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 Wounded victims from Parkland school shooting to get $1.63M

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Wounded victims from Parkland school shooting to get $1.63M Empty
PostSubject: Wounded victims from Parkland school shooting to get $1.63M   Wounded victims from Parkland school shooting to get $1.63M Icon_minitimeTue Jul 03, 2018 3:46 pm

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The families of the 17 victims killed in the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting will each receive $400,000 from a $10.5 million fund. Eighteen of the injured survivors will receive $1.63 million.

The Broward Education Foundation and a steering committee for the victims announced Monday the breakdown of the funds that were raised through a GoFundMe campaign. Nearly 37,000 individuals and companies donated to the fund. The fund does not include the millions students have raised through March for Our Lives for advocacy efforts.

Nearly 450 students who were inside the building when the Feb. 14 shooting happened will receive $2,500 and 1,048 students who were on campus during the shooting but not in that building will receive $1,000. Payments will begin on July 16, according to a statement from the foundation.

Nearly everyone who applied for financial support was granted it. There were 1,654 applications submitted and 1,517 were approved, according to the foundation.

The group says 100 percent of the funds raised will go to victims and their families. Payments will begin on July 16.

"These gifts are given without any restriction on their use. The families and recipients are in the best position to determine how these funds would be most beneficial to their healing," said Christina Fischer, Broward Education Foundation Board Chair.

Andrew Pollack, whose daughter Meadow was killed, says he's not taking any of the fund for himself but will give the money to her two brothers and her boyfriend.

"It will help my kids when they're starting out their lives and it will make their sister happy," said Pollack, who has separately raised more than $400,000 to build a playground in her honor.

Other family members who declined to go on record said they were grateful for the kind donations but saddened because it will not bring their children back.

"You can't put a price tag on the incompetence that led to the murder of my daughter. ... It's really disheartening for me to know all these people that committed these acts and no accountability," said Pollack.
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Wounded victims from Parkland school shooting to get $1.63M Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wounded victims from Parkland school shooting to get $1.63M   Wounded victims from Parkland school shooting to get $1.63M Icon_minitimeTue Jul 03, 2018 8:59 pm

ShadowedGoddess wrote:

Nearly everyone who applied for financial support was granted it. There were 1,654 applications submitted and 1,517 were approved, according to the foundation.

So 137 people tried to get advantages of the fund but were not victims, or not victims enough.

It makes me think that after the November 2015 Paris attacks, a couple pretended to be victims and received 60 000 € (69919$ - £53079) from a fund meant to victims of terrorism. They tried to cheat again after the 2016 Nice attack. When the fraud was discovered (their mobile phones proved that they were not in Paris and in Nice during the attacks), they got 3 and 6 years in prison and had to repay the money, then 4 and 6 years in prison (I'm not sure if it is to replace or in addition to the first sentence).
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Wounded victims from Parkland school shooting to get $1.63M Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wounded victims from Parkland school shooting to get $1.63M   Wounded victims from Parkland school shooting to get $1.63M Icon_minitimeTue Jul 03, 2018 9:35 pm

Neah wrote:
ShadowedGoddess wrote:

Nearly everyone who applied for financial support was granted it. There were 1,654 applications submitted and 1,517 were approved, according to the foundation.

So 137 people tried to get advantages of the fund but were not victims, or not victims enough.

It makes me think that after the November 2015 Paris attacks, a couple pretended to be victims and received 60 000 € (69919$ - £53079) from a fund meant to victims of terrorism. They tried to cheat again after the 2016 Nice attack. When the fraud was discovered (their mobile phones proved that they were not in Paris and in Nice during the attacks), they got 3 and 6 years in prison and had to repay the money, then 4 and 6 years in prison (I'm not sure if it is to replace or in addition to the first sentence).

Seriously how damn low would you have to be to try to pass yourself off as a victim? Evil or Very Mad
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Wounded victims from Parkland school shooting to get $1.63M Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wounded victims from Parkland school shooting to get $1.63M   Wounded victims from Parkland school shooting to get $1.63M Icon_minitimeTue Jul 03, 2018 11:42 pm

ShadowedGoddess wrote:
Neah wrote:
ShadowedGoddess wrote:

Nearly everyone who applied for financial support was granted it. There were 1,654 applications submitted and 1,517 were approved, according to the foundation.

