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 Aurora Theatre Shooting crime scene photos

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Aurora Theatre Shooting crime scene photos Empty
PostSubject: Aurora Theatre Shooting crime scene photos   Aurora Theatre Shooting crime scene photos Icon_minitimeTue Jan 08, 2019 11:37 pm

On July 20, 2012, a mass shooting occurred inside of a Century 16 movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, during a midnight screening of the film The Dark Knight Rises. A gunman, dressed in tactical clothing, set off tear gas grenades and shot into the audience with an AR-15, 12 gauge shotgun, and 40 caliber Glock. 12 people were killed and 70 others were injured, the largest number of casualties in a shooting in the United States.

The sole assailant, James Eagan Holmes, was arrested in his car parked outside the cinema minutes later. It was the deadliest shooting in Colorado since the Columbine High School massacre in 1999. Prior to the shooting, Holmes rigged his apartment with homemade explosives, which were defused by a bomb squad one day after the shooting.

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Tommy QTR

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Aurora Theatre Shooting crime scene photos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aurora Theatre Shooting crime scene photos   Aurora Theatre Shooting crime scene photos Icon_minitimeWed Jan 09, 2019 4:34 pm

Holmes's Smith & Wesson M&P 15 Sport (warning slightly graphic):

I've always wondered why the media reported he used a Hundred round mag, you can clearly tell here that he used a standard thirty round magazine.

"Life's short but I wanna die."

-Lil Peep
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Aurora Theatre Shooting crime scene photos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aurora Theatre Shooting crime scene photos   Aurora Theatre Shooting crime scene photos Icon_minitimeWed Jan 09, 2019 5:07 pm

Tommy QTR wrote:
Holmes's Smith & Wesson M&P 15 Sport (warning slightly graphic):

I've always wondered why the media reported he used a Hundred round mag, you can clearly tell here that he used a standard thirty round magazine.

I did hear reports that the drum magazine malfunction during the shooting, maybe he reloaded the rifle with a standard magazine before the end?
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Tommy QTR

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PostSubject: Re: Aurora Theatre Shooting crime scene photos   Aurora Theatre Shooting crime scene photos Icon_minitimeWed Jan 09, 2019 7:35 pm

UncontinuedProcess wrote:
Tommy QTR wrote:
Holmes's Smith & Wesson M&P 15 Sport (warning slightly graphic):

I've always wondered why the media reported he used a Hundred round mag, you can clearly tell here that he used a standard thirty round magazine.

I did hear reports that the drum magazine malfunction during the shooting, maybe he reloaded the rifle with a standard magazine before the end?
I've always thought that, although I'm pretty sure he started using his Glock after his AR jammed so I don't know.

"Life's short but I wanna die."

-Lil Peep
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Aurora Theatre Shooting crime scene photos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aurora Theatre Shooting crime scene photos   Aurora Theatre Shooting crime scene photos Icon_minitimeThu Jan 10, 2019 6:23 am

at the risk of sounding stupid, what's up with his eyes?

"How did the first man alive realize you need to shove shit in your mouth and swallow it to stay alive?" -Randy Stair

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Aurora Theatre Shooting crime scene photos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aurora Theatre Shooting crime scene photos   Aurora Theatre Shooting crime scene photos Icon_minitimeThu Jan 10, 2019 6:39 am

Clogerhead wrote:
at the risk of sounding stupid, what's up with his eyes?

He is probably using contact lenses, or the photograph is edited.

"I hate how I spend 99% of my time upset about culture, when life itself is the problem.
Culture just adds insult to injury.
" - By Smiggles on SBB forum.
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Aurora Theatre Shooting crime scene photos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aurora Theatre Shooting crime scene photos   Aurora Theatre Shooting crime scene photos Icon_minitimeThu Jan 10, 2019 8:43 am

Tommy QTR wrote:
UncontinuedProcess wrote:
Tommy QTR wrote:
Holmes's Smith & Wesson M&P 15 Sport (warning slightly graphic):

I've always wondered why the media reported he used a Hundred round mag, you can clearly tell here that he used a standard thirty round magazine.

I did hear reports that the drum magazine malfunction during the shooting, maybe he reloaded the rifle with a standard magazine before the end?
I've always thought that, although I'm pretty sure he started using his Glock after his AR jammed so I don't know.

It's possible that he still reloaded just in case if he ran out of ammo for the glock or the shotgun.
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PostSubject: Re: Aurora Theatre Shooting crime scene photos   Aurora Theatre Shooting crime scene photos Icon_minitimeFri Jan 11, 2019 4:53 pm

He looks creepy in his photos. Those eyes freak me out.

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PostSubject: Re: Aurora Theatre Shooting crime scene photos   Aurora Theatre Shooting crime scene photos Icon_minitime

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