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 Tour Of Columbine High School Shortly After the Massacre

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Tommy QTR
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Tommy QTR

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Tour Of Columbine High School Shortly After the Massacre  Empty
PostSubject: Tour Of Columbine High School Shortly After the Massacre    Tour Of Columbine High School Shortly After the Massacre  Icon_minitimeWed Nov 21, 2018 3:21 pm

I don't know if this has been posted before but I found Police investigation footage of the School:

"Life's short but I wanna die."

-Lil Peep
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PostSubject: Re: Tour Of Columbine High School Shortly After the Massacre    Tour Of Columbine High School Shortly After the Massacre  Icon_minitimeWed Nov 21, 2018 5:01 pm

One thing I've always wondered about is why they didn't shoot up the sign that says "Through these halls pass the finest kids in America, The students of Columbine High School". Given their hatred of the school, they must've perceived that sign as hypocritical.

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PostSubject: Re: Tour Of Columbine High School Shortly After the Massacre    Tour Of Columbine High School Shortly After the Massacre  Icon_minitimeWed Nov 21, 2018 9:40 pm

Jollyhelpful wrote:
One thing I've always wondered about is why they didn't shoot up the sign that says "Through these halls pass the finest kids in America, The students of Columbine High School". Given their hatred of the school, they must've perceived that sign as hypocritical.  

Probably never occurred to them. I think they were more interested in shooting people.


They assumed it would go up with the schools if/when the bombs went off, so they didn't bother with it.
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PostSubject: Re: Tour Of Columbine High School Shortly After the Massacre    Tour Of Columbine High School Shortly After the Massacre  Icon_minitimeThu Nov 22, 2018 3:16 am

Jollyhelpful wrote:
One thing I've always wondered about is why they didn't shoot up the sign that says "Through these halls pass the finest kids in America, The students of Columbine High School". Given their hatred of the school, they must've perceived that sign as hypocritical.  
Why do you think it's in the video? Is there not a scorch mark on "finest"? I figured they shot or threw a pipe bomb at it, or maybe both as in tossing a bomb into the air and shooting at it.
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PostSubject: Re: Tour Of Columbine High School Shortly After the Massacre    Tour Of Columbine High School Shortly After the Massacre  Icon_minitimeMon Jan 14, 2019 7:38 pm

This has to be three days after the massacre, considering the windows of the west entrance were boarded up and the absence of the bodies. Hmm...



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PostSubject: Re: Tour Of Columbine High School Shortly After the Massacre    Tour Of Columbine High School Shortly After the Massacre  Icon_minitimeMon Jan 14, 2019 7:54 pm

I wonder why they don't let people tour the school in the Summer when it's closed? I understand it being disrespectful to the victims of the families, but it's also a part of history. If they were to let people tour it, who would get the money off the tour prices? The school district or the state?


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PostSubject: Re: Tour Of Columbine High School Shortly After the Massacre    Tour Of Columbine High School Shortly After the Massacre  Icon_minitimeTue Jan 15, 2019 1:42 pm

bradt93 wrote:
I wonder why they don't let people tour the school in the Summer when it's closed? I understand it being disrespectful to the victims of the families, but it's also a part of history. If they were to let people tour it, who would get the money off the tour prices? The school district or the state?

They did. Many families of the victims toured the library and school over the summer.
Turning a massacre into a public tour for money is not only disrespectful, but would make no logical sense and cause extreme backlash from the community.

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PostSubject: Re: Tour Of Columbine High School Shortly After the Massacre    Tour Of Columbine High School Shortly After the Massacre  Icon_minitimeSat Jan 19, 2019 5:14 pm

Subdomine wrote:
This has to be three days after the massacre, considering the windows of the west entrance were boarded up and the absence of the bodies. Hmm...

Interesting thought!! It seems even more eerie now thinking about it being so soon after the murders.
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PostSubject: Re: Tour Of Columbine High School Shortly After the Massacre    Tour Of Columbine High School Shortly After the Massacre  Icon_minitimeMon Feb 04, 2019 7:31 pm

bradt93 wrote:
I wonder why they don't let people tour the school in the Summer when it's closed? I understand it being disrespectful to the victims of the families, but it's also a part of history. If they were to let people tour it, who would get the money off the tour prices? The school district or the state?

I know, right? Maybe put a hotdog stand in there as well.

Bruh. Rolling Eyes
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PostSubject: Re: Tour Of Columbine High School Shortly After the Massacre    Tour Of Columbine High School Shortly After the Massacre  Icon_minitimeSun Feb 24, 2019 3:32 am

Maybe in a few years we'll get the victim crime scene photos released, like the black dahlia stuff etc.



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PostSubject: Re: Tour Of Columbine High School Shortly After the Massacre    Tour Of Columbine High School Shortly After the Massacre  Icon_minitime

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