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 I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here.

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Lunkhead McGrath
Juicy Jazzy
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I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Empty
PostSubject: I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here.   I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Icon_minitimeSun Sep 09, 2018 5:37 pm

I can't post links for the next 7 days as new here.
let me know where you want me to upload it if someone has cloud space
it's 211 MB in size
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I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here.   I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Icon_minitimeMon Sep 10, 2018 1:17 am

Me Please. I have the space.

Lol, I even have Elliot Rodger's full Manifesto downloaded on my computer, as well as a bunch of other stuff
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I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here.   I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Icon_minitimeMon Sep 10, 2018 3:09 pm

rathomir wrote:
I can't post links for the next 7 days as new here.
let me know where you want me to upload it if someone has cloud space
it's 211 MB in size

Perhaps you can upload it to Google Drive or MEGA? And share the link here!
Thanks in advance!
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I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here.   I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Icon_minitimeMon Sep 10, 2018 7:12 pm

ok, I have it uploaded to Megadrive. I can post links in 6 days as per the n newbie regulations Smile
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I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here.   I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Icon_minitimeTue Sep 18, 2018 5:00 pm

Here you go
Columbine 1999 Year book Zip 200MB (No password)
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I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here.   I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Icon_minitimeWed Sep 19, 2018 12:35 am

Oh my god, Thank you so much for uploading this! Very Happy Reading study
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I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here.   I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Icon_minitimeThu Sep 20, 2018 9:07 pm

Thank you so much! Where'd you get the file for this at?
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I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here.   I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Icon_minitimeFri Sep 21, 2018 9:41 am

rathomir wrote:
ok, I have it uploaded to Megadrive.  I can post links in 6 days as per the n newbie regulations Smile

Thanks mate!
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I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here.   I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Icon_minitimeFri Oct 05, 2018 11:04 pm

I knew I would love this place when I registered ...thanks! Columbine has always intrigued me yet I stumbled on to this place only yesterday

Minivans are not that much smaller than regular vans and I'll go to the f**king grave before I call them mini again.
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I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here.   I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Icon_minitimeMon Oct 22, 2018 2:15 pm

I can't seem to find Rachel and Isaiah's yearbook photos?
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I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here.   I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Icon_minitimeMon Oct 22, 2018 9:10 pm

No joke this was the Captcha I got when trying to download the file:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here.   I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Icon_minitimeMon Oct 22, 2018 10:04 pm

UncontinuedProcess wrote:
No joke this was the Captcha I got when trying to download the file:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
Oh wow!
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I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here.   I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Icon_minitimeSun Oct 28, 2018 12:28 am

Hank Hill has never seemed so inappropriate.

Last edited by miketheratguy on Sun Oct 28, 2018 1:46 am; edited 5 times in total
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I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here.   I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Icon_minitimeSun Oct 28, 2018 1:24 am

miketheratguy wrote:
Hank Hill has never seemed so inappropriate.

Hank could tell those boys why their propane bomb didn't go off. Then he would scold them for misusing propane

Minivans are not that much smaller than regular vans and I'll go to the f**king grave before I call them mini again.
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I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here.   I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Icon_minitimeSun Oct 28, 2018 1:46 am

Eric's page:

"Regrets: What do you wish to have done differently?"

"If I could go back and do it all over again, there's a lot I would change. I wish I had talked more to the guy who sat behind me in Spanish class. I wish I had gotten to know the girl who always smiled at me in the halls. I wish I would have made peer counseling. I wish I had gone to class more. I wish I had tried out for Poms. I wish I had smiled more at people, and I almost wish we weren't growing up. My point is that every one of us can look back on the last four years and wish we had done something different, but there's no dwelling on that. We're moving on and growing up, and as scary as that is, it's also pretty exciting. Now we are going to have another chance to do all the things we wish we had done before".

"...Now that I'm a senior, I have learned that it isn't so much how others look at you but how you feel about yourself...I gave up the chance to have the time of my life just because I was afraid of how I would look through other people's eyes. However, if I had tried out those two years, maybe I wouldn't have learned this and then my life would be totally different".

"I wouldn't change anything throughout my life because I have been fortunate: fortunate enough to have a great family, great friends, and great times. Although I have made some mistakes, I learned from them and now I won't make them again. I have been extremely lucky during high school. I hope that everyone can have the same kind of positive adventures that I have experienced. My philosophy is that life is too short, so make everyday worth living..."

