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 First ever attempted mass murder in an Italian school (Bombing)

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First ever attempted mass murder in an Italian school (Bombing) Empty
PostSubject: First ever attempted mass murder in an Italian school (Bombing)   First ever attempted mass murder in an Italian school (Bombing) Icon_minitimeSun Jun 24, 2018 4:56 pm

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This was the first and only attempt of killing students in mass here in Italy.
I remember seeing it on the news and it was horrible to hear about it.
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First ever attempted mass murder in an Italian school (Bombing) Empty
PostSubject: Re: First ever attempted mass murder in an Italian school (Bombing)   First ever attempted mass murder in an Italian school (Bombing) Icon_minitimeMon Jun 25, 2018 1:06 am

CALU wrote:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
This was the first and only attempt of killing students in mass here in Italy.
I remember seeing it on the news and it was horrible to hear about it.

I find it unique that it appears to be a Mafia hit. I would've thought it was the work of some retarded Eric and Dylan worshipper.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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First ever attempted mass murder in an Italian school (Bombing) Empty
PostSubject: Re: First ever attempted mass murder in an Italian school (Bombing)   First ever attempted mass murder in an Italian school (Bombing) Icon_minitimeMon Jun 25, 2018 1:36 am

QuestionMark wrote:
CALU wrote:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
This was the first and only attempt of killing students in mass here in Italy.
I remember seeing it on the news and it was horrible to hear about it.

I find it unique that it appears to be a Mafia hit. I would've thought it was the work of some retarded Eric and Dylan worshipper.
There are some fanboys here in Italy too.
On Steam I knew an Italian 19 years old dude obsessed with Columbine who even had a duster type trenchcoat.
On Columbine documentaries with the Italian dub I have even seen people writing that they were heroes, but I think that they were misinformed for the most part because they actually thought that the main cause of the shooting was bullying (Which probably wasn't).
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Tommy QTR

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First ever attempted mass murder in an Italian school (Bombing) Empty
PostSubject: Re: First ever attempted mass murder in an Italian school (Bombing)   First ever attempted mass murder in an Italian school (Bombing) Icon_minitimeMon Jun 25, 2018 5:15 am

CALU wrote:
QuestionMark wrote:
CALU wrote:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
This was the first and only attempt of killing students in mass here in Italy.
I remember seeing it on the news and it was horrible to hear about it.

I find it unique that it appears to be a Mafia hit. I would've thought it was the work of some retarded Eric and Dylan worshipper.
There are some fanboys here in Italy too.
On Steam I knew an Italian 19 years old dude obsessed with Columbine who even had a duster type trenchcoat.
On Columbine documentaries with the Italian dub I have even seen people writing that they were heroes, but I think that they were misinformed for the most part because they actually thought that the main cause of the shooting was bullying (Which probably wasn't).
The main cause was bullying.
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First ever attempted mass murder in an Italian school (Bombing) Empty
PostSubject: Re: First ever attempted mass murder in an Italian school (Bombing)   First ever attempted mass murder in an Italian school (Bombing) Icon_minitimeWed Jul 13, 2022 8:24 am

QuestionMark wrote:
CALU wrote:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
This was the first and only attempt of killing students in mass here in Italy.
I remember seeing it on the news and it was horrible to hear about it.

I find it unique that it appears to be a Mafia hit. I would've thought it was the work of some retarded Eric and Dylan worshipper.

As an Italian who lives in Italy I can quietly confirm I'm the only retarded Columbiner in South Italy Very Happy
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First ever attempted mass murder in an Italian school (Bombing) Empty
PostSubject: Re: First ever attempted mass murder in an Italian school (Bombing)   First ever attempted mass murder in an Italian school (Bombing) Icon_minitimeWed Jul 13, 2022 8:25 am

I remember I really wanted to see a case of a mass shooting in Italy before the Ardea massacre and I stumpled upon this.

I didn't care cuz shitty killcount
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First ever attempted mass murder in an Italian school (Bombing) Empty
PostSubject: Re: First ever attempted mass murder in an Italian school (Bombing)   First ever attempted mass murder in an Italian school (Bombing) Icon_minitimeWed Jul 13, 2022 8:26 am

Guest wrote:
QuestionMark wrote:
CALU wrote:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
This was the first and only attempt of killing students in mass here in Italy.
I remember seeing it on the news and it was horrible to hear about it.

I find it unique that it appears to be a Mafia hit. I would've thought it was the work of some retarded Eric and Dylan worshipper.
There are some fanboys here in Italy too.
On Steam I knew an Italian 19 years old dude obsessed with Columbine who even had a duster type trenchcoat.
On Columbine documentaries with the Italian dub I have even seen people writing that they were heroes, but I think that they were misinformed for the most part because they actually thought that the main cause of the shooting was bullying (Which probably wasn't).

One of my TCC (yes) friends is Italian too but he's 14
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First ever attempted mass murder in an Italian school (Bombing) Empty
PostSubject: Re: First ever attempted mass murder in an Italian school (Bombing)   First ever attempted mass murder in an Italian school (Bombing) Icon_minitimeWed Jul 12, 2023 7:13 am

QuestionMark wrote:
CALU wrote:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
This was the first and only attempt of killing students in mass here in Italy.
I remember seeing it on the news and it was horrible to hear about it.

I find it unique that it appears to be a Mafia hit. I would've thought it was the work of some retarded Eric and Dylan worshipper.

I should prolly stop flooding this thread but I think there was a molotov attack few years back in northern italy by a columbiner
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First ever attempted mass murder in an Italian school (Bombing) Empty
PostSubject: Re: First ever attempted mass murder in an Italian school (Bombing)   First ever attempted mass murder in an Italian school (Bombing) Icon_minitime

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First ever attempted mass murder in an Italian school (Bombing)
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