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 Police brutality: A crisis in America. Worse than the Catholic sex crisis

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Police brutality: A crisis in America. Worse than the Catholic sex crisis Empty
PostSubject: Police brutality: A crisis in America. Worse than the Catholic sex crisis   Police brutality: A crisis in America. Worse than the Catholic sex crisis Icon_minitimeWed Mar 13, 2019 2:41 pm

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Look at link related. This is more horrible than the Vatican sex crisis. Why doesn't this get talked about more often here? This is perfect for the Other Crimes or Off Topic boards. And to think we don't even know every bad thing the crooked cops get away with. I think it's time we finally fight this. Police brutality and police corruption IMO is a worse crisis than the Catholic sex abuse crisis. This is the real travesty and crisis of the 21st century. Cops are child rapists, murderers, junkies, arms dealers, drug dealers, etc. They really have a problem. They all are psychos. IMO America has a real problem with the police. The police are out of control. It's bad the police rape and murder and commit beat downs we know about but think about what we don't know about. Think of all the corruption and war crimes they have kept hidden. Think of all the human and civil rights abuses they get away with in front of you. Now think about what they're hiding from us. And you wonder why Gavin Long, Micah Johnson, and Chris Dorner did what they did. I'm honestly surprised more people haven't snapped and tried something similar i thought so many victims of the police had had enough. At this rate i wouldn't be surprised if we're heading towards a civil war because the cops have gotten so bad, violent, pedophilic, and out of control and they'll only understand an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Honestly cops are more evil and worse than the Vatican. And the worse abuse happens in the prisons and jails. If you all knew how bad it was you all would hate cops for the rest of your lives. I'm going to take this further on here i think police brutality is a perfect topic to talk about more here on the forums and site i'm desperate to raise an army and do something to reform and shame and humiliate the police.
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Police brutality: A crisis in America. Worse than the Catholic sex crisis Empty
PostSubject: Re: Police brutality: A crisis in America. Worse than the Catholic sex crisis   Police brutality: A crisis in America. Worse than the Catholic sex crisis Icon_minitimeWed Mar 13, 2019 3:36 pm

i'm alex jones, buy my penis pills
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Police brutality: A crisis in America. Worse than the Catholic sex crisis Empty
PostSubject: Re: Police brutality: A crisis in America. Worse than the Catholic sex crisis   Police brutality: A crisis in America. Worse than the Catholic sex crisis Icon_minitimeWed Mar 13, 2019 3:55 pm

What anime is your avatar from

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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Police brutality: A crisis in America. Worse than the Catholic sex crisis Empty
PostSubject: Re: Police brutality: A crisis in America. Worse than the Catholic sex crisis   Police brutality: A crisis in America. Worse than the Catholic sex crisis Icon_minitimeWed Mar 13, 2019 5:53 pm

Hey, weren't we supposed to have, you know, an actual DISCUSSION here?
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Police brutality: A crisis in America. Worse than the Catholic sex crisis
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