"Granted, my involvement in this school has not been as large as many people, but I do not regret a single moment of it."

Dylan's page:

"I look at my fellow seniors and see a strong-willed class, but I can remember the shy, confused freshmen we were."

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Juicy Jazzy

Juicy Jazzy

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I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here.   I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Icon_minitimeSun Oct 28, 2018 5:21 am

Here's another link.

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I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here.   I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Icon_minitimeThu Jan 31, 2019 11:10 am

It's kind of neat how they recognize forensics in the beginning. Rachel and Daniel were both in forensics so it would've been awful cool if they had some pictures for that.
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Lunkhead McGrath

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I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here.   I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Icon_minitimeThu Jan 31, 2019 8:28 pm

It's a curious piece of nostalgia...we've all probably seen the actual victims' yearbook photos dozens of times, I guess I was looking for the bit players more this time around.
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Lunkhead McGrath

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I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Empty
PostSubject: booga   I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Icon_minitimeThu Jan 31, 2019 8:29 pm

Holy crap are there a lot of people named Anderson at Columbine.

I'd never seen Brandon Larsen before though (p.123.) Goon goon goon!
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I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here.   I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Icon_minitimeFri Feb 15, 2019 4:36 pm

Is it just me when I click on the link it says "File not found"?

make your tragedies a work of art.
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I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here.   I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Icon_minitimeFri Feb 15, 2019 6:01 pm

Juicy Jazzy wrote:
Here's another link.

this link works.

Also check out the Columbine Master Archive for anything else you may want
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I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here.   I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Icon_minitimeFri Feb 15, 2019 6:05 pm

sororityalpha wrote:
this link works.

Also check out the Columbine Master Archive for anything else you may want

it's 1 am here. I'm a blind bat and you're a star. thank you.

make your tragedies a work of art.
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I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here.   I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Icon_minitimeMon Feb 18, 2019 9:50 am

Guest wrote:

Eric's page:

"Regrets: What do you wish to have done differently?"

"If I could go back and do it all over again, there's a lot I would change. I wish I had talked more to the guy who sat behind me in Spanish class. I wish I had gotten to know the girl who always smiled at me in the halls. I wish I would have made peer counseling. I wish I had gone to class more. I wish I had tried out for Poms. I wish I had smiled more at people, and I almost wish we weren't growing up. My point is that every one of us can look back on the last four years and wish we had done something different, but there's no dwelling on that. We're moving on and growing up, and as scary as that is, it's also pretty exciting. Now we are going to have another chance to do all the things we
wish we had done before".

"...Now that I'm a senior, I have learned that it isn't so much how others look at you but how you feel about yourself...I gave up the chance to have the time of my life just because I was afraid of how I would look through other people's eyes. However, if I had tried out those two years, maybe I wouldn't have learned this and then my life would be totally different".

"I wouldn't change anything throughout my life because I have been fortunate: fortunate enough to have a great family, great friends, and great times. Although I have made some mistakes, I learned from them and now I won't make them again. I have been extremely lucky during high school. I hope that everyone can have the same kind of positive adventures that I have experienced. My philosophy is that life is too short, so make everyday worth living..."

"Granted, my involvement in this school has not been as large as many people, but I do not regret a single moment of it."

Dylan's page:

"I look at my fellow seniors and see a strong-willed class, but I can remember the shy, confused freshmen we were."

Eric didn’t take Spanish.
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I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here.   I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Icon_minitimeTue Feb 19, 2019 1:03 pm

“I wish I had tried out for Poms“ I’m also sure Eric didn’t want to be a cheerleader.
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I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here.   I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Icon_minitimeTue Feb 19, 2019 5:32 pm

Maybe that is why Eric was so bitter, he wanted to be a cheerleader but 90s America wouldn't let him...

In all seriousness, the quote isn't Eric's, it is the quote on Eric's page.
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I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here.   I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Icon_minitimeFri Oct 25, 2019 2:44 pm

Can anyone who has the 99 yearbook send me a clear pic of the cross country team pic that corey and daniel were both on?
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I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here.   I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Icon_minitimeFri Oct 25, 2019 2:44 pm

Can anyone who has the 99 yearbook send me a clear pic of the cross country team pic that corey and daniel were both on?
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I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here.   I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Icon_minitimeFri Oct 25, 2019 5:21 pm

I'm getting a 404 on some page called rapid gator
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I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here.   I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here. Icon_minitime

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I have a full scan of the columbine 99 yearbook if it's not already here.
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