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 Lanza and... Olga Hepnarova

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PostSubject: Lanza and... Olga Hepnarova   Lanza and... Olga Hepnarova Icon_minitimeWed Jul 18, 2018 5:39 pm

I find it odd that in an email dated 3 days before his death, Lanza wrote about Hepnarova. From the context it would seem that the topic is introduced by the other person, not by Lanza.

If I recall correctly, I was the person who started the thread about Hepnarova on the old forums, either way I was the one who wrote the most there, few people had much to say or were interested in the case. Its really a similar case on these forums: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

So I am now thinking: Who the heck introduced this case (of all the weird cases) to Lanza and why?
Maybe I'm being egocentric here, but I was the only one who wrote at any lenght about Hepnarova on the old forums. Thus I get a feeling the two of them might have been going through my posts in late 2012. It needs to be said that by 2012 these were rather old posts.

Also if I have not made a dementi until this point, I will do so now: I was not in email contact with Lanza. The person who discussed Hepnarova with Lanza was not me.

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PostSubject: Re: Lanza and... Olga Hepnarova   Lanza and... Olga Hepnarova Icon_minitimeWed Jul 18, 2018 6:10 pm

Adam specifically said, "I’m clueless about Olga Hepnarova," so it doesn't sound like he was particularly interested in the topic either.

Personally, I first came across Hepnarova because I wanted to read about female mass killers (and the explanatory letter quoted on Wikipedia is priceless - you could say that it was written by any male "lone wolf shooter" and no one would blink an eye if you changed "woman" to "man"). The person he was talking to was female, too. Maybe she was also curious about female mass killers. Adam did comment on that once when someone asked how Columbine would be different if Eric and Dylan were females.
Smiggles wrote:
Females generally kill in a more personal context than males do, so I would expect there to have not been explosives, and the target selection would have been less random. There have been a lot of mass murders committed by females, but they almost always take the form of familicide. At least 98% of indiscriminate rampage killers are male

On a somewhat related note, Lanza and his online friend may have discussed other types of killers regularly.

Lanza left this comment for a mass shooting connoisseur on Wikipedia.
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Quote :
Compared to the legions of people who focus solely on serial killers, it's almost impossible to find anyone who's interested in mass murderers,
This could suggest that Adam did some research into serial killers and other types of mass murderers, even if he focused on mass shooters.

His Tumblr posts included a photo of a serial killer, in his final post on the forum in 2012, he mentioned Richard Speck, and he was also interested in Kaczynski (although that may have also been an ideological interest, since he didn't care much for other bombers) so this was a longstanding pattern. Contrary to popular belief, my impression is that he was not solely interested in mass shootings, just particularly focused on them.

He was interested in committing a mass shooting of his own but I think that he was interested in mass murder as a concept and I would assume that he read about killers constantly. Any sort of societal "sickness" would support his worldview.

Did he read your thread about Hepnarova? Possibly. Was it the reason they were discussing it days before his attack? Probably not, in my opinion, unless you also made threads about Chinese mass stabbings and mass shooter suicide notes. They mainly discussed mass murder and this was just another mass murder to talk about.
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PostSubject: Re: Lanza and... Olga Hepnarova   Lanza and... Olga Hepnarova Icon_minitimeWed Jul 18, 2018 6:33 pm

Yeah, plus we don't even know if that other person was a member of the old forums. I guess I am being paranoid, which wouldn't be new.

Life is like a tram - you need to know when to get off.

"Bullet Time" - a school shooting film from Poland
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PostSubject: Re: Lanza and... Olga Hepnarova   Lanza and... Olga Hepnarova Icon_minitime

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