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 Could of gotten worse?

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School Massacre Archives

School Massacre Archives

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Could of gotten worse?  Empty
PostSubject: Could of gotten worse?    Could of gotten worse?  Icon_minitimeThu Oct 11, 2018 6:59 am

During the shooting, Cruz broke into the faculty room on the 3rd floor and attempted to shoot through the window, which the bullets were unable to penetrate the hurricane resistant glass. Reports suggest that if he did break through it, it would of resulted in more deaths. However, looking at the surveillance video that was released by police, which shows the parking lot/walkway near the freshmen building, it appears that no students were near there when Cruz tried shooting through the glass. Even looking at the student parking lot camera, it doesn't show any students anywhere near where they could of been shot. I could see him shooting at passing cars on the road, but if you look at the aerial video after the shooting, you see that he tried to break through only window that wasn't facing the road.

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If Cruz did manage to break through the window, what was he even gonna do after that? Shoot at police when they arrive? Stop shooting and then patiently wait for someone to run out?
That's why I want to hear your thoughts. Would the shooting result in a higher death count if Cruz broke through the window?

Owner of the official School Massacre Archives YouTube channel.
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PostSubject: Re: Could of gotten worse?    Could of gotten worse?  Icon_minitimeThu Oct 11, 2018 7:19 am

I think it likely he was planning on using it as a vantage point to shoot at fleeing kids or even arriving officers. But when he wasn't able to break the glass he ditched and blended in with kids being evacuated.
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PostSubject: Re: Could of gotten worse?    Could of gotten worse?  Icon_minitimeThu Oct 11, 2018 8:34 am

I agree with ShadowedGoddess, I think he was trying to shoot at fleeing students or first responders.
But who knows what went on in his mind at that time. I wonder if he even knew what he was doing at that point, the whole shooting seemed pretty chaotic to me.
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Could of gotten worse?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Could of gotten worse?    Could of gotten worse?  Icon_minitimeThu Oct 11, 2018 9:14 am

He could've set off the fire alarm and waited for the kids to walk out of the school.
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School Massacre Archives

School Massacre Archives

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Could of gotten worse?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Could of gotten worse?    Could of gotten worse?  Icon_minitimeThu Oct 11, 2018 9:37 am

InsaneIntruder wrote:
He could've set off the fire alarm and waited for the kids to walk out of the school.

The fire alarm already went off due to the smoke from him firing his rifle. Also, when the kids went outside, they were directed by teachers to come back inside after realizing that there is shooting. I highly doubt they will come back out if he did pulled it.

Owner of the official School Massacre Archives YouTube channel.
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PostSubject: Re: Could of gotten worse?    Could of gotten worse?  Icon_minitimeThu Oct 11, 2018 8:22 pm

rebootoX wrote:
I wonder if he even knew what he was doing at that point, the whole shooting seemed pretty chaotic to me.

I'm inclined to believe he was acting on pure instinct once the shooting started. Why else would he make a confession video on his phone, then attempt to flee the crime scene instead of waiting for police to arrest him right then and there?

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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PostSubject: Re: Could of gotten worse?    Could of gotten worse?  Icon_minitimeThu Oct 11, 2018 9:50 pm

He probably could've gotten a few people if he broke the window but I don't think it would've been a ton given that, by the time he reached the 3rd floor, it had already been several minutes already (police arrived in less than 5 minutes). It's worth noting tho that in one the videos he made before the shooting he said he was gonna "get to the school walk up the stairs, unload his bag and shoot people down in the courtyard", which sounds somewhat similar to if he shot from an elevated position on the third floor so a sniperish style of shooting might've been part of his plan originally although evidently he was unable to do that cuz of the windows.
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PostSubject: Re: Could of gotten worse?    Could of gotten worse?  Icon_minitimeFri Oct 12, 2018 7:29 am

School Massacre Archives wrote:
InsaneIntruder wrote:
He could've set off the fire alarm and waited for the kids to walk out of the school.

The fire alarm already went off due to the smoke from him firing his rifle. Also, when the kids went outside, they were directed by teachers to come back inside after realizing that there is shooting. I highly doubt they will come back out if he did pulled it.

Cruz pulled the alarm before he started shooting ?
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Could of gotten worse?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Could of gotten worse?    Could of gotten worse?  Icon_minitime

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