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 What do you remember about the aftermath of the Virginia Tech Shooting?

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What do you remember about the aftermath of the Virginia Tech Shooting? Empty
PostSubject: What do you remember about the aftermath of the Virginia Tech Shooting?   What do you remember about the aftermath of the Virginia Tech Shooting? Icon_minitimeThu Apr 22, 2021 10:06 am

I was 13 at the time. I remember on the imdb forums they were discussing the identity of the killer with someone saying "Yeah here in America we assume it's the white kids who do this."

And someone said something about academic pressure that Asian students face and speculated if the killer was motivated by that. Someone else said "You get used to it"

My brother got suspended from middle school for saying something along the lines of "Killing over 30 people sounds really hard. Don't know if I could do that."

Later a radio host I heard of recalled the time that he blasted the students of Virginia Tech for allowing themselves to get killed. Saying they were wimps.

Then this radio host complained about losing sponsorship because of this.

I think there were mental health protocols installed at universities after this. I was mandated to go to a therapist every week in my college experience after many behavioral issues.

In fact the university police noticed my activity on this forum among other things and asked me about it.
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What do you remember about the aftermath of the Virginia Tech Shooting? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What do you remember about the aftermath of the Virginia Tech Shooting?   What do you remember about the aftermath of the Virginia Tech Shooting? Icon_minitimeThu Apr 22, 2021 10:41 am

myshame wrote:
I was 13 at the time. I remember on the imdb forums they were discussing the identity of the killer with someone saying "Yeah here in America we assume it's the white kids who do this."

And someone said something about academic pressure that Asian students face and speculated if the killer was motivated by that. Someone else said "You get used to it"

My brother got suspended from middle school for saying something along the lines of "Killing over 30 people sounds really hard. Don't know if I could do that."

Later a radio host I heard of recalled the time that he blasted the students of Virginia Tech for allowing themselves to get killed. Saying they were wimps.

Then this radio host complained about losing sponsorship because of this.

I think there were mental health protocols installed at universities after this. I was mandated to go to a therapist every week in my college experience after many behavioral issues.

In fact the university police noticed my activity on this forum among other things and asked me about it.
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Ah the "memories of them ol' farts" thread?  [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

I was in university. People at the forums wondered if he was a member of had played the game and if the forums and Danny would again get flooded with messages if it turns out he was in any way connected.
People were mostly curious about the body-count too. Higher than what anyone seen at the time.
I remember comments in Poland in the vein of: "Well, this shit will sooner or later happen in Europe too". A few months down the road was the Jokela shooting, so I guess they got that right.

Life is like a tram - you need to know when to get off.

"Bullet Time" - a school shooting film from Poland

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Age : 28
Location : Exeter, England

What do you remember about the aftermath of the Virginia Tech Shooting? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What do you remember about the aftermath of the Virginia Tech Shooting?   What do you remember about the aftermath of the Virginia Tech Shooting? Icon_minitimeSun Sep 25, 2022 7:17 am

I'm surprised that there have been very few Virignia Tech crime scene photos.
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What do you remember about the aftermath of the Virginia Tech Shooting? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What do you remember about the aftermath of the Virginia Tech Shooting?   What do you remember about the aftermath of the Virginia Tech Shooting? Icon_minitime

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What do you remember about the aftermath of the Virginia Tech Shooting?
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