So 137 people tried to get advantages of the fund but were not victims, or not victims enough.

It makes me think that after the November 2015 Paris attacks, a couple pretended to be victims and received 60 000 € (69919$ - £53079) from a fund meant to victims of terrorism. They tried to cheat again after the 2016 Nice attack. When the fraud was discovered (their mobile phones proved that they were not in Paris and in Nice during the attacks), they got 3 and 6 years in prison and had to repay the money, then 4 and 6 years in prison (I'm not sure if it is to replace or in addition to the first sentence).

Seriously how damn low would you have to be to try to pass yourself off as a victim? Evil or Very Mad

And how damn stupid would you have to be to do it twice? This is how they were discovered, because it obviously made people at the found suspicious.
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Wounded victims from Parkland school shooting to get $1.63M Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wounded victims from Parkland school shooting to get $1.63M   Wounded victims from Parkland school shooting to get $1.63M Icon_minitimeTue Jul 03, 2018 11:52 pm

Neah wrote:
ShadowedGoddess wrote:
Neah wrote:
ShadowedGoddess wrote:

Nearly everyone who applied for financial support was granted it. There were 1,654 applications submitted and 1,517 were approved, according to the foundation.

So 137 people tried to get advantages of the fund but were not victims, or not victims enough.

It makes me think that after the November 2015 Paris attacks, a couple pretended to be victims and received 60 000 € (69919$ - £53079) from a fund meant to victims of terrorism. They tried to cheat again after the 2016 Nice attack. When the fraud was discovered (their mobile phones proved that they were not in Paris and in Nice during the attacks), they got 3 and 6 years in prison and had to repay the money, then 4 and 6 years in prison (I'm not sure if it is to replace or in addition to the first sentence).

Seriously how damn low would you have to be to try to pass yourself off as a victim? Evil or Very Mad

And how damn stupid would you have to be to do it twice? This is how they were discovered, because it obviously made people at the found suspicious.

Not a lot of criminals are particularly bright. After all, if they were, they wouldn't be criminals.  Smile

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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Wounded victims from Parkland school shooting to get $1.63M Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wounded victims from Parkland school shooting to get $1.63M   Wounded victims from Parkland school shooting to get $1.63M Icon_minitimeTue Jul 03, 2018 11:58 pm

QuestionMark wrote:
Neah wrote:
ShadowedGoddess wrote:
Neah wrote:
ShadowedGoddess wrote:

Nearly everyone who applied for financial support was granted it. There were 1,654 applications submitted and 1,517 were approved, according to the foundation.

So 137 people tried to get advantages of the fund but were not victims, or not victims enough.

It makes me think that after the November 2015 Paris attacks, a couple pretended to be victims and received 60 000 € (69919$ - £53079) from a fund meant to victims of terrorism. They tried to cheat again after the 2016 Nice attack. When the fraud was discovered (their mobile phones proved that they were not in Paris and in Nice during the attacks), they got 3 and 6 years in prison and had to repay the money, then 4 and 6 years in prison (I'm not sure if it is to replace or in addition to the first sentence).

Seriously how damn low would you have to be to try to pass yourself off as a victim? Evil or Very Mad

And how damn stupid would you have to be to do it twice? This is how they were discovered, because it obviously made people at the found suspicious.

Not a lot of criminals are particularly bright. After all, if they were, they wouldn't be criminals.  Smile

Hopefully they are not bright, it's like a lot of terrorists who get arrested for stupid reasons, or like those E&D wannabees who boast about planning a school shooting on the social medias.
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Wounded victims from Parkland school shooting to get $1.63M Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wounded victims from Parkland school shooting to get $1.63M   Wounded victims from Parkland school shooting to get $1.63M Icon_minitime

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Wounded victims from Parkland school shooting to get $1.63M
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