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"Jesus. This stirs up a few awkward memories for me. I'm not from Sandy Hook, but I had a class at WCSU with him and sat a seat away from me in the back row. My friends and I didn't know he was so much younger, and we'd talk to him a bit - a few times we tried inviting him out to the bar after class (that's when he told us he was 16,) He was pretty introverted, but I didn't think anything of it because I'm not particularly personable to strangers either. When he told us he was 16, we just figured he was quiet because he was in a class with a bunch of people who were a lot older. (The husband of the principal of Sandy Hook Elementary was also in our class.) The professor wasn't particularly nice to him either, IIRC, so I'm sure that didn't help.
Like I said, my friends and I tried to talk to him a bit, and since there wasn't anyone in the seat between him and me, I'd try to kind of involve him whenever we were talking about some dumb bullshit. (I will fully admit that my three friends and I weren't particularly well-behaved in the class, and two of us were only there because we needed the credit.) When I brought my laptop with me, I'd angle it so he could watch the YouTube videos we were watching. (There's one video in particular that I remember he even moved into the empty seat to get a better view.*)
While we had class together, I only remember really seeing his mom once, when she came in to either get or hand in an assignment, (forgive me, it's been like ten years since all of this.) She seemed nice, though, and friendly.
Eventually he stopped showing up to class, shortly before the midterm. People drop classes all the time so it wasn't a big deal. To be honest, my friends and I kinda liked him. We were obnoxious and weird, and he was quiet and seemed to tolerate it.
Fast forward to either late 2009-early 2010, and I was working at GameStop and he came in with his mom, and when they came to the register, I made small talk and joked about how he was "lucky" that he got out of that class because it was terrible. His mom just stood there smiling, and I think asked me something about the class he and I were in. I told them to come by anytime and they left.
Did I ever get an idea that he'd do what he did two years later? No. I don't speak his name because it's my way of disconnecting the quiet kid from German class from the person who unrepentantly killed 27 people.
*And I haven't watched "Daft Hands" on YouTube again since."