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 Doom WAD readme from Eric's Freshman year vs one from his Sophomore year

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Doom WAD readme from Eric's Freshman year vs one from his Sophomore year Empty
PostSubject: Doom WAD readme from Eric's Freshman year vs one from his Sophomore year   Doom WAD readme from Eric's Freshman year vs one from his Sophomore year Icon_minitimeWed Sep 19, 2018 3:00 pm

So here we can compare a readme from "DEATHMATCHING IN BRICKS!" (March 1st 1996.) to "U.A.C. Labs" (September 1st 1996.) (It should be noted that I got the first date from a video that I can no longer find. "DEATHMATCHING IN BRICKS!" might have been made sometime in July of 1996.)

Filename : bricks.WAD
Author : Eric Harris
Email Address : <email removed>
Misc. Author Info : It took me about 3 days to completely
finish this ass-kicking WAD. This is
by far the best deathmatch level I
have made, YET. yet yet yet!
Description : You are placed in a large, open arena
to fight in. There are multiple stair
cases and lots of ammo laying around.
Plenty of health too. There are 4
other sections to this level to fight
in, they are; A computer lab, a
darkened and lightened tunnel with
crevices to hide in (hint hint), and
a cave-like room with a river 'o'
sludge flowing through. And don't
worry about getting cornered, there
are plenty of places to run and hide
if you are in trouble!

Additional Credits to : Well, the creators of Edmap, you rule,
dudes. The creators of BSP and ADE2,
you guys saved this WAD countless
times from evil, bad-ass bugs!
The creators of WINTEX, for letting me
put in all those rockin' graphics.
The Paintbrush creators to make them.
Uuuuuuhh, My good friend Dylan Klebold
for helping me play-test this WAD.
And, of course, the creators of DOOM2!

* Play Information *

Episode and Level # : map01
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : I guess, to go sight-seeing
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : HELL YES DUDE!!!!
Difficulty Settings : Not implemented
New Sounds : Yup. new gun sounds, 1-6.
New Graphics : Bloody YES!
New Music : Nope
Demos Replaced : None

* Construction *

Base : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used : Edmap, BSP, ADE2, and WINTEX
Known Bugs : Well, I can't find any yet. e-mail me if
you come across one!

Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional

You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
intact. And tell me you are going to do it! But don't put it on
the Internet. Also, send comments after you play this level, they
will be greatly appreciated!

FTP sites:?

BBS numbers:?

Other: Well, probably where you got it from. duh. Or email me and
ask for it.
-note Ask for my awesome WAD called,!!!!

U.A.C. Labs (Sophomore year.):
Title : U.A.C. LABS
Filename :
Author : Eric Harris
Email Address : <email removed>
Misc. Author Info : Whatsup all you doomers out there! REB here,
bringin you another kick-ass doom2 wad! This one
took a damn long time to do, so send me some bloody
credit man! Sorry the file is so damn big, but you
know how it is when you change sprites...well, you
should know if you've every made wads like this.
Enjoy the new death frames, made em all myself!
=WILL CRASH DOOM2. so dont do it, man. =
Description\Story : OK, here goes: After defeating the demons on
Earth, you learn of a new terror. Phobos, where
this hellish battle all began, has been taken over
again! When you were fighting hell on Earth, the
demon back-up crew decided to pay a visit to Phobos
again. No problem, right? All the installations
where already destroyed by you and the first attack
right? Yeah, that parts right, but half the
surviving humans from earth took refuge there!
We just re-did the structures to fit our needs,
and moved in again. Bad idea. Those gates were
still active. Sooo aah, chalk up another kill for
the demons. After the 2nd attack on phobos, only
99% of the human population is left. Once you
emerged from hell, you took the first ship you
could to phobos. Once again, there were no
survivors. Now its PAYBACK TIME! Those godamned
alien bastards are gonna get one helluva BFG blast
up their FREAKIN ASS! You land on the other side
of phobos. Where the humans landed for the 2nd
time. Your mission is to destroy the 2 main gates,
and destroy the platoon of demons at the main
teleporter from phobos to Earth. Use the maps,
you'll need them to find all the hidden secrets and
doors. Beware of the 2 gates, the ARE still active,
and more demons might come through any second.
The platoon guarding the teleporter out is VERY
large, so beware. Good luck marine, and dont forget,
Additional Credits to : The creators of Edmap, Wintex, BSP, and doom2.

Episode and Level # : map01 and 2 ONLY!
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes, very fun. challenging too!
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : yep
Difficulty Settings : well, just stick with ultra violence.
New Sounds : yep
New Graphics : yep
New Music : yep
Demos Replaced : nope

Base : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used : Edmap, BSP, and WINTEX
Known Bugs : Well, I can't find any yet. e-mail me if
you come across one!

Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels.
You may NOT change a damn thing with this WAD, if you do, i will blow you up.
And it will be cool.

FTP sites:

BBS numbers:?

Other: Well, probably where you got it from. duh. Or email me and
ask for it.
-note Ask for my awesome PATCH called,!!!!
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cory M

cory M

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Doom WAD readme from Eric's Freshman year vs one from his Sophomore year Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doom WAD readme from Eric's Freshman year vs one from his Sophomore year   Doom WAD readme from Eric's Freshman year vs one from his Sophomore year Icon_minitimeThu Sep 27, 2018 12:50 am

I'm holding out hope that Tier.WAD is on a hard drive in an evidence locker in Jeffco SD headquarters or maybe at the Hoover building in D.C. and we might someday get it via the Freedom of Information Act.

It's been hypothesized that Tier is the last Doom map Eric made before 4/20 (possibly finished less than a year before) and based on the readme for the map, it sounds very interesting and fun.

Had he taken a different path, the kid could've made a bloody fortune programming & designing first-person shooters by now. Sad that his rage doomed him.
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Doom WAD readme from Eric's Freshman year vs one from his Sophomore year Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doom WAD readme from Eric's Freshman year vs one from his Sophomore year   Doom WAD readme from Eric's Freshman year vs one from his Sophomore year Icon_minitimeFri Sep 28, 2018 5:09 pm

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Doom WAD readme from Eric's Freshman year vs one from his Sophomore year Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doom WAD readme from Eric's Freshman year vs one from his Sophomore year   Doom WAD readme from Eric's Freshman year vs one from his Sophomore year Icon_minitimeSat Sep 29, 2018 4:06 pm

does anyone know if they/he played doom2 more than doom 1?
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Doom WAD readme from Eric's Freshman year vs one from his Sophomore year Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doom WAD readme from Eric's Freshman year vs one from his Sophomore year   Doom WAD readme from Eric's Freshman year vs one from his Sophomore year Icon_minitime

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