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 Layout and movement

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Layout and movement Empty
PostSubject: Layout and movement   Layout and movement Icon_minitimeTue Jul 03, 2018 11:55 pm

So living in Denver now I realized the few times I go by the school down Pierce Street there is the big sign that says Columbine High School with the announcements on it that say you know "winter break coming up!" "bake sale" stuff like that. Then behind that is an entrance with big windows and some park benches and flowers and etched into the wall is Columbine High School. Then when you are in Clement park the tennis courts are right behind the school and I just wondered today back when the massacre happened, what am I looking at? Was the cafeteria entrance off of the parking lot, are we seeing the actual main entrance on Pierce and not the cafeteria windows?

I know there were a lot of renovations but I am curious as to where everything was and how things have changed. It is something I never paid attention to.
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