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 "Eh, just killing people"

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"Eh, just killing people" Empty
PostSubject: "Eh, just killing people"   "Eh, just killing people" Icon_minitimeMon Mar 18, 2019 2:22 pm

The other day I thought about the encounter with Dylan and John, the part where John asks Dylan "What are you doing?" and Dylan replies in a calm/normal sounding manner "eh, just killing people".

John said he was haunted by this because of the way Dylan answered so calmly. I thought about it a little, do you think Dylan was kind of in a state of shock during the shooting? Like thinking that they really did this (the moment the first bullet was fired) and there was no turning back and that he was more focused on his suicide more than what was going on around him?

There are other moments like the Evan Todd encounter that just seems like Dylan was "off" like he was preoccupied with something that was distracting to him. Evidence shows he was sober too so drugs/alcohol couldn't be blamed.

What's everyone's thoughts?
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"Eh, just killing people" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Eh, just killing people"   "Eh, just killing people" Icon_minitimeMon Mar 18, 2019 2:36 pm

joebox97 wrote:
The other day I thought about the encounter with Dylan and John, the part where John asks Dylan "What are you doing?" and Dylan replies in a calm/normal sounding manner "eh, just killing people".

John said he was haunted by this because of the way Dylan answered so calmly. I thought about it a little, do you think Dylan was kind of in a state of shock during the shooting? Like thinking that they really did this (the moment the first bullet was fired) and there was no turning back and that he was more focused on his suicide more than what was going on around him?

There are other moments like the Evan Todd encounter that just seems like Dylan was "off" like he was preoccupied with something that was distracting to him. Evidence shows he was sober too so drugs/alcohol couldn't be blamed.

What's everyone's thoughts?

I assume Dylan either saw John after Eric or recognized his voice (did he have a stutter or something?) because John is a common name and he realized it was John Savage. He even asked him to repeat himself and didn’t yell or anything.

It had to have been chaotic, it still amazes me that they were only in the library for 7.5 minutes....

When Dylan told him to run was it frantic like in zero hour or calm I wonder?

I think he was probably detached but I imagine he was growing impatient. The plan wasn’t working as they had hoped.

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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"Eh, just killing people" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Eh, just killing people"   "Eh, just killing people" Icon_minitimeMon Mar 18, 2019 2:53 pm

Screamingophelia wrote:
joebox97 wrote:
The other day I thought about the encounter with Dylan and John, the part where John asks Dylan "What are you doing?" and Dylan replies in a calm/normal sounding manner "eh, just killing people".

John said he was haunted by this because of the way Dylan answered so calmly. I thought about it a little, do you think Dylan was kind of in a state of shock during the shooting? Like thinking that they really did this (the moment the first bullet was fired) and there was no turning back and that he was more focused on his suicide more than what was going on around him?

There are other moments like the Evan Todd encounter that just seems like Dylan was "off" like he was preoccupied with something that was distracting to him. Evidence shows he was sober too so drugs/alcohol couldn't be blamed.

What's everyone's thoughts?

I assume Dylan either saw John after Eric or recognized his voice (did he have a stutter or something?) because John is a common name and he realized it was John Savage. He even asked him to repeat himself and didn’t yell or anything.

It had to have been chaotic, it still amazes me that they were only in the library for 7.5 minutes....

When Dylan told him to run was it frantic like in zero hour or calm I wonder?

I think he was probably detached but I imagine he was growing impatient. The plan wasn’t working as they had hoped.

I'd venture to say calm because that's how John described it.

He was definitely detached from reality. The adrenaline of it all probably made him seem calm.
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PostSubject: Re: "Eh, just killing people"   "Eh, just killing people" Icon_minitime

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