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 Mass Shooting In Texas; BABY AMONG THE DEAD!

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Mass Shooting In Texas; BABY AMONG THE DEAD! Empty
PostSubject: Mass Shooting In Texas; BABY AMONG THE DEAD!   Mass Shooting In Texas; BABY AMONG THE DEAD! Icon_minitimeTue Feb 12, 2019 1:37 am

>15-month-old among five people found shot to death in Texas home

>A family of five was found shot to death in a rural Texas home on Monday morning, sheriff's officials said. Officers found multiple victims of "apparent gunshot wounds" in the home in the unincorporated community of Blanchard, about 70 miles northeast of Houston, according to the Polk County Sheriff's Office.

>Byron Lyons, chief deputy of the sheriff’s office, said emergency responders received a call for help around 10:30 a.m. local time. The victims include the elderly couple who owned the home, Linda Delaney 72, and Carlos Delaney, 74. The other three victims are Ashley Delaney, 27, her husband, Randy Horn, 54, and their 15-month-old daughter.

>Authorities found one survivor, who was only identified as Ashley's mother by police. "The person who was found inside the house was not harmed; they were locked in a back bedroom," Lyons said. "She is being interviewed. She is not a suspect at this time."

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No confused

Familycide, drug cartel violence, or other?
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Mass Shooting In Texas; BABY AMONG THE DEAD! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass Shooting In Texas; BABY AMONG THE DEAD!   Mass Shooting In Texas; BABY AMONG THE DEAD! Icon_minitimeTue Feb 12, 2019 2:18 am

Mass Shootings happen every other day in Texas, so no surprise.....
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Mass Shooting In Texas; BABY AMONG THE DEAD! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass Shooting In Texas; BABY AMONG THE DEAD!   Mass Shooting In Texas; BABY AMONG THE DEAD! Icon_minitimeTue Feb 12, 2019 7:07 pm

I wonder what the deadliest lone wolf mass shooting of 2019 will be.

Brief overview of previous years:
2015 - Chris Harper-Mercer (9, 8) - didn't include Seifeddine Rezgui because he received some help
2016 - Omar Mateen (49, 53)
2017 - Stephen Paddock (58, 851)
2018 - Vladislav Roslyakov (20, 70)

Also, hearing about familicides often makes me cringe, especially ones where the parent kills their own children. Even from a selfish perspective, it's incredibly sick and stupid to destroy your own bloodline because it's the equivalent of trashing the vast majority of your future legacy.
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Mass Shooting In Texas; BABY AMONG THE DEAD! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass Shooting In Texas; BABY AMONG THE DEAD!   Mass Shooting In Texas; BABY AMONG THE DEAD! Icon_minitimeWed Feb 13, 2019 11:08 am

NSAhoneypot wrote:
I wonder what the deadliest lone wolf mass shooting of 2019 will be.

Brief overview of previous years:
2015 - Chris Harper-Mercer (9, Cool - didn't include Seifeddine Rezgui because he received some help

Help from who, he was a lone gunman who had links to ISIS.
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Mass Shooting In Texas; BABY AMONG THE DEAD! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass Shooting In Texas; BABY AMONG THE DEAD!   Mass Shooting In Texas; BABY AMONG THE DEAD! Icon_minitimeWed Feb 13, 2019 11:50 am

Ziamber II wrote:
NSAhoneypot wrote:
I wonder what the deadliest lone wolf mass shooting of 2019 will be.

Brief overview of previous years:
2015 - Chris Harper-Mercer (9, Cool - didn't include Seifeddine Rezgui because he received some help

Help from who, he was a lone gunman who had links to ISIS.
I'm pretty sure IS in Libya provided him with his gun.
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Mass Shooting In Texas; BABY AMONG THE DEAD! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass Shooting In Texas; BABY AMONG THE DEAD!   Mass Shooting In Texas; BABY AMONG THE DEAD! Icon_minitime

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Mass Shooting In Texas; BABY AMONG THE DEAD!
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