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 ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for

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‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Empty
PostSubject: ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for    ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Icon_minitimeWed Nov 14, 2018 4:27 pm

In the days and months before killing 17 people at a Parkland high school, Nikolas Cruz researched school shootings and other disturbing content on the Internet including a web page titled “Homicidal Thoughts and Urges.”

“Shooting people massacre” read one search on Nov 14, 2017, exactly three months before he attacked Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. “Rape caught on video,” he typed in the next day. “Therapist for homicidal,” he searched just five days before the shooting.
Cruz’s search history, revealed Wednesday during a meeting of the state’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Commission, offers a window into his twisted state of mind.

“This is not unusual to find this kind of material on their phones,” Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri, the commission chairman, said of mass killers.
Cruz’s cell phone and Internet search history, obtained by investigators, show how he gradually zeroed in on a school as the target for his rage. He was a former student at Stoneman Douglas.
“My life is a mess [I don’t know] what to do anymore,” he said in one note he typed on his cellphone in January. He also lamented a girlfriend who had broken up with him. “Please be with me in the after life my dearest sweetheart,” he wrote on his phone.

At one point, he researched the Aurora movie theater massacre, taking a screenshot of a Wikipedia article. He looked at racist and Nazi memes. He studied the proper way to commit suicide by slicing one’s wrists. He etched a Swastika into a Mossberg shotgun he owned. He took photos and videos of himself holding guns or dead animals, including one video taken after he had gutted an iguana.

“I ripped out his organs,” Cruz said on the video. He owned at least eight firearms, all legally
On January 20, he wrote a note to himself on his phone: “Basketball court full of targets, still thinking of ways to kill people.”
In February, he began focusing on Stoneman Douglas. On Feb. 2, he took a screenshot of the school’s schedule.

He wrote what appeared to be suicide notes and researched school shootings in Kentucky, Minnesota and Finland. Days before attacking Stoneman Douglas, he looked up how long it would take police officers to respond to a school shooting.

The night before the shooting, he Googled the school’s name and watched music videos about school shootings, including one where a bullied child returns to his school and shoots two of his tormentors.
The next morning, Cruz began searching the Internet at 6:59 a.m. for KKK and Nazi themes, pornography and the phrase “school shooter.”

He also tried to call and text his ex-girlfriend, whom he had saved in his phone as “Warning Love of your Life.” She told him to leave her alone. Around 1 p.m., Cruz texted her saying “Hello” and “It’s very important.” She did not respond.
Even as he rode an Uber on the way to Stoneman Douglas with a rifle bag, Cruz continued to text the girl, as well as the son of the family he was living with following the death of his mother. His phone reflected 23 text messages in the 10 or so minutes before the shooting, according to investigators.

“Eat well, sleep well and behave well my love,” Cruz texted his ex between 2:08 p.m. and 2:10 p.m. on Feb. 14.
“You know I have a boyfriend, right?” the girl responded.

“Doesn’t matter anymore,” Cruz said. “I love you.” The last two outgoing texts in his phone were sent to the friend he was living with. “Yo” and “Tell,” he wrote at 2:18 p.m, just before being dropped off near campus.

Three minutes later, he walked into Stoneman Douglas’ freshman building and opened fire.

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‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Empty
PostSubject: Re: ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for    ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Icon_minitimeWed Nov 14, 2018 6:13 pm

Kerea2244 wrote:
At one point, he researched the Aurora movie theater massacre, taking a screenshot of a Wikipedia article. 

I called it from the very beginning that Cruz studied the Aurora shootings. There were just too many similarities in the very beginning for me to have considered it a coincidence.

Kerea2244 wrote:
He wrote what appeared to be suicide notes and researched school shootings in Kentucky, Minnesota and Finland.

Reading between the lines here it sounds like he researched the shootings in Heath, Red Lake, and Jokela high school. 

Curious that the article doesn't mention either Columbine or the Texas Tower shooting considering that earlier articles said these were among the shootings that interested him.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Empty
PostSubject: Re: ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for    ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Icon_minitimeWed Nov 14, 2018 11:20 pm

QuestionMark wrote:
Kerea2244 wrote:
At one point, he researched the Aurora movie theater massacre, taking a screenshot of a Wikipedia article. 

I called it from the very beginning that Cruz studied the Aurora shootings. There were just too many similarities in the very beginning for me to have considered it a coincidence.

Kerea2244 wrote:
He wrote what appeared to be suicide notes and researched school shootings in Kentucky, Minnesota and Finland.

Reading between the lines here it sounds like he researched the shootings in Heath, Red Lake, and Jokela high school. 

Curious that the article doesn't mention either Columbine or the Texas Tower shooting considering that earlier articles said these were among the shootings that interested him.

Also surprised Columbine was not mentioned. I figured that would be he searched for a lot. The searches for things about school shootings are only damning after the crime, really. How many of us have searched a school shooting? I, mean, look where we are posting.

His other searching are alarming including the ones about rape and police response rate. It seems from some of his searches he was suicidal. I wonder why he didn't kill himself like many of the other school shooters do? Perhaps last minute he was too afraid.
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‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Empty
PostSubject: Re: ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for    ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Icon_minitimeThu Nov 15, 2018 12:01 am

hvernon wrote:

Also surprised Columbine was not mentioned. I figured that would be he searched for a lot. 

In the official document listing all the searches on his phone, Columbine, specifically footage of Zero Hour set to Pumped Up Kicks remixes, is searched several times, so he definitely looked into it.

hvernon wrote:
It seems from some of his searches he was suicidal. I wonder why he didn't kill himself like many of the other school shooters do? Perhaps last minute he was too afraid.

I think his original plan was to go out fighting police officers but when they failed to confront him he made a snap decision to try and get away with it.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Empty
PostSubject: Re: ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for    ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Icon_minitimeThu Nov 15, 2018 12:11 am

Surprised Nikolas researched Pekka, im guessing this makes him the 2nd? shooter to have liked Pekka? Wonder if he also researched Matti? Im also starting to think he watched Pekkas videos.

Any other known shootings besides those and columbine/university of texas at autsin he researched?
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‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Empty
PostSubject: Re: ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for    ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Icon_minitimeThu Nov 15, 2018 2:46 pm

TheOne99 wrote:
Surprised Nikolas researched Pekka, im guessing this makes him the 2nd? shooter to have liked Pekka? Wonder if he also researched Matti? Im also starting to think he watched Pekkas videos.

Any other known shootings besides those and columbine/university of texas at autsin he researched?

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According to these recently released documents, he researched the shootings at Red Lake, Marshall County, the theater in Aurora Colorado, Virginia Tech, and he praised Omar Mateen for killing gay people.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Empty
PostSubject: Re: ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for    ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Icon_minitimeThu Nov 15, 2018 3:02 pm

Also surprised Columbine was not mentioned. I figured that would be he searched for a lot. 

In the official document listing all the searches on his phone, Columbine, specifically footage of Zero Hour set to Pumped Up Kicks remixes, is searched several times, so he definitely looked into it.

hvernon wrote:
It seems from some of his searches he was suicidal. I wonder why he didn't kill himself like many of the other school shooters do? Perhaps last minute he was too afraid.

I think his original plan was to go out fighting police officers but when they failed to confront him he made a snap decision to try and get away with it.

That’s very interesting. He could have been planning to either kill himself or be confronted by cops, and when it never happened he decided to try to get away with it. Maybe that’s when he decided to pretend he was hearing voices to try to get a lighter sentence. Maybe even hoping to be admitted to a psychiatric hospital instead of jail and eventually be released!
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‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Empty
PostSubject: Re: ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for    ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Icon_minitimeThu Nov 15, 2018 3:34 pm

can't see the documents because I live outside the US grrrrrrrr

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‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Empty
PostSubject: Re: ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for    ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Icon_minitimeThu Nov 15, 2018 4:11 pm

I'm sure the FIB are watching everyone on this forum right now..........
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‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Empty
PostSubject: Re: ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for    ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Icon_minitimeThu Nov 15, 2018 4:33 pm

DanielGardner wrote:
Maybe that’s when he decided to pretend he was hearing voices to try to get a lighter sentence. Maybe even hoping to be admitted to a psychiatric hospital instead of jail and eventually be released!

When I was reading his Internet searches I also thought about the voice of "the Demon". It seems that he didn't search about hearing voices on the Internet (if the list of his searches is complete), which I find weird given that it is not the kind of thing you are comfortable talking to other people about it so it is easier to search for info yourself on the internet, and he did googled some of the issues he had such as homicidal thoughts and how to get into a relationship, so why not about the voice then? That is if he did hear a voice, but now I'm not so sure about that.
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‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Empty
PostSubject: Re: ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for    ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Icon_minitimeThu Nov 15, 2018 4:36 pm

Neah wrote:
Maybe that’s when he decided to pretend he was hearing voices to try to get a lighter sentence. Maybe even hoping to be admitted to a psychiatric hospital instead of jail and eventually be released!

When I was reading his Internet searches I also thought about the voice of "the Demon". It seems that he didn't search about hearing voices on the Internet (if the list of his searches is complete), which I find weird given that it is not the kind of thing you are comfortable talking to other people about it so it is easier to search for info yourself on the internet, and he did googled some of the issues he had such as homicidal thoughts and how to get into a relationship, so why not about the voice then? That is if he did hear a voice, but now I'm not so sure about that.

Exactly! I was thinking the same thing. If he was really hearing voices I think we would have seen that reflected in his searches. Instead we see his real problems, homicidal thoughts.
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‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Empty
PostSubject: Re: ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for    ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Icon_minitimeThu Nov 15, 2018 5:36 pm

can someone please give me a source from where I can look at the documents since I live in EU?
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‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Empty
PostSubject: Re: ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for    ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Icon_minitimeThu Nov 15, 2018 5:43 pm

Krieg wrote:
can someone please give me a source from where I can look at the documents since I live in EU?

I couldn't find another source so I had to download this VPN and it worked: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
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‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Empty
PostSubject: Re: ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for    ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Icon_minitimeFri Nov 16, 2018 1:42 am

QuestionMark wrote:
Kerea2244 wrote:
At one point, he researched the Aurora movie theater massacre, taking a screenshot of a Wikipedia article. 

I called it from the very beginning that Cruz studied the Aurora shootings. There were just too many similarities in the very beginning for me to have considered it a coincidence.

Kerea2244 wrote:
He wrote what appeared to be suicide notes and researched school shootings in Kentucky, Minnesota and Finland.

Reading between the lines here it sounds like he researched the shootings in Heath, Red Lake, and Jokela high school. 

Curious that the article doesn't mention either Columbine or the Texas Tower shooting considering that earlier articles said these were among the shootings that interested him.

What similarities between Cruz and Holmes do you see?
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‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Empty
PostSubject: Re: ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for    ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Icon_minitimeFri Nov 16, 2018 4:18 pm

carokann wrote:
QuestionMark wrote:
Kerea2244 wrote:
At one point, he researched the Aurora movie theater massacre, taking a screenshot of a Wikipedia article. 

I called it from the very beginning that Cruz studied the Aurora shootings. There were just too many similarities in the very beginning for me to have considered it a coincidence.

Kerea2244 wrote:
He wrote what appeared to be suicide notes and researched school shootings in Kentucky, Minnesota and Finland.

Reading between the lines here it sounds like he researched the shootings in Heath, Red Lake, and Jokela high school. 

Curious that the article doesn't mention either Columbine or the Texas Tower shooting considering that earlier articles said these were among the shootings that interested him.

What similarities between Cruz and Holmes do you see?

They were superficial similarities thst I saw in the first news reports of the Parkland shooting; both killers had red hair (I incorrectly assumed Cruz had dyed it red), early reports claimed Cruz used smoke bombs while Holmes had used tear gas, both of them used body armor and an AR-15 rifle, both of them fled the initial scene of the crime before getting caught a little later. Little things like that made me suspect Cruz took some notes from Holmes's shooting and acted accordingly.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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Tommy QTR

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‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Empty
PostSubject: Re: ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for    ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Icon_minitimeFri Nov 16, 2018 4:47 pm

Quote :
“Hello” and “It’s very important.”

Quote :
“Eat well, sleep well and behave well my love,”

Quote :
“Doesn’t matter anymore,” Cruz said. “I love you.”

Reminds me a lot of when Pekka Eric-Auvinen messaged his ex online girlfriend on the day of his shooting. It sounds like Cruz really wanted to talk to his ex, I wonder if she had responded, the shooting wouldn't of happened?

"Life's short but I wanna die."

-Lil Peep

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‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Empty
PostSubject: Re: ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for    ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Icon_minitimeFri Nov 16, 2018 5:59 pm

Tommy QTR wrote:
Quote :
“Hello” and “It’s very important.”

Quote :
“Eat well, sleep well and behave well my love,”

Quote :
“Doesn’t matter anymore,” Cruz said. “I love you.”

Reminds me a lot of when Pekka Eric-Auvinen messaged his ex online girlfriend on the day of his shooting. It sounds like Cruz really wanted to talk to his ex, I wonder if she had responded, the shooting wouldn't of happened?

I don't think it would have changed anything. But I'm still surprised about the "Eat well, sleep well" part. It is so small in comparison to what he was to do, and still he thought about the need for her to sleep well. It is the advice he gave to someone right before killing more than ten people...
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‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Empty
PostSubject: Re: ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for    ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Icon_minitimeMon Feb 05, 2024 12:21 am

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‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Empty
PostSubject: Re: ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for    ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Icon_minitimeMon Feb 05, 2024 7:55 am

since the feds have an automatic list for specific keywords searched on a browser (i.e., "how to make a bomb" or "child porn"), im really shocked he got away with the shit he searched up. nik was so careless about his digital footprint and he bragged about wanting to kill so often it's pretty hilarious
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‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Empty
PostSubject: Re: ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for    ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Icon_minitimeMon Feb 05, 2024 9:21 am

caliburrie wrote:
since the feds have an automatic list for specific keywords searched on a browser (i.e., "how to make a bomb" or "child porn"), im really shocked he got away with the shit he searched up. nik was so careless about his digital footprint and he bragged about wanting to kill so often it's pretty hilarious

They allowed him to do it. The searches were from his jewgle account and jewgle scans everything you do, including emails.

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‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Empty
PostSubject: Re: ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for    ‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Icon_minitimeSat Apr 06, 2024 6:09 pm

"In the days and months before killing 17 people at a Parkland high school, Nikolas Cruz researched school shootings and other disturbing content on the Internet including a web page titled “Homicidal Thoughts and Urges.”

“Shooting people massacre” read one search on Nov 14, 2017, exactly three months before he attacked Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. “Rape caught on video,” he typed in the next day. “Therapist for homicidal,” he searched just five days before the shooting.
Cruz’s search history, revealed Wednesday during a meeting of the state’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Commission, offers a window into his twisted state of mind.

This guy is a fucking moron oh my God

Last edited by LollaHoran444 on Sat Apr 06, 2024 6:09 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : I don't know how to quote)

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‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for  Empty
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‘Shooting people,’ ‘Rape on video’: Parkland shooter searched Internet for
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