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 *NEW* Video from inside a classroom on the 3rd floor during the shooting

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*NEW* Video from inside a classroom on the 3rd floor during the shooting  Empty
PostSubject: *NEW* Video from inside a classroom on the 3rd floor during the shooting    *NEW* Video from inside a classroom on the 3rd floor during the shooting  Icon_minitimeMon Jun 04, 2018 5:15 pm

Link to the video:

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This video shows students inside a classroom on the third floor (probably room 1249 or 1250) as the shooting is unfolding on the first floor. Muffled gunshots can be heard and the students start grow uneasy with one student, Joaquin Oliver, getting into a closet. He was later killed when Cruz reached the third floor. The video ends as the fire alarm starts to go off. Even though this video isn't graphic I still find it extremely eerie, mostly because we all know that at least a few people in the video will be killed or injured only minutes later, although they themselves didn't know it at the time or were only beginning to get a sense of the situation they were in. I was also surprised at how quiet the gunshots sounded on the video; even with the fire alarm off they sounded pretty muffled, I can see why most of them went out into the hallway after the fire alarm went off. Of course it could just be the audio quality of the camera...
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*NEW* Video from inside a classroom on the 3rd floor during the shooting  Empty
PostSubject: Re: *NEW* Video from inside a classroom on the 3rd floor during the shooting    *NEW* Video from inside a classroom on the 3rd floor during the shooting  Icon_minitimeMon Jun 04, 2018 7:27 pm

From what I heard, Joaquin Oliver didnt into a cupboard, from interviews from friends, it seems that he was on the third floor hallway when Cruz attacked.
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*NEW* Video from inside a classroom on the 3rd floor during the shooting  Empty
PostSubject: Re: *NEW* Video from inside a classroom on the 3rd floor during the shooting    *NEW* Video from inside a classroom on the 3rd floor during the shooting  Icon_minitimeMon Jun 04, 2018 7:33 pm

He did die in the hallway. The fire alarm goes off at the end of the video and several people from both 1249 and 1250 most likely went out into the hallway. Since I’m the animation you can see a group of people clustered around those two classroom doors/hallway area. That seem group of people get shot at by Cruz when he gets to the third floor including Joaquin. I assumed that he got in the closet somewhat jokingly because people weren’t 100% sure they were hearing gunshots, but then followed his classmates out into the hallway when the alarm went off.
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*NEW* Video from inside a classroom on the 3rd floor during the shooting  Empty
PostSubject: Re: *NEW* Video from inside a classroom on the 3rd floor during the shooting    *NEW* Video from inside a classroom on the 3rd floor during the shooting  Icon_minitimeMon Jun 04, 2018 7:39 pm

I really wondered why they thought it was a good idea to enter the hallway after the fire alarm goes after them just noticing gunshots very close by, staying in the classrooms would probably end up being safer as it seems no-one was killed within the third floor classrooms compared to the first floor, I guess they were in a panic so I should really cut some slack, they probably didn't realize that danger was literally around the corner.
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*NEW* Video from inside a classroom on the 3rd floor during the shooting  Empty
PostSubject: Re: *NEW* Video from inside a classroom on the 3rd floor during the shooting    *NEW* Video from inside a classroom on the 3rd floor during the shooting  Icon_minitimeMon Jun 04, 2018 10:11 pm

Creepy how they're all happy and joking around then they realize that there are gunshots and the alarm goes off.
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Tommy QTR

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*NEW* Video from inside a classroom on the 3rd floor during the shooting  Empty
PostSubject: Re: *NEW* Video from inside a classroom on the 3rd floor during the shooting    *NEW* Video from inside a classroom on the 3rd floor during the shooting  Icon_minitimeTue Jun 05, 2018 12:49 pm

I wonder which of those in the video were killed and injured.

"Life's short but I wanna die."

-Lil Peep
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*NEW* Video from inside a classroom on the 3rd floor during the shooting  Empty
PostSubject: Re: *NEW* Video from inside a classroom on the 3rd floor during the shooting    *NEW* Video from inside a classroom on the 3rd floor during the shooting  Icon_minitime

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*NEW* Video from inside a classroom on the 3rd floor during the shooting
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