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 Parkland students kick off nationwide bus tour.

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Parkland students kick off nationwide bus tour. Empty
PostSubject: Parkland students kick off nationwide bus tour.   Parkland students kick off nationwide bus tour. Icon_minitimeSat Jun 16, 2018 8:31 am

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A group of Florida high school shooting survivors started their nationwide bus tour registering young voters to help accomplish their vision for stricter gun laws at a rally on Chicago's South Side.

Kyrah Simon from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, where 17 people died on Feb. 14, told the crowd largely made up of young people Friday evening that their voices matter.

Former Rep. Gabby Giffords, who was gravely wounded in a 2012 shooting, told the crowd to vote on Election Day to effect the change they want. Entertainers Jennifer Hudson, Chance the Rapper and also appeared.

The Parkland students are planning more than 25 stops during a two-month tour targeting communities rocked by gun violence or where lawmakers supported by the National Rifle Association are seeking office.

I truly wish these people would pay as much attention to the real issues that caused Cruz to do the things he did, rather then putting all the focus mainly on the choice of weapon.   No

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Parkland students kick off nationwide bus tour. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Parkland students kick off nationwide bus tour.   Parkland students kick off nationwide bus tour. Icon_minitimeSat Jun 16, 2018 9:19 am

Me too. It’s all a political agenda.

Do you want to bet a bunch of cookies that they’re going to come by the Denver area?

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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Parkland students kick off nationwide bus tour. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Parkland students kick off nationwide bus tour.   Parkland students kick off nationwide bus tour. Icon_minitimeSat Jun 16, 2018 12:57 pm

Screamingophelia wrote:
Me too. It’s all a political agenda.

Do you want to bet a bunch of cookies that they’re going to come by the Denver area?

I didn't search to see which locations they had scheduled . But I wouldn't doubt them rolling through there one bit.
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Parkland students kick off nationwide bus tour. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Parkland students kick off nationwide bus tour.   Parkland students kick off nationwide bus tour. Icon_minitimeSat Jun 16, 2018 12:58 pm

ShadowedGoddess wrote:
I truly wish these people would pay as much attention to the real issues that caused Cruz to do the things he did, rather then putting all the focus mainly on the choice of weapon.   No

That would require looking at their own behavior that might have contributed to his actions. Not gonna happen.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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Parkland students kick off nationwide bus tour. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Parkland students kick off nationwide bus tour.   Parkland students kick off nationwide bus tour. Icon_minitimeSat Jun 16, 2018 1:03 pm

QuestionMark wrote:
ShadowedGoddess wrote:
I truly wish these people would pay as much attention to the real issues that caused Cruz to do the things he did, rather then putting all the focus mainly on the choice of weapon.   No

That would require looking at their own behavior that might have contributed to his actions. Not gonna happen.

Agreed. As I've said before no one wants to think about how their actions or even their inactions may have added fuel to Cruz's fire.

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Parkland students kick off nationwide bus tour. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Parkland students kick off nationwide bus tour.   Parkland students kick off nationwide bus tour. Icon_minitimeSat Jun 16, 2018 1:06 pm

ShadowedGoddess wrote:
QuestionMark wrote:
ShadowedGoddess wrote:
I truly wish these people would pay as much attention to the real issues that caused Cruz to do the things he did, rather then putting all the focus mainly on the choice of weapon.   No

That would require looking at their own behavior that might have contributed to his actions. Not gonna happen.

Agreed. As I've said before no one wants to think about how their actions or even their inactions may have added fuel to Cruz's fire.

I imagine they wrote him off as some sort of monstrous Trump supporter to justify their poor treatment of him. I've seen people just like these kids advocate for bullying people with conservative views.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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Parkland students kick off nationwide bus tour. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Parkland students kick off nationwide bus tour.   Parkland students kick off nationwide bus tour. Icon_minitimeSat Jun 16, 2018 1:32 pm

QuestionMark wrote:
ShadowedGoddess wrote:
QuestionMark wrote:
ShadowedGoddess wrote:
I truly wish these people would pay as much attention to the real issues that caused Cruz to do the things he did, rather then putting all the focus mainly on the choice of weapon.   No

That would require looking at their own behavior that might have contributed to his actions. Not gonna happen.

Agreed. As I've said before no one wants to think about how their actions or even their inactions may have added fuel to Cruz's fire.

I imagine they wrote him off as some sort of monstrous Trump supporter to justify their poor treatment of him. I've seen people just like these kids advocate for bullying people with conservative views.

That was the main problem, Cruz was written off or overlooked by everyone. I still can't wrap my head around the number of times he could have been helped or at least stopped. Evil or Very Mad
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Parkland students kick off nationwide bus tour. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Parkland students kick off nationwide bus tour.   Parkland students kick off nationwide bus tour. Icon_minitimeSat Jun 16, 2018 2:01 pm

Why don't they go to Detroit, a lot of gun violence there, a lot of gun control too.
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Tommy QTR

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Parkland students kick off nationwide bus tour. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Parkland students kick off nationwide bus tour.   Parkland students kick off nationwide bus tour. Icon_minitimeSat Jun 16, 2018 2:03 pm

Population Control wrote:
Why don't they go to Detroit, a lot of gun violence there, a lot of gun control too.
So does New York, Chicago and London.
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Parkland students kick off nationwide bus tour. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Parkland students kick off nationwide bus tour.   Parkland students kick off nationwide bus tour. Icon_minitimeSat Sep 24, 2022 3:58 pm

I hate political agendas being tossed around after mass shootings.
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Parkland students kick off nationwide bus tour. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Parkland students kick off nationwide bus tour.   Parkland students kick off nationwide bus tour. Icon_minitime

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Parkland students kick off nationwide bus tour.
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