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 Mass shooters and children

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PostSubject: Mass shooters and children   Mass shooters and children Icon_minitimeWed Apr 10, 2019 4:18 am

Not about them as children.

James Holmes – He asked the police: "There weren't any children hurt, were there?".
The youngest victim of the attack was six-year-old Veronica Moser-Sullivan. On the videotape, Holmes says he was remorseful and sad when he learned she was killed.
"I tried to minimize child fatalities by choosing a midnight PG-13" movie, he says. But he says he would have gone through with the attack even if he had known a child would die.
"I think I still would have carried it out," he says.

Adam Lanza – In Me: "Children are slaves to their parents' will in virtually every family."
"I'm certain that I would be a phenomonal father because I would foster a free environment for my child. S/he would never do anything "because I said so". Instead of treating her/him like a pet that can talk, I would treat her/him like a little person who doesn't know very much. I would not subject my child to my opinions: I would encourage them to think for her/himself"
"If we as a society taught children that they are independent of their parents and that they should not blindly follow them, they would not be abused by their parents in the way they often are. (Tie this into the "Adults enjoy subjugating children" argument?)"
+ Child « raped » by doctors

Brenton Tarrant – In The Great Replacement

Dylann RoofJailhouse journal : "I would have liked to adopt a White child if I had had the means."
+ A quote about how he can imagine a parent’s love for his/her child that I cannot find for now.
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PostSubject: Re: Mass shooters and children   Mass shooters and children Icon_minitimeWed Apr 10, 2019 2:31 pm

I know Anton Lundin Pettersson avoided small children and teen girls during his rampage. I guess he disagreed with Brenton Tarrant.
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PostSubject: Re: Mass shooters and children   Mass shooters and children Icon_minitimeWed Apr 10, 2019 3:22 pm

Nikolas Cruz wrote to one of his fangirls fantasizing about starting a family. Considering the cell phone search histories that the police revealed didn't show him looking up anything related to Sandy Hook, but did show how he looked up Columbine, Jokela, and several other high school shootings, I wonder if maybe he holds shooters who target small children in contempt.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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PostSubject: Re: Mass shooters and children   Mass shooters and children Icon_minitimeWed Apr 10, 2019 4:54 pm

mrbaby56 wrote:
I know Anton Lundin Pettersson avoided small children and teen girls during his rampage. I guess he disagreed with Brenton Tarrant.

Anders Breivik - "He says he deliberately selected the adolescents while sparing the younger children because, as he has told investigators, they had not yet been indoctrinated by Norway's Labor Party, which he refers to as the "cultural Marxists." "
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PostSubject: Re: Mass shooters and children   Mass shooters and children Icon_minitimeMon Sep 19, 2022 9:30 am

Michael Ryan told the police where his ammunition magazine was in the school because he didn't want any children to get hurt. George Hennard let a woman and her children leave the cafeteria with no physical damage.
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PostSubject: Re: Mass shooters and children   Mass shooters and children Icon_minitimeMon Sep 19, 2022 4:47 pm

Seung Hui Cho wrote a story called Richard McBeef for English class. It involves a child getting raped and child abuse. He must have had some care about children because of how innocent and naive they are and how easy danger can happen to them. Or he was just fulfilling a sadistic fantasy who knows?

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PostSubject: Re: Mass shooters and children   Mass shooters and children Icon_minitimeMon Sep 19, 2022 5:31 pm

DanielBryer wrote:
Michael Ryan told the police where his ammunition magazine was in the school because he didn't want any children to get hurt.

Maybe he said that because he realised the gravity of the situation and was starting to show remorse. I find Hungerford the saddest end to a mass shooting as Michael Ryan had a unique British sense of humour by saying that he didn't have the courage to blast his brains out.

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PostSubject: Re: Mass shooters and children   Mass shooters and children Icon_minitimeWed Sep 21, 2022 2:09 pm

While he was holding hostages inside his former High School Eric Houston would allow girls who were pregnant to leave alongside people who were distressed. Unsure if that was out of concern for the would-be mothers or the effects it may have on their unborn babies.

Between Eros and Thanatos
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