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 Nikolas Cruz made cellphone videos of himself around the time of shooting

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Nikolas Cruz made cellphone videos of himself around the time of shooting Empty
PostSubject: Nikolas Cruz made cellphone videos of himself around the time of shooting   Nikolas Cruz made cellphone videos of himself around the time of shooting Icon_minitimeTue May 22, 2018 9:48 am

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Nikolas Cruz, the suspect accused of killing 17 people at a high school in Parkland, Florida, in February, reportedly recorded three videos of himself around the time of the shooting.

Cruz, 19, made "3 video statements ... on his cell phone," according to a summary of evidence released by the State Attorney's Office on Monday. The alleged gunman's defense, according to the Sun-Sentinel, inquired into what evidence prosecutors intended to use in Cruz's trial.

It's unclear what Cruz's video statements included or when he exactly recorded them.

Other evidence prosecutors listed online include Uber, YouTube, Dollar Tree, bank and autopsy records, in addition to social media, surveillance footage and crime scene videos and pictures.

HMMM I wonder what these videos could reveal?  scratch
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Nikolas Cruz made cellphone videos of himself around the time of shooting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nikolas Cruz made cellphone videos of himself around the time of shooting   Nikolas Cruz made cellphone videos of himself around the time of shooting Icon_minitimeTue May 22, 2018 1:01 pm

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Nikolas Cruz's defense team just got a preview of the depth and breadth of the case that the Broward state attorney plans to present in its efforts to have the Parkland school shooter convicted and condemned to die.

The state's discovery list — an accounting of the potential witnesses and evidence — was published on the Broward clerk of courts' website.

Among the unanticipated items: The list notes that Cruz recorded three statements on his cellphone sometime before the shooting spree that left 17 dead, including 14 students, and another 17 wounded. It is not clear from the list what he might have said on the videos.

The defense team has said Cruz is prepared to plead guilty if the death penalty is taken off the table. In March, prosecutors announced they would seek the death penalty.

Other items included in the tally of evidence and potential witnesses: A list of 434 officers from various departments, including the Broward Sheriff's Office, Coral Springs, Sunrise, Margate and Miramar; Cruz's vest, hat, backpack, rifle case and other clothing warn during the crime; and Uber records.

The defense team has yet to request certain evidence, including body-camera footage, photographs from inside the 1200 building where the victims were shot, autopsy reports, medical records pertaining to the victims and crime scene reconstructions. Once the defense requests that material, it can become public record.

While the evidence in the just-released list is now available to Cruz's defense attorneys, it is not yet accessible to the public.

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Nikolas Cruz made cellphone videos of himself around the time of shooting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nikolas Cruz made cellphone videos of himself around the time of shooting   Nikolas Cruz made cellphone videos of himself around the time of shooting Icon_minitimeTue May 22, 2018 3:48 pm

I was kind of hoping one of the videos would be from after the shooting. The only notable case I can think of where killers recorded themselves AFTER is the Cassie Jo Stoddart murder, and the footage from that is chilling.

I wonder if these videos will get released though
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Nikolas Cruz made cellphone videos of himself around the time of shooting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nikolas Cruz made cellphone videos of himself around the time of shooting   Nikolas Cruz made cellphone videos of himself around the time of shooting Icon_minitimeTue May 22, 2018 3:50 pm

BlackandWhite wrote:
I was kind of hoping one of the videos would be from after the shooting. The only notable case I can think of where killers recorded themselves AFTER is the Cassie Jo Stoddart murder, and the footage from that is chilling.

I wonder if these videos will get released though

Possibly after the trial gets underway.
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Tommy QTR

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Nikolas Cruz made cellphone videos of himself around the time of shooting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nikolas Cruz made cellphone videos of himself around the time of shooting   Nikolas Cruz made cellphone videos of himself around the time of shooting Icon_minitimeTue May 22, 2018 5:16 pm

It'll probably be like the basement tapes by never getting released.

"Life's short but I wanna die."

-Lil Peep
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Nikolas Cruz made cellphone videos of himself around the time of shooting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nikolas Cruz made cellphone videos of himself around the time of shooting   Nikolas Cruz made cellphone videos of himself around the time of shooting Icon_minitimeTue May 22, 2018 5:21 pm

Tommy QTR wrote:
It'll probably be like the basement tapes by never getting released.

Don't be such a Negative Nancy! Haha
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Nikolas Cruz made cellphone videos of himself around the time of shooting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nikolas Cruz made cellphone videos of himself around the time of shooting   Nikolas Cruz made cellphone videos of himself around the time of shooting Icon_minitimeTue May 22, 2018 9:45 pm

Tommy QTR wrote:
It'll probably be like the basement tapes by never getting released.

I don't think it'll come to that, thankfully. I'm more worried about the videos being worth very little to helping us understand Nick and why he did it. For all we know those vids could be him just goofing off.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
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Nikolas Cruz made cellphone videos of himself around the time of shooting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nikolas Cruz made cellphone videos of himself around the time of shooting   Nikolas Cruz made cellphone videos of himself around the time of shooting Icon_minitimeTue May 22, 2018 10:30 pm

QuestionMark wrote:
Tommy QTR wrote:
It'll probably be like the basement tapes by never getting released.

I don't think it'll come to that, thankfully. I'm more worried about the videos being worth very little to helping us understand Nick and why he did it. For all we know those vids could be him just goofing off.

Well if he was goofing off right beforehand that could actually tell us a lot. We could maybe see if he was excited about it or if he was in a manic state
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Nikolas Cruz made cellphone videos of himself around the time of shooting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nikolas Cruz made cellphone videos of himself around the time of shooting   Nikolas Cruz made cellphone videos of himself around the time of shooting Icon_minitimeWed May 23, 2018 2:15 am

Probably videos similar to Cho's.
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PostSubject: Re: Nikolas Cruz made cellphone videos of himself around the time of shooting   Nikolas Cruz made cellphone videos of himself around the time of shooting Icon_minitime

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Nikolas Cruz made cellphone videos of himself around the time of shooting
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