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 Eric's 38th Birthday today.

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Eric's 38th Birthday today. Empty
PostSubject: Eric's 38th Birthday today.   Eric's 38th Birthday today. Icon_minitime9/4/2019, 14:50

Happy Birthday, Eric. I hope you are at peace now. I will say a prayer for you and your family today. What a painful month this must be for them.
I wish that you were just another anonymous middle age dude, lamenting how close to forty you are, maybe going to Outback with your family for dinner, then settling down to play some games on your big screen TV (the new Resident Evil 2 seems like something you would like), or watch a Tarantino movie with your woman. I wish that your time on Earth had not been so painful that you felt the need to self-destruct in such a violent way and that you had gotten the help you so desperately needed (though your parents did try). Finally, I wish all your great qualities: intelligence, diligence, focus, and creativity, had been put to a positive use instead of horrific destruction. What a waste! It’s just all so sad. Peace be with you, Eric.
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Eric's 38th Birthday today. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric's 38th Birthday today.   Eric's 38th Birthday today. Icon_minitime9/4/2019, 16:18

He'd probably have a family of his own by now.
Pretty crazy some of the students involved are close to hitting 40.
Seems like it was just yesterday.
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Eric's 38th Birthday today. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric's 38th Birthday today.   Eric's 38th Birthday today. Icon_minitime9/4/2019, 16:24

Twenty years ago today, he was celebrating his last birthday, knowing, waiting, expecting for his death to occur not long after.

I wonder how much it fucked with his head.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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Eric's 38th Birthday today. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric's 38th Birthday today.   Eric's 38th Birthday today. Icon_minitime9/4/2019, 20:39

For better or worse, my thoughts are with him and the family as well.

Has be said, "I wish that you were just another anonymous middle age dude" seems exactly what he was trying to avoid.
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Eric's 38th Birthday today. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric's 38th Birthday today.   Eric's 38th Birthday today. Icon_minitime9/4/2019, 20:44

“Has be said, "I wish that you were just another anonymous middle age dude" seems exactly what he was trying to avoid.“

Very true! You have a good point!
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Eric's 38th Birthday today. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric's 38th Birthday today.   Eric's 38th Birthday today. Icon_minitime9/4/2019, 20:59

Wherever he is, I hope he is celebrating his birthday in peace.

Look hard enough and you will always find a light ~ Rachel Joy Scott
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Eric's 38th Birthday today. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric's 38th Birthday today.   Eric's 38th Birthday today. Icon_minitime24/9/2022, 15:52

He did a terrible thing, but I relate to him and Dylan in some ways.
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Eric's 38th Birthday today. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric's 38th Birthday today.   Eric's 38th Birthday today. Icon_minitime

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Eric's 38th Birthday today.
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