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 Virginia Tech Shooting FBI report

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Virginia Tech Shooting FBI report Empty
PostSubject: Virginia Tech Shooting FBI report   Virginia Tech Shooting FBI report Icon_minitimeWed Apr 03, 2019 7:51 pm

Was digging around in the FBI FOIA vault and found they had a document regarding the V-tech shooting. Although it was fairly redacted I figured I'd go ahead and post it here as it still had some interesting info:

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Virginia Tech Shooting FBI report Empty
PostSubject: Re: Virginia Tech Shooting FBI report   Virginia Tech Shooting FBI report Icon_minitimeThu Apr 04, 2019 12:31 am

Here's a powerpoint released by the fbi detailing to process of carrying out all the autopsies after the shooting. There's some interesting photo's of cho's clothing and the infamous sign he used stating bombs would detonate if they attempted to open the door. There's also bloody footprints as well as uncensored pictures of his corpse.

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Virginia Tech Shooting FBI report Empty
PostSubject: Re: Virginia Tech Shooting FBI report   Virginia Tech Shooting FBI report Icon_minitimeThu Apr 04, 2019 10:00 pm

exceptionella wrote:
Here's a powerpoint released by the fbi detailing to process of carrying out all the autopsies after the shooting. There's some interesting photo's of cho's clothing and the infamous sign he used stating bombs would detonate if they attempted to open the door. There's also bloody footprints as well as uncensored pictures of his corpse.

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Nice find
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PostSubject: Re: Virginia Tech Shooting FBI report   Virginia Tech Shooting FBI report Icon_minitime

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