikolas Cruz researched Columbine massacre before Parkland shooting

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Nikolas Cruz researched Columbine massacre before Parkland shooting Empty
PostSubject: Nikolas Cruz researched Columbine massacre before Parkland shooting   Nikolas Cruz researched Columbine massacre before Parkland shooting Icon_minitimeWed Apr 25, 2018 12:46 pm

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Highlights from article-

Nikolas Cruz studied the Columbine High School massacre ahead of his own deadly rampage in Parkland, Fla. earlier this year.

The revelation comes from a new commission set up to investigate the Feb. 14 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, where Cruz is charged with killing 17 people.

“He mapped it out, he had been planning this for a while,” Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri, who chairs the state legislature-created commission, said Tuesday in comments carried by the Sun-Sentinel.

At no point did Cruz make it into a class room, the recording shows, confirming survivor accounts that he shot through doors and windows.

Investigators who presented the video credited teachers’ on the second floor for going into a “Code Red” to lockdown their classrooms, and no one was shot.

Cruz was able to strike several people when he made it to the third floor, however, when the gunsmoke from his rifle set off fire alarms.

Pollack, who lost his daughter, refused to refer to Cruz by name during the hearing, instead using his prison number: 18-19-58.

He questioned why the Broward County Sheriff’s Office hadn’t compiled a full review of Cruz’s infractions leading up to the massacre, asking if it’s "normal, two months after an investigation [started], not to have all his disciplinary records," according to the Miami Herald.

Gualtieri signaled some people weren’t working with the investigation, which will put out a report in January, but threatened to use its subpoena power if necessary.

“We’ve got some hard questions that need to be answered,” he said.

Cruz, who faces 17 murder counts, is due in court Friday for a hearing.

Well of course some people are NOT going to help with the investigation. Those will clearly be the one's that f*cked up the most leading up to and during the attack. Evil or Very Mad

Also the fact that he had researched Columbine isn't that much of a shock. I wonder when they will release evidence of his plan? scratch
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Nikolas Cruz researched Columbine massacre before Parkland shooting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nikolas Cruz researched Columbine massacre before Parkland shooting   Nikolas Cruz researched Columbine massacre before Parkland shooting Icon_minitimeWed Apr 25, 2018 1:00 pm

ShadowedGoddess wrote:
Nikolas Cruz studied the Columbine High School massacre ahead of his own deadly rampage in Parkland, Fla. earlier this year.

Guess that makes him the third Columbine copycat to kill a double digit number of people.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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Nikolas Cruz researched Columbine massacre before Parkland shooting